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Posts posted by Vinny.7260

  1. 5 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha! Morally wrong? Really? Is there Satanic imagery in the symbol of something? Does it slaughter children in their sleep if they see it? 

    I mean, it's fun pounding a symbol down after landing the chain, but if it's gonna tear good families apart apart or corrupt young minds, I guess I have to agree with you. Shame. It was a cool mechanic. 

    LOL! Idk, I wanted to add some pizzazz. And as the other person mentioned, it works great with that started build for perma prot. Mostly just PvP centric cuz I wanna get my rewards immediately and free! 😡

  2. 6 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

    @Waffles.5632 If we are going full meme kitten builds here are some old good ones (meaning total garbage for winning a game but 1 person will not be having any fun for the full duration of the game).

    Terror mancer, you get all the fears with enough random conditions to fill the bar but not actually doing damage while applying the fear first so not only people are cced but when they break cc they do kitten all since slow weakness chill and what not.

    The warrior of peace, you get all the ccs drop the damage even might take Rabid amulet for the perfect 0 damage main, but the trick is that in this way the person can feel the impact of ccs for the whole duration of the game.

    Trapper druid with rune of the mesmer, you take all the daze you can get a hold of and traps, since unblockable cc and pretty nice condi cleanse heal on the heal trap, its little bit less degen after the removal of ancient roots trait but not everything can be a degen winner.

    DH with Hammer and Bow, basically getting all the undodgeble ground barrier ccs, can switch to staff or mace/shield for Heal CC build which changes from cc cc cc to cc block cc to make the game sloggier.

    The idea here is not to kill the Ele but to make the game a kittening slog so they can feel the whole impact of their traffic jam build, full 15 minutes of no one doing damage and allot of people not being able to move.

    For Guardian I personally like the approach of going Firebrand with Sanctuary, Axe/Shield, and Staff. Take Glacial Heart and go heal mantra with Grenth Runes. Just be as annoying as possible. 😉

  3. 14 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

    Point is the double standards on show by the Dev team. Written in Stone is obviously causing a lot of problems but instead of a quick disable of the trait nothing, silence. If this was the pink class or smokey class it'd be disabled in a heartbeat and the trait nerfed so hard it would be unused everywhere for years.

    I will say that the overwhelming silence is putrid. It's a lil hurtful in a way. If you have a build that is heavily overperforming to the point there are video memes, people are agreeing with someone people typically DON'T agree with, and you have people who have never played Elementalist playing Elementalist and getting a strong W:L ratio, maaaaaybe there's something to look at.

    The biggest issue here is the lack of COMMUNICATION that there will be fixes, because currently damage to the community is being done and making people lose interest. If they'd at least communicate that they're looking into Catalyst, we'd at least be less up in arms about the situation. The fact the only way we can feel reassured is by being sarcastic and coping via making posts is heavily disappointing.

    That'll be my only rant about the whole Catalyst dealio.

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Make every hit stun your opponent for a quarter of a second. 

    🤣 Could you imagine though

    Reasonable suggestion: Have it recharge GS sword skills by a full (or 3/4ths, or half) second every time it hits something. 

    Now when you hit GS 2 you get cds back on your burst, your evades, and rush. instead of trying to create situations where the whole skill will hit in PVP, you have more mobility to play around with. And in PVE, where your entire skill will likely hit - hey, you just recharged- *retch* - arc divider, you can spin again now. 

    And it's thematic! hundred blades - > Gives you more blade skills. 

    Woah there, easy tiger. Sounding like Virtuoso with all this blade talk...


    Also GS Sword. Smh my head.


    I'd add a conditional statement to the skill where if you land more than 4 hits on that skill, get 25 might and quickness to mow down the new person who totally ate it.

    • Haha 3
  5. PvP in GW2 is mostly a memefest at this point as opposed to a truly competitive scene. The people who are ahead are gonna stay ahead.

    PvP is mostly what you make of it at this point, gather up some peeps and chill in Discord while having some laughs and doing ATs/Unranked with friends at this point.

    The stress of caring about whether or not RNG is in your favor shouldn't exist anymore. It just changes the color of the badge next to your name, which you can hide (or just not care).

    I'd love to see dueling arenas pick up again, the community around those were niche but genuine. You'd have the nostalgia of a troll popping in and causing trouble, they'd get chased down, etc. FFA doesn't allow for proper punishing compared to the wrath of dueling arenas.

    FFA is also pretty fun in its own right for havoc, going around abusing port bug with Thief Sword 2, Virtuoso Sword 3, Spectral Walk, and just being a nuisance is always on the table. There's also using your PvE powers and using turtle. 😂

  6. If traps are the problem, why not going after traps? Not changing the entirety of mechanics of traps due to a niche scenario.

    If you're taking too much damage from traps with Protection, Rabid, Dolyak- aside from dodging or just avoiding the trap, why not reduce the damage?

    This is excluding the fact Trapper DH is entirely reliant on Trapper runes, traps being good, etc.

    Trapper DH continues to be a devastating force in PvP after all these years.

    The methodology here has me confused.

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  7. 20 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    Engineer Profession and Elementalist Profession are the highest damage dealer Professions in the game.

    (oh I almost forgot about Thief Profession being at #1, than Engineer Profession, Elementalist Profession)

    But it's an Elementalist post! This is about the oppressive overwhelming power that is the Elementalist. You're tainting it with your mention of lesser professions! How dare!


    Pinches your ear and drags you out of the post.

    • Haha 1
  8. Hi all!

    I've always been a huge fan of the whole Hammer wombo combo from the old days of Hammer Mediguard. The most recent changes to Hammer 'improving functionality' feel kinda hit and miss.

    Biggest changes we got were Hammer 1 end-chain aftercast got sped up, meaning you can meme some sorta symbol madness (not good, but funny).  Hammer 3 now gives some barrier, and scales based on the number of targets hit. Hammer 4 (the iconic Banish) now causes your next Mighty/Glacial Blow to teleport to your target.

    Here are some changes I'd recommend to clean up Hammer a bit more.

    Hammer 1: Remove the symbol on the end-chain, make it give Protection in radius around the Guardian. 240 radius for 2s.

    • Having a symbol on your auto attack just feels morally wrong. Still rewards landing the end-chain with Protection, probably needs a damage increase to compensate the loss of the symbol.

    Hammer 2: Change the order of Glacial Blow from inflicting Chilled after to inflicting Chilled first. Consuming Banish to teleport now grants Resistance for 2 seconds.

    • Glacial Blow not benefiting from Sigil of Opportunity feels like a missed opportunity. 😉
    • Resistance to prevent being blinded last second or from Weakness ruining the fun of landing Hammer 4 into Hammer 2.

    Hammer 3: Add Vulnerability to the skill and cause it to reduce the recharge of Hammer 4 if it lands in addition to its previous effects. (5 second reduction).

    • Reducing the downtime of Hammer to keep up some tempo, if you will. Vulnerability to increase the damage of follow-up skills some more.

    Hammer 4: Now resets the recharge of Hammer 2 if it successfully lands in addition to its previous effects. The Banish effect also tracks in stealth now. Banish now also affects Hammer 5.

    • It's awkward landing Banish and not being able to capitalize on the opportunity due to Hammer 2 being on cool down. Resetting the cool down should help with this.
    • Banish not tracking in stealth feels like such a missed opportunity. Especially considering things like Dragon Tooth can track in stealth.

    Hammer 5: Now places Symbol of Protection in the area, lasting 4 seconds. Ring is reduced to 4 seconds and now is increased by Writ of Persistence. Banish can now be consumed to teleport to your target. (800 range teleport).

    • Punishing people for being trapped inside the Ring of Warding via the Symbol and provides some defense aside from the fact you can prevent melee engagement.
    • The slight reduction to the duration is compensated by the fact it works with Writ of Persistence, plus the fact it now deals damage.


    I definitely don't think these will make Hammer some META competitor but it will at least feel a lot more threatening. Hammer 5 can now set up Hammer 2 since it can consume Banish to teleport, Hammer 3 can reduce the cool down of Hammer 4, Hammer 4 can reset Hammer 2. Feels like it would increase the fluidity on paper. Giving the Banish effect options instead of just ONE choice to follow up feels like a much more fun from a game mechanic PoV. 

    Basically it can open up a combo of: Judge's Intervention -> Hammer 4 -> Hammer 5 -> Hammer 2/3 -> Hammer 3/2 -> They disengage.

    It also would increase the synergy with Willbender with Vanguard Tactic.

    What would you all do? 😄

    • Confused 2
  9. They should make it track like Dragon Tooth on Elementalist 😄

    Jokes aside, I think they keep it around because it's a multihit that generates Might with the GS trait. I'd love to remove the root at least though. Make us a beyblade like Reaper.

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    • Haha 1
  10. Bunker Chrono


    Cleric Druid (Specifically with Bristleback when it did like 12k).

    Cleric Tempest

    Harrier Firebrand

    Scourge + FB combo

    Release Scourge (Specifically the condi Curses one)

    CI Mirage

    Lost Time Chrono (Crit for 3k on CC, not rupt)

    Viper Herald (That Infused Res was nasty)

    Decap Scrapper (Throw Mine)

    Mercenary Reaper (with old Deathly Chill)

    Release Vindicator

    Boon Chrono (Phantasms + Signet of Inspiration to share all boons in the game)

    Cele Renegade (Prompted anet to remove Cele lol)


    These aren't in a specific order, just as I remember them

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Cal Cohen.2358 said:

    Alacrity Mirage 


    Last up is a rework to how mirage grants alacrity. We want there to be a better distinction between alacrity and non-alacrity builds, which is something that can be a bit blurry at times due to Chaos Vortex granting alacrity with no investment. This alacrity is being rolled into a rework of Mirage Mantle that improves all ambush skills in various ways, which can be seen in the patch note below. 

    • Mirage Mantle: This trait has been reworked. Ambush skills are improved. 
    • Axes of Symmetry (Imaginary Axes): Also inflicts cripple
    • Mirage Thrust: Removes a boon from struck foes 
    • Ether Barrage:  Grants quickness to self (1.5 seconds)  
    • Split Surge: Deals increased damage (25% in PvE, 10 in PvP/WvW) 
    • Chaos Vortex: AoE Alacrity (2.5 seconds for the player, 0.5 seconds for clones) 
    • Ambush Assault: Grants might to self 
    • Wave of Panic : Also inflicts torment 

    Imaginary Axes inflicting cripple is okay, but I'd advocate for bleeding instead since it's competing with 'Mirror Axes'.

    Mirage Thrust getting boon rip without Vicious Expression is good.

    Ether Barrage getting self-quickness is eh. Especially since it doesn't affect the clones, presumably. There's also the fact Malicious Scepter exists and can make it so Quickness only gets a 30% value. (Due to not stacking).

    Split Surge is good, solid, yep.

    Chaos Vortex, the main reason this trait got changed, is definitely getting a deal although it kinda sucks overall. I'd recommend making it function like Flow of Time where the base duration increased and counts as a single stack.

    Ambush Assault, cool.

    Wave of Panic, more condition damage, neat.

    I'm not gonna mention the Scourge changes, people have mentioned it enough.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Major thing that stands out from a PvP PoV for Mirage with Dagger.

    The daze on Phantom Razor. Consider removing that daze from baseline and merge into the future change to Mirage Mantle (improving Ambushes). Otherwise you're introducing a rather obnoxious playstyle. You could also just remove the daze from clones and make it a Player-only bonus.

    Dagger works great as a more aggressive replacement for Scepter on Chaos Staff right now but hinges on landing all those dazes back-to-back to reset your Pistol. Could use Ineptitude for blinds. Thankfully is countered by things like Untamed's bubble, Cata's INSANE amount of Mag Aura via Signets, etc.

    Dagger 2 is also using the old version of skill and doesn't track the target when not using Virtuoso.

    Shield feels good, forces Virtuoso to have more downtime since the block isn't baseline anymore via F5.

    Axe feels good for Core and Chronomancer.

  13. Core


    • Illusionary Membrane: Reduced incoming damage reduction from 10% to 5% in PvP only. | Nerfing the possible return of Chaos Mirage and Bunker Chrono.
    • Chaotic Persistence: Reduced concentration and expertise from 250 to 150 in PvP only. | Nerfing the possible return of Chaos Mirage and Bunker Chrono.
    • Illusionary Defense: Reduced damage reduction per stack from 2% to 1.5% in PvP only. | Aimed at, presumably, Chaos Mirage and Bunker Chrono... But a wiff? Could've focused Method of Madness instead.
    • Auspicious Anguish: This trait now has an internal cooldown when you become disabled. There is no internal cooldown when you gain distortion. | Fairly significant change aimed at culling being rewarded eating CCs.
    • Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced vigor duration from 8 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only. | Again, focused on Chaos Mirage and Bunker Chrono. Mostly Chaos Mirage.
    • Escape Artist: This trait has been reworked. It now applies distortion to phantasms when they are summoned. | The return of Phantasmal Defense but in Illusions? Competing with Phantasmal Haste? I don't know if that'll work out. Maybe for Power Chrono to ensure they land their Phantasms more often... I can see this working out decently for Power Chrono specifically.


    • Stretched Time: This trait has been reworked. Flow of Time affects nearby allies. Grant alacrity to nearby allies when you summon a phantasm. | Rest in peace Bunker Chrono using wells. Perhaps Persistence of Memory might be a good choice now to give Phantasms Alacrity and bounce it back to yourself? Bunker Chrono might still be possible but changed fundamentally. Might be using Inspiration again instead of Chaos.
    • Seize the Moment: This trait no longer causes Tides of Time to grant quickness and instead grants quickness to nearby allies when you summon a phantasm. | Net buff to Power Chrono with more integrated Quickness access, possibly with the intention of being equipped alongside Escape Artist. Also removes the awkwardness of forcing Shield for maximum potency. Can possibly take Pistol again.
    • Well of Action: The final pulse of this skill now grants alacrity instead of superspeed. | Cool to bring back some Alacrity to a Well, but doesn't warrant Bunker Chrono sticking to Wells.

    So far, buff to Power Chrono via ensuring phantasms can secure their hits (Phantasmal Berserker), and opening the option of using Pistol offhand again; gives allies more Quickness via Phantasms. Bunker Chrono might be playing entirely different now that they're not locked into Wells? Persistence of Memory instead of Shatter Storm to compound Alacrity gain from Flow of Time being AoE and giving Phantasms Alacrity to other Phantasms on Phantasm summon. Possibly Phantasm Chrono could be on the menu again?


    • Mirage can no longer dodge while immobilized or under the effects of crowd control. | This allows CCs to be more effective to a spec that already has the ability to do burst damage while dodging.
    • Mirage Cloak: This trait no longer reduces the mirage's endurance in PvP and WvW. | Finally the "Bring Back Second Dodge" forum post to fizzle out!
    • Chaos Vortex: Reduced clone bleeding and torment duration from 8 seconds to 4 seconds. | Shocked this wasn't touched sooner. Keeping Chaos Mirage in check.
    • Imaginary Axes: Reduced clone torment duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW. | Touching on the idea of Infinite Horizons coming back.
    • Split Surge: Reduced might stacks from 2 to 1 in PvP only. | Arguably should've touched the scaling instead of the Might stacks. But I can see the reason.
    • Elusive Mind: This trait now removes conditions when gaining Mirage Cloak instead of when dodging. Reduced the number of conditions removed from 2 to 1 in PvP and WvW. | This is HUGE. This is now giving the trait synergy with Desert Distortion, giving Mirage more cleanse across the board. Although the trait may not be strong enough to consider taking anymore compared to Infinite Horizons.

    Chaos Mirage got buffed overall, Ineptitude Mirage might be possible again, Carrion Axe might be falling off. Power Mirage might be back on the menu with the ability to use Infinite Horizons again without sacrificing a lot of sustain. ... Why didn't they touch the problematic Ambush? Mirage Thrust has be notoriously causing trouble in every meta where its aggression was superior to Chaos Mirage's defenses. They should've done something to Infinite Horizons.

    Overall: Chaos Mirage, Power Mirage, and Ineptitude Mirage might be back. Carrion Axe might be taking a nap.


    • Bladeturn Requiem: This skill no longer blocks incoming attacks. | No damage buff or CD reduction to compensate? Weird. Maybe they had more changes in the works but couldn't get them settled out in time.
    • Bladecall: If the original target of the skill is in range, the returning blades will now lock on to that enemy. If not, the blades will return to the player as normal. | Buffing Dagger to track is going to feel nice, especially with the other changes listed below.
    • Unstable Bladestorm: This skill is now a ground-targeted spell instead of a projectile. The spell strikes enemies in range in addition to firing projectiles at nearby enemies. | Another Buff to reward being in team fights? Possibly combos well with Focus pull?
    • Twin Blade Restoration: This skill will now always cleanse conditions when healing. The first blade will now always grant aegis, and the second blade will always grant vigor. | Should've been like this in the first place.
    • Psychic Force: Reduced cooldown to 25 seconds in all game modes. | Lowering the CD of an awkward stun break, might need more buffs to even consider still.
    • Blade Renewal: Reduced channel duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. | Less down time, more action and more open frames.
    • Jagged Mind: Increased bleeding duration from 1 second to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW. | Dagger changes + this might make this more appealing, Bloodsong might be a cool choice now.
    • Psychic Riposte: This trait will now always grant one blade and the unblockable effect when dodging. Reduced the number of blades granted when evading or blocking an attack from 3 to 2. | Still a really good trait, assuming the unblockable effect is moved to ONLY after dodging this could nerf the Aegis block -> block attack -> immediately press a bladesong -> get Aegis -> block ... combo.

    Virtuoso is probably going to be lackluster until they can roll out the other changes they're probably negotiating in the background. Illusions/Dueling Virtuoso might be a decent option with Dagger/Pistol and Staff (or Scepter/Torch).


    Overall a good list of changes for Mesmer elite specs. Mirage might be stepping up again and Power Chrono is still kicking. Virtuoso got an attitude adjustment and some buffs.


    Things to look out for:

    • Power Mirage
    • Ineptitude Mirage
    • Chaos Mirage
    • Power Chrono
    • Bunker Chrono (different build)
    • Bloodsong Virtuoso (glass cannon condi bombing)
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