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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. focus pull 5 enemies -> swap to gs -> ambush = 30 stacks might
  2. Now look at conjured weapons; the damage wasnt nerfed at all. Earth shield can do 8k+ autoattack damage.
  3. Healers are really stupid and boring in this game because they refuse to add the ability to target allies, so every support skill is aoe (which makes it very easy to play) and usually heals yourself too so you are basically a tank + support rolled into one. It's like if every healer in overwatch was lucio but if lucio had the same HP as roadhog
  4. I apologise, I was talking about pvp, I don't know anything about pve.
  5. A single greatsword ambush with IH+DE can give 12 stacks of vuln (or more if you have clones out), big damage, and 25 stacks of might. Sword ambush stacks vuln with domi traits which -> damage. Sword ambush clones and clone on deception give you more clone gen -> higher damage mind wracks. Oh yeah sorry it is a pvp thing. Prob not viable for high level pve like raids.
  6. You should try power mirage, there you don't rely on a 105 sec cooldown
  7. Lmao you missed my point, that guy said Continuum Split is "broken" and "bonkers" so I made the point that distortion is also extremely strong and that's why losing distortion and getting continuum split is a good tradeoff for chronomancer.
  8. you can definitely do massive damage on power mirage too so CS is not strictly necessary. Core is lacking though.
  9. what needs fixing about CS
  10. Having a skill which makes you invulnerable to all damage and cc for multiple seconds, while being able to attack during it, is also bonkers and broken.
  11. Yes, downtate is objevtively overpowered rn, but that is a separate point to the question of its existance
  12. Downstate was a mechanic added to profile and market this game as a more casual mmo where players don't get punished for their mistakes. "You can keep fightning when you die!". It serves the purpose of the blue shell in mario kart, it levels out the playing field. And that's why it sucks.
  13. lmao i got out the popcorn watching you guys failing to calculate kitten in this game
  14. the worst part of gw2 are the teamfights, they should really make maps that make people spread out not cluster together
  15. Yeah it's a completely stupid trait in inspirations
  16. the latter is largely caused by the former, because there are so many visual effects important skills need big visual effects to be able to be seen. kind of a moment 22
  17. Yep, all downstates are very overpowered right now, not just resses but the downstates themselves
  18. 1. One hit (or, 10k hp) is a lot 2. You could oneshot in 2014 as well 3. That wouldn't be an easy fix. It would be an incredibly hard and time consuming fix. What I said was an actual doable fix
  19. 100% true, and the absolute easiest fix to this would be to revert the feb 2020 patch and increase base health pool in PvP by say 10 000.
  20. Thief is obviously the strongest roamer because of the mobility but even as power mes I feel like I have bigger problems with power rev in many ranked games, good prev just shreds your team edit: that said shadow arts is still degen and should be reworked/nerfed/deleted
  21. * bring back grouch oh wait no but seriously: * remove downstate or: * revert game to 22 june 2015
  22. Yep I would prefer to remain on the PvP state of 2015 rather than get a bunch of bad-to-mediocre reworks and overhauls that haven't done anything to increase enjoyment (beyond a short period of novelty after feature releases).
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