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Posts posted by Vinny.7260

  1. 2 hours ago, Erick Alastor.3917 said:

    "Tempest is gaining the ability to grant Alacrity ... We expect this to be viable with 'Fresh Air' overload builds, but will be watching to see what else the community does with it- and what further tweaks we can make in the future to help it succeed"

    And now we know why HAT feels so clunky.
    I find it weird that they prioritized "fresh air builds" when giving alac to the tempest (the ele healing spec) considering that basically all I've ever read from tempest players were suggestions to implement it for healing purposes.

    I hope the tweaks they'll implement will be good enough to drop the bow and lessen the problematic nature of overloads.

    The fact they had Fresh Air Tempest in mind for Alacrity is kind of odd to me. I guess they were trying to pay a homage to DPS Tempest when it first came out. (It used Staff with FA/Fire to constantly overload for the 5% damage increase when it was in Harmonized Conduit.)

    I really like the idea of Shouts providing Alacrity rather than Might. Elementalist as a Profession has plenty of avenues to provide Might... Even if some of them are horribly scuffed for the Elementalist itself.

    Plus it being a Grandmaster would make Support Tempest decide between Regeneration/Vigor or Alacrity. I think that's an okay tradeoff compared to losing Elemental Bastion.

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  2. Condi Vindicator isn't exactly much better compared to the other Elite Specializations.

    If I were to guess with Vindicator you would definitely take boon dodge for AoE Chilled.

    This is probably what it would look like... It isn't as good as Herald or Renegade at doing Condition Damage unfortunately.

    This is Renegade's version that I mess with occasionally. It's Renegade so don't expect the same result as you'd get with Power Herald or Power Vindicator. (Concept is basically abuse Resolution access on dodge/Jalis Heal/Mallyx stun break for a 10% damage increase flat, 5 Kalla stacks gives an additional 15% across the board.)

    This is Herald's version that was originally meta once upon a time. (Except it used Resistance when it was able to constantly provide condition immunity.) The buff to Facets granting Quickness probably helps a tiny bit right now. Not as good as Power Herald or Power Vindicator though.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Vindi dodge animation is legitimately a more dramatic version of Vault except you can use it to dodge-jump over higher ledges than any other dodge.

    I hope they consider doing something to make Vindicator's dodge more interactive and actually fun to use. When you dodge you basically hold WASD to either land or get somewhere safe.

    23 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    broooo....🍔shroud 5 is the biggest joke animationwise... Highimpact skill on a low CD with absolutely no tell.... nice! The only thing that is coming close to the level of frustration is 🍔Elixirs.

    Shroud 5 is so weirdly buggy- as with Mechanist Barrier Signet bubble... Then there's the fact Elixirs are hella dangerous and you don't get any tell except for a small projectile in a mass of other things to pay attention to. ... There's also the fact you can't reflect Shroud 1 projectiles without it being a ground-targeted projectile reflect.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

    If support tempest can't be played without this trait then something is very wrong.

    Exactly. I do like the trait concept. Being able to get immunity to critical hits is a fair counter into power damage. Especially for a profession that is using Light Armor and a low HP pool.

    The issue becomes when it's encouraging players to do a less interactive play and just camp Earth Attunement.

    I've heard all the arguments about "But you're locking yourself out of your attunements."

    Do you have fun doing that? My suggestion above is honestly adding QoL to Tempest, adding a counter to a very passive trait, and buffing other avenues of using Earth.

    On 7/11/2022 at 3:22 PM, Stallic.2397 said:

    Honestly it's like Stone Heart was made specifically for tempest. Or vice versa

    This. This is the problem. Similar case with Powerful Auras. These traits are traits that are niche to the specific elite specialization, only work in a remotely useful way with this profession. Making Stone Heart improve Protection to grant immunity to critical hits (but also reducing incoming duration) would open up so many other doors while also giving it a viable counter to boon rip/converts.

    • Thanks 3
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  5. Evasive Empowerment was initially used in PvP when people were still figuring out Catalyst. It serves as an alternative to Invigorating Precision on the Arcane Line. (Albeit the other two options aren't as good right now.)



    • Like 1
  6. Stone Heart needs changed. At least to prevent camping of the attunement.

    Maybe something like Protection provides critical hit immunity but Protection to self is reduced. (Similar to how Improved Alacrity on Chronomancer improves Alacrity but reduces duration.)

    That way it is still possible to get benefit, somewhat buff, and also provides unique effects to the boon.

    The trait encourages an unhealthy playstyle, doesn't matter whichever way you slice it. Change how it functions, but don't kill the idea.

    Kills off attunement camping.

    • Thanks 4
    • Confused 3
  7. Definitely Harbinger is the most 'required' spec in a team right now to win. If you don't have a Harb and they do? You lose.

    Specter is also up there for a required spec in a team. Issue is that Specter tends to be harder to play compared to Harbinger so you don't see as many of them.

    Willbender is also up there but less so since the F2 nerf. It's the highest burst damage spec right now.


    Tempest support tends to be more common right now since most of the condition damage is on the sidenodes rather than teamfights. Supp Guardian has fallen out of favor slowly but surely due to the rise of high pressure and Willbender providing identical things. (They both provide AoE cleanse, AoE stability- which are the main benefits of the support.) Tempest provides Projectile Hate,  and constant Protection.

    Vindicator is good for the extra spot with its roamer boon dodge build or sidenoder bruiser build.

    Catalyst can also fill a spot with D/D Fire being pretty high sustain once gotten down. D/F Air can fill the spot for team fights with less cleanse but more damage. Hammer Catalyst is more meme material but can have some plays as a sidenoder or Bell fights in RotC.

  8. 2 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

    Yeah you see it even in Mirage, we have Speed of Sand which should already be in the Minor Adept slot, Mirage Cloak.

    If you do that, then you can now put Infinite Horizon as the Minor Grandmaster, freeing up all Major Grandmaster's for a rework/tweak/whatever, or at the very least freeing up one Major Grandmaster for something new.


    They're like inflated traits, but in the wrong way because they take one trait and split it up into 3 to fill up space. Meanwhile Firebrand gets +750 stats on a Minor Grandmaster as their trait. -__-


    At least our Vigor gives us +150 Condition Damage! 😄

    I have no idea why Speed of Sand is even a Minor. Just integrate it how Mirage Cloak works...

    We've also got a handful of traits we can't even use when compared to their other traits in the same line. Mirage Mantle could be baseline and put in place of Speed of Sand. Could legitimately put Renewing Oasis in place of Speed of Sand too... I'd actually argue putting Evasive Mirror in place of Mirage Mantle or something like that.

    ... Then there's Dune Cloak.

    Mirage traits need a rework, similar to Chronomancer. Just different flavor of confuzzled. Virtuoso has some useless traits as well.

    • Like 3
  9. IoV and Dazzling should be merged. No one can argue with that.


    It legitimately could just be 'Illusion of Vulnerability.'

    Dazes and Stuns inflict Vulnerability, interrupting a foe inflicts additional Vulnerability.

    • Vulnerability: 5 stacks; 8s
    • Vulnerability: 3 stacks; 8s (shhh shadow buff.)


    There are other traits that do the same sorta thing like Phantasmal Force in Illusions and Empowered Illusions in Domination. Why not just merge Empowered Illusions into Phantasmal Force? (You could say the slight difference is that EI increases clone damage too, but that wouldn't break the universe.)

    It could be 'Phantasmal Force.'

    Illusions deal increased damage. Summoning Phantasms grant you Might, which increase the damage of Phantasms based on how much Might you have.

    • Damage Increased: +15% Damage
    • Might: 3 stacks; 10s
    • Phantasmal Force: +1% Damage


    Just a pipe dream though.

    • Like 1
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  10. I want Wells/Shatters to do unique things while in CS, similar to Celestial Avatar and Glyphs for Druid. It's a mechanic you can't dodge because it's integrated into the identity of Chronomancer.

    There's also the avenue that you can make Stretched Time and Seize the Moment improve an aspect of those skills. Seize the Moment can make shatters do something extra while under Quickness (before giving themselves Quickness.) And Alacrity when initially casting a Well gives bonus effects or something.

    There are a lot of options right now.

    Chronomancer doesn't really need Distortion, they just need to make Shield a better offhand for PvP. And then there's also the fact it can't use a whole traitline.


    Tradeoffs. 😉 /jk



  11. There's a handful of ways Mirage handles their Clones.

    Mirage has 2 main skills that either break target or apply stealth (also breaking target.)

    The common Carrion Axe Mirage has https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lingering_Thoughts which generates a clone at the end of the cast from where the cast started. (There's a small lil portal like effect at the start.) It also doesn't require hitting the enemy to generate it.

    Carrion Axe Mirage also has https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axes_of_Symmetry which breaks target, evades, and causes all Axe Clones to switch targets to the same person. (This is the first/main target break.)

    There's also https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Prestige which breaks target via Stealth. You could theoretically use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escape_Artist which would generate clones whenever they stealth.

    There's a signet called https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Illusions which passively generates clones while in combat, or blades if Virtuoso.

    Carrion Axe also uses https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Deception. This trait makes generating clones super easy and fast for Mirage since it uses 2 Deception skills with relatively low CDs (30 seconds). It creates a clone if there's a clone on the battlefield, which can add up super quickly.


    You might be confusing stealth with target breaks on Mirage's case since it's the only profession (Mesmer) to use this mechanic. It's slightly different than Thief's main method which is actually using stealth. Doesn't help that you see a bunch of copies of the Mesmer you're looking for.


    • Like 1
  12. I think there would be an issue technology wise to be able to keep an ICD that only activates if a target is blinded while also being a PBAoE skill.

    It would be like Evasive Arcana (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blinding_Flash_(trait_skill)) having an ICD only if it successfully blinds someone.

    I personally find Blinding Truths to be useless. I'd rather it be Aegis to allies or something if they want it to be a defensive trait for allies. But then I think of PvP/WvW and invert a lil.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Chron-o-well: You basically spam Wells in CS, Tides of Time, etc. Your phantasms can soak up extra Alacrity/Boons for more Wells later. You can swap to Medic's Feedback if you want to res quicker and swap Mirror Images for Signet of Midnight to get blind/stealth instead of target breaking. (Notes on Shield 4 for Chrono so you can block 4 times: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echo_of_Memory#Notes)

    ReneHate: Basically abusing pulsing CC on Renegade to AoE heal allies constantly, cleansing on dodge constantly and getting Protection from your spirits as well. Your Mace is useful for generating Weakness to enemies to reduce incoming damage. You can swap Unyielding Devotion to Generous Abundance to heal more if your sustain isn't an issue.

    Healed: Pulsing boons heals allies, dodging heals allies and cleansing conditions. You also can get barrier based on your boons if you're concerned about sustain. Your shield offers Protection access, cleansing provides Protection. You also get pulsing healing in Ventari via Facet of Nature. It also offers a burst cleanse without energy cost. You can swap almost all traits around if you feel.

    Have fun!

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    • Confused 1
  14. 1 minute ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


    They've been doing it to pvp for years now. None of their behavior this patch is new.


    They removed amulet after amulet after amulet in an attempt to balance the game mode because of a few select problem metabuilds...but simultaneously destroyed many off meta builds that weren't a problem. It was like collateral damage, and also turned into a feedback loop in which strong builds no longer had other builds to counter them, which led to the next amulet getting removed...and that process just repeated until finally everyone had no choice but to run the basically the same amulets.


    The party has just now arrived to PVE. They want to now take the same philosophy and apply it there...homogenize everything. I already spent two comments explaining the issue with that, and it will eventually lead to the balance singularity: All classes will do the same things, and diversity will not exist...it will be artificial, where the only differences between classes will be only in name. 

    Basically just a game of 'pick your favorite color.' ... And also hope it's the balance team's favorite color too.

  15. 2 minutes ago, SugarJohnson.4596 said:

    They delete traits that effect skills and weapons one after another but come up with the idea that the player base needs 2 Well traits. A skill Type  which mechanically contradicts the game play. You can not make that up. 

    I mean, they did mention they're breaking original rules for specializations now... Didn't say anything about it being good.



    • Haha 3
  16. At least you can use Well of Calamity for a 5s CD shave on granting Alacrity to allies versus using the previous Well of Recall.

    Except now we just spam wells as a GM, are forced to take an offhand, and need at least 3 wells to keep reliable Alacrity.

    Quickness seems like a really weird identity issue since going it doesn't really provide a unique amount or damage or anything.

    The fact Chronomancer doesn't supply its own Regeneration still hurts me. We got Swiftness instead- feels like rubbing salt in the wound.

  17. I can see the buff being useful since we can now reliably supply Alacrity OR Quickness but can't do both. We still lack in damage and healing while doing so, sadly. (Hadn't officially tested in PvE but I can see potential for Quickness doing more damage while Alacrity can focus on healing more.)

    My biggest issue with these changes for Chronomancer is definitely the Swiftness on Shield 5... It could've easily been Regeneration just to give a small nudge towards the supportive side and providing better synergy with Chaos' various traits.

    There's also the fact we've now gotta take two Well traits to use wells most optimally. (Maybe in the future they'll merge the heal into Stretched Time via heal allies when granting them Alacrity or something. Who knows.)

    Baby steps. Maybe in 3 months.


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