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  1. while they are not huge I am fan of the "longshot" rifles from Flame and frost they tick all the boxes for me Hyper Agressive Steam Kitty Style Believable feed mechanism (revolver) Optic Bayonet that looks like a Bayonet https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ash_Legion_Longshot
  2. being honest i red a more Gnostic inspiration I will say flat out Su-Wan is the Demiurge a creator entity that is not wholly good and could even to be argued to be evil. She sat idle while her children repeatedly layed waist to the world in past Dragon cycles. and may have even been involved from it herself! After all the stories passed down by the Jotun, dwarves and other ancient races don't paint any dragon in a good light. As far as we know "the horrors of the deep" may be caused by one of her old champions. heck she even looks like a Lion-Headed Snake
  3. main reason we did not get any changes is many people would have complained. while you can earn a Glowy Aurine inspired tricked by doing all the "return to" achievements it does feel like something that should have been a Epilogue item for the whole Dragon ark that a item for grinding the heck out of Living world for a second time. i suspect if you paired that trinket with the Aurine legendary weapons you would copy the look we had in the last mission. but honestly we did get shafted on the "champion glow" and the choice to keep it
  4. After creating a character instead of the typical cinematic you get a black screen possably related.
  5. the worst fight by far is the final one in Glints lair i rage quit that one and refuse to ever go back to season 2
  6. I hardly see humans as even being close to elves. For starters they are not even close to an old race they appeared in Cantha when the gods deposited them there from some other world in 205 BE than Balthazar encouraged them to go conquer the world. dating the Asura is impossible as they were basically a unknown until eye of the north but being a native species to Tyria they are probably as old as the Charr. As far as char we know they were there when humans pushed into Ascalon and possibly even further south into areas around the crystal sea as a multiple bes-reliefs of a human fighting a Charr can be seen in GW1's version of the tomb of the primeval kings (the wall where these carvings existed is collapsed by Brand in GW2) As far as the human collapse it is more of the result of being on the receiving end of a Violent reconquest by first the Charr and now the centaurs that closely resembles that of the Reconquista that happened in the real world (781 years of war in the Iberian Peninsula )
  7. I always found the human death in the game as Spaghetti western campy more than disturbing. Some of the Asura Death wales can be rather disturbing there is female death scream that's rather haunting also last words like "My role has ended" or "It all make sense now" are more disturbing on a existential level than just "You got me!" Being honest representation of Killing a intelligent being should be Disturbing on some level
  8. Nice False equivalence Goldclaw is basically ignorable no where do you ever have to interact with him to progress the story. the objectionable words used mentioned here are part of the main story line and as a result there is no way to just avoid them Being honest I was not that annoyed by the cursing except that the word "God****" was coming out of my Asura they don't believe in gods . there is a lot of dialog choices in EoD that simply do not do not fit the world i turned my sound off hald way thrugh the story and walked starburst to starburst half way through because so much of the dialog was that annoying prime example the mission "Your Kind of people" has some terrible example of Valey-girl speak Speaking with Akane <Character name>: Akane, right? Detective Rama gave me permission to be here. Akane: Okay. Yeah. That's totally interesting. <Character name>: I'm gonna dig through your archives. Akane: In the back. Knock yourself out. Ooh... I'll be keeping a close eye on you. Akane: Remember, some of those files are super off limits to you.
  9. Guilds in Gw2 have been needing love for a while fore example as another [TINY] member a lot of the issues we have could be cured by alliances and alliance chat like we had in Guild Wars 1 (guild allies were also able to visit the halls of allied guilds) Guild Content could use some love as well. and this could be done without too much work giving an example "Guild Strike missions" these could be special strike instances that a whole Guild Squad could enter that can potentially scale beyond just the 10 standard players of a regular strike. the beauty of this is every time a new strike is added new guild content is added as well thse events could drop a token that is tradable in a quantity for Accended Armor and weapons.
  10. all of my Characters are Asura the snark is part of the fun that goes with enjoyable animations and the grate voice acting
  11. on my mech if i am in town or knowing i am not going to in any big fights i stow the mech. sugar on top is dropping the mech during a fight is extra cc and damage
  12. As far as asura names you can put a specialty in front of it like "Golemancer Vekk" and it can be fun to think if good words to fit your characters class. for any race you can embrace the inevitable an name yourself Commander *insert name here*
  13. this name is a reference to older games that would have insulting names for "Easy Mode" Wolfenstine 3D for example had "Can I play Daddy" and Doom and Doom 2 had "I'm too young to die!" (Both of these would feature a picture of the main character in a baby bonnet and sucking a passifier) this happened in other games as well but i too am a person who is recovering from Brain Injuries and can't remeber them all Remember SaB is a love letter to 90's Gaming. unfortunately the reference is lost to people who never played these classic games.
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