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Posts posted by Vinny.7260

  1. 3 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

    Would be also dope if some water spells should be enhanced while casted on water 😄

    Funny enough! Water Attunement skills underwater were the hardest hitting out of all the attunements while underwater for some time! So I thought it was a pretty neat detail. :3c

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    To be fair I find it ironic that in this video the OP as a berserker face a spellbreaker using a greatsword a couple of time and that this spellbreaker down him while using hundred blades in the very part he is criticizing hundred blades. (At the 6:02 mark)

    Apart from that, I do agree with most of what's said in the video.

    I found it to seem almost intentional and loved it.


    I was a little irked about the Impale note on the Wiki. It seemed to got unsplit at some point and uses the PvE coefficient now. Icky.

  3. Sword Ambush has ALWAYS been so painful to land, if it were to be able to successfully land before Rush on Warrior... I think I'd start to question their biases.

    I kinda just send out a small prayer each time I use Sword Ambush, begging it lands when I've accurately timed the attack frame to interrupt their heal... Only to have nothing happen...

    It's weird cuz I think it has the same issue Reaper Shroud 2 has, but Reaper Shroud 2 at least has an AoE at the end of the attack, making it easy to just detarget and aim anyway.



    Also in regards to Mirror Blade tracking, it's farrrr better than Magic Bullet's tracking at a slight incline.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Not saying its a bad idea, but I cant wait to Spear myself, because some BSW had Aegis on him.

    What would happen if i pulled myself? 

    I could see it doing what it does when GS5 gets reflected, just passively ticks the effects it has (but only the baseline ones).

    Passively ticking burn and cripple would be icky. Impale but more annoying.

  5. It's kinda funny with the whole alts in PvP thing.

    It's a mixture of a few things:

    • Not wanting to lose rating due to bad RNG
    • Having an account to test the waters
    • Having an account to manipulate matches (not as common, at least during peak hours).
    • Having an account that allows you to test things (builds, stuff like that) without consequences.

    Gist of it is, people are willing to spend money to have safety nets to ensure at least one of their account gets a title or placement. It's a shame on them, but also rewarding the company for allowing them to do this.

    It messes with the rating system too with artificially inflating the matchmaking pools, most likely (not confirmed), and makes it even harder for newer people to get fair matches. A majority of good players, or players who take themselves (FAR) too seriously, tend to do this method to later on do things that would most definitely breach ToS. (Such as account selling due to having fancy titles).

    I personally think it's gross to do, but at the same time, if they manage to actually make a profit off it, or just enjoy being able to get constantly lopsided matches, good on them.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    I dunno if you are mocking here, but instant block is as bad as instant stability. Both now mainstays in the game becuase of high damage and CC spam -gw2.

    Uhm... Uhhh.... Audibly swallows .. Totally was a genuine response! 🙂


    • Confused 1
  7. 10 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Why on earth was my Thread about Flamestrike moved to the professions subforum?  

    I am literally speaking about Flamestrike INSIDE OF PVP.   In all other gamemodes it functions vastly different and needs no "fixing".  So it has exactly 0 relevance outside of the PvP subforum.


    Like.... you move that to the professions subforum, but keep Threads about suggesting weapons for professions:  "Give mesmer longbow!  Give necromancer hammer!   and  GIVE WARRIOR GAUNTLET FISTS!"     in here?   come the duck on xD     What are you doing? 

    will prolly get me banned cuz i am talking about moderation....   but whatever.     It makes 0 sense.

    Psssst. I didn't see anything about Warrior.


    You mean the spec that doesn't get paid attention to in this game mode? 👀

  8. 15 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    Gaurdian in general is a horrible class that is built from the bottom up to face tank. Dhs have enough of their own brainless block spam, but then put in a core gaurd and what is it?... nion 2/3rds of attacks are blocked, not dodged.. not conciously used, just fking random block spam.


    Half of gaurdians issues would be solved if they had to actually combo for blocks.. but we wouldnt want skill based mechanics would we?

    I got the solution. Let's make blasting or leaping in light fields give Aegis. AoE or self respectively.


    You said combos. 

    • Haha 2
  9. Just now, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


    "Okay but you can only choose one of those things. 

    And it's not mobility. 

    -1 patch later

    Or damage."

    -Anet,, probably 

    And then they add some sort of condition damage to it. Further encouraging the CZerker triathlon.

    • Haha 1
  10. Quietly walks through the forum to see any new posts...

    Drops a nicely decorated box. Wow, it looks nice!

    Looks like a lot of time was put into the intricacies in the folds of the wrapping paper, the dainty little red ribbon bow on top, the 'To: Reader' written in Comic Sans. You catch yourself salivating at the aroma emanating from it!

    Do you open it?




    Feel free to test other sigils, runes, and relics. I personally like using these. Gun Flame memes ftw!




    Wow. You bothered to read this and even clicked the no spoiler? Smh my head.


    Skitters away in a panic.

    • Confused 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Derenaya.3479 said:

    1. Condi Berserker
    How do you kill them? I'm mainly playing Holo (if that matters) and I'm aware that I'm not supposed to win a 1v1 against them but even in a 2v1 situation they either just don't die to the point where it's easier to ignore them or they do so slowly that by the time you're done with them my whole team wiped. I'm aware of skills like Shake it Off etc. but even outside of them their sustain seems a bit ridiculous. Is there a sidenoder (hard) counter for them? Anything special to watch out for? I'm assuming a skill issue on my side here.

    2. Capricorn
    How do you play this map if you have a weak team fight / they have a support and we don't? Normally I'd say rotate around the support but since the map mechanic pretty much forces a team fight I'm not sure if there a realistic chance of winning. Is this just an instant loss? Am I forced to make a support so we'll stand a chance? Any other strategy I didn't think of?

    3. Condi transfer
    If I (power spec) transfer condis from a condi spec, do these condis deal damage according to my stats or the stats of the original caster? I'd assume my stats are being taken into account for this.

    1: Not very favorable in your way at all. Best I can think of is somehow catching them between their defensives and getting them locked down. Most of them use Signet of Rage, so their main stun break is between EP/"Shake it Off!", and Berserk. You'd have to spend so much time catching around and avoiding them that it's not practical in an actual match setting. They also have 1900 Toughness, making it exceptionally difficult to hit them hard with Power. Best you can do is just continually kite them and manage to catch them between blowing all their defensive skills.

    2: Rotating is always a good choice, if you have someone who is particularly bunker-ish, you can have them holding a node while someone else rotates to catch their openings. Bell is the hardest part of that map without a strong team fighting comp, but if your team can catch the support at the right time, such as before they get to bell, it should theoretically be in your favor.

    3: Your stats are taken into account if you transfer conditions.

    • Like 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    I forgot about Virt tbh. lmao. slow mesmers rise up

    a couple of those you listed that I didn't touch on have unblockable you need to hug  someone mostly to use, which, I mean- not happening vs a trap DH.

    Virtuoso though? sure. and Ranger's still works of course. It just has a cooldown people may not be used to.

    Power Virtuoso turns DH into food.

    GS Bladesong scaling + boon stripping + unblockable + ranged pressure + invuln + disengage.


    That being said. I think the only thing people could arguably find problematic is all the Aegis their traps have now.

    • Opens up avenues like Defender Relic to be used.
    • Makes ToF a defensive.


    If people are having issues with Dragon's Maw... Maybe there should be a video made on how to dodge it- I imagine a lot of people dodge too late or something. There's plenty of time to react to it, such as dodging back. A lot of specs currently have access to Stability, even if it's a minor amount.


    If people are having issues with damage, just reduce the duration on ToF to 4s instead of 6s. Reduces the window of 'oopsie' as they walk on the literal blades jutting up from the ground.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, BonggangKikay.9576 said:

    can you explain? because that doesn't make any sense at all.

    its unplayable even with that bug. 

    DT deals bad damage, easy kitten to dodge that even my grandma could dodge it because you can clearly see a delayed explosion, and roots you in place with a massive sign on your head "kill me now" with the only source of defending yourself is an aegis with 40sec cd, the dodge is even delayed when you try to use it while charging.

    the only good thing BW is stalling with unshakable mountain and combat stim, if you are getting killed by a bladesworn at this point then sorry you're just bad because DT is such a pitiful ability.

    Bladesworn has been a victim of Shield Master bugs as well. They went and nerfed the Aegis sources, the defensives, and even their best GM (Unyielding Dragon) got butchered.


    This is a result of Anet's sideways approach to not dealing with the problem and only dealing with things that 'appear' to be happening because of other things.

    > "Woah, Bladesworn is really popular right now."

    >> "We need to nerf Bladesworn right?"

    > "Right."

    >> "Should we check for any odd interactions?..."

    > "Are you kidding?"

    >> "Haha, you're right. Let's butcher this fella."


    Catalyst, which had a notoriously obnoxious build, caused similar things to happen but to Core Elementalist. (Signet Catalyst :>)


    Fix Shield Mastery, fix Bladesworn's issues...


    Aegis should not be a pseudo Magnetic Aura...


    But also don't neglect the specs that are teetering on the edge due to a bug. Maybe give those specs a little love too. 😆



  14. Just bumping this after doing some testing.

    The aftercast seems to go away if you intentionally jump-cast the skill.

    Obviously, this shouldn't be necessary to avoid an animation-related issue.

    It also appears to be using Death Blossom's animation, and I think Death Blossom has that weird aftercast issue too.


    Why does Slicing Maelstrom ALSO have a lower coefficient than Breaching Strike? It's a -0.07 difference, but still.


    There is ZERO provided benefit to using Slicing Maelstrom at all. The damage is lower, the animation is slower, the range is lower, and it isn't even unblockable.

    They want to support weapon diversity and 'play your way' approach, but they refuse to do something about this weapon.


    Is it because it's Zerker...?

  15. The only reasons to really play PvP at this point is for the nostalgia and ease of getting into it.

    • No one takes it seriously anymore. If they do, they're probably ex-pros or frustrated at awful matches.
    • Easy dailies while doing other dailies.
    • Well designed combat system.
    • People with ADHD trying to wane off from GW2 over time due to it being their first big hyperfixation while growing up. (Hi!)
    • Memelords wanting to do funny things with their buds.
    • Haha 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    We mesmers aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but just give us a little bit of time to figure out what relic of the demon queen does

    We're still figuring out what Dagger does on Mirage slowly but surely!

    Just wait until we see what this... Rifle thing... Does.

  17. 12 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    gonna harvest some juicy confu for this....   but i wouldnt miss the snoozefest that is virt one bit.

    Mirage and Chrono are a-okay! fun to fight! but virt!? 

    OH MY.... it gives me depression, when i have to stare at them 80% of the fight, waiting for their blocks and invuln to be over.   i really question my life decisions during that time... 

    Hands down the worst designed spec and the most unfun matchup i can imagine.   

    I seem to get far more hate playing Mirage or Chrono than I do Virtuoso..

    Virtuoso is annoying to fight but easy to counter because of how awful the tracking on the projectiles are. (Don't change it, make it worse even).

    Mirage has the strongest dodge mechanic in the game, being able to do anything while dodging.

    Chrono is able to repeat itself like a skipping record to do things until people lose CDs.

  18. 3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Thats why adding survivability to Renegade is prolly the better way.   

    A cleanse here.... some prot there.... and you could maybe make it work somehow.


    Or.... hear me out....  

    reworked heroic Command:   -> This skill now grants the user 0,5 seconds of superspeed per Kallas Favor, consuming all Kallas Favor currently on the user.

    At max stacks that would be 2,5 seconds Superspeed.       At a max, this translates to 25% superspeed uptime when spamming it under perfect conditions... so its hardly op...   

    But it gives Rene a much needed speedboost, when the burst failed and they need to GTFO.  After the burst, you will likely have a few stacks, and can then burn these stacks to GTFO and reposition.   Would make perfect sense from a design standpoint.



    The trait "lasting legacy" would then also needed to be reworked. 

    When equipping this Trait, heroic Command no longer removes Kallas favor and you gain 1 might per stack of Kallas favor, ontop of the superspeed.


    I'd personally go the approach of targeting traits and reducing costs on the Citadel Orders. (10/15/15)



    And then touch some of the traits like Bold Reversal granting Superspeed on stun break. (3s)

    Change Righteous Rebel to pulse healing in addition to Alacrity. Nothing exceptionally high in number. Maybe something like 200(0.1) per pulse. Meaning a passive heal on a 16s CD (assuming Alacrity lasted the full duration), 1.2k healing wouldn't be game breaking, but on top of the fact it grants increased alacrity duration, reduces incoming condition damage, and heals. That'd give a massive boost.

    Increase Lasting Legacy's Might increase from 1 stack bonus to 2 stacks, meaning they get 15 might stacks on 10s CD. Also reduces the cost of Heroic Command from 10 to 0.

    As for Vindication, I guess just double the missiles granted. 20 missiles would be hilarious to see sent out, especially if you use a spot where AoEs bug out and send projectiles all into a single spot.


    • Like 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    This is so getting nerfed.


    What made that Holo decide to kitten themselves and eat a Phoenix, Detonate Fire Aura, Arcane Blast, Arcane Shield... Is beyond me.


    They legit trolled themselves facing away while they had their block up, smh my head...

    Flame Expulsion didn't even land yet... Maaaaan. I did 12k + multiple 3-4k crits yesterday with perfect conditions on my Phoenix -> Air -> Air Glyph combo. Was smexy.

    • Thanks 2
  20. 4 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    They could maybe make the turrets active effect stronger, because it feels lackluster. For the passive effects it's quite okay though. 

    Idk if this still is but turrets should despawn if you are out of 1200+ range. Because I remember you could put them on node when they were better and it was apparantly annoying

    I still get shivers from when Sentinel's Turret Engi was meta...

    You were able to throw your turrets up on non-melee spots and just prevent entire builds from killing your turrets and you were basically unkillable as well.

    During that time, Turrets were also immune to conditions and could not be critically hit.

  21. I honestly hate that they completely butchered Renegod.

    I could see it being a really fun support if not another alternative to a roamer.

    I remember when Harrier Renegod was around with perma boons and stuff. (Granted, everyone had perma boons back then too, but ye).

    Can we also revert the nerfs on Retribution since they reworked the Master traits on Vindicator? 🙂


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    • Confused 1
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