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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Every time they buff/create power builds for ele...this community loses their kitten and will cry blood and tears on the forum for weeks/months till ele gets nerfed to a worst state than before those buffs and...cata boonspam? Your definition of boon spam is very outdated, because a 1/2s of resolution/resistance every 15s on top of the common boons with any build, can be hardly considered boonspam...the only reason people even bother with catalyst anymore, it's the hammer....I don't see d/d catalysts anywhere and if this boonspam would be anywhere true, we'd see loads of them
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect This should explain everything in detail about mesmer mains.....
  3. People emojying you, are those who barely know how to play a single spec on a single class and when they lose...they'll come straight here ..
  4. Ranger is like the one profession....even spellbreakers do well against. Played warrior for 1k hrs, 6k in ranger and the latter is the class I have the most confidence going against....to suggest ranger is that much better than warrior in any shape or form..crazy
  5. In a world where the concept of effort=reward is considered, playing a hammer cata is way harder than pressing 5-3 from 900 range while kiting around and a pulsing stability utility waiting ....oh and dmg reduction elite, and traits? Yes...in a world where effort is actually considered and we don't watch solely on the pro who succeed with something after weeks worth of practice and defeats....anybody can pick up the shortbow and press 5-3 while kiting with staff
  6. Yes nerf ele...while monkey builds like grenade spam are allowed to exist, something that GW2 would definitely do, even funnier when gw2 players talk about skill level, while they play monkey builds like shortbow renegade/vindicator....virtuoso/chronobunker.....bladesworn...all necro builds.....deadeye....what a kittening joke
  7. This is what I have warned you about....I warned you in all those nerf threads of yours that ele on contrary to all other professions has literally no base concept. Everything it's just stack as much defense as you can and hope to kill something fast at melee range, there is no counter pressure idea or range swap to change strategy, no...it's all about rushing in and combo as fast as you can in the hope of killing something. The majority of times you will be there on ele in the middle of all aoe spamming from ez/braindead mode of condi builds.....and that's what ele has been since launch, only now other professions have literally no weaknesses and can easily facetank ele dmg on average. They gutted scepter damage...when professions like necro can range passive you for 6k dmg with no animation, mesmers can 2 shot you from, 1200/while distorted , revenants with that shortbow 3 do 3x more dmg than dragon's tooth ever did.....yeah it truly sucks to be an ele, it was fun to play again for few months after scepter/ cata buffs, but now we're back to square 1 where the only thing worth playing is Tempest for the jokes, the reason why I shelved ele once again and this time forever, because this time I won't be here for the next "oh look ele is good again" phase in 4-5 years from now. Back on ranger for the time being, for that little time I will spend on this joke
  8. You know something is bad and worthless to play when people on a gw2 forum...laugh at you for claiming otherwise. There are no mention of elementalist anywhere anymore, not even silvers lose easily to an ele anymore, and the OP is a bronze rank...the only level where they would still complain about ele "luckily". And ofc 8 out of 10 eles now will be Tempest, which is the only thing worth logging in on the class. Elementalist is a class worth logging on every 4-5 years for a bunch of months, before it gets nerfed horribly and need to wait another 4-5 years for another go
  9. Please all of you... I am begging you lot to ignore this massive troll! Imagine complaining about a weaver...while playing a reaper.....I am kittening out of this forum, the gw2 playerbase is an absolute joke
  10. Blasphemy! How dare you to suggest, the OP got outplayed? Weaver is grossly OP/broken with those 2x extra evades full melee combat, that's clearly broken gameplay compared to the 12s distortion rotation into stealth into block into 1200 range burst of mesmer, which the OP mains....what the actual kitten, for real bro! We must nerf weaver right now! Remove those 2 x extra dodges! And let ele starts with 5K HP when selecting weaver elite.
  11. I mean....somebody must have realized by now how kitten is the catalyst traitline. No condi clear/no synergy with condi clear only traits 15s CD mechanic requiring energy and giving out 1-2s of a boon given in spaded to other professions with either a dodge or by just farting 5 traits dedicated to maintaining a stack of "buff" increasing base stats by an overall total of 10% and requiring a full-blown PvE rotation, golem style, to keep Like...a core ele is almost more useful than a catalyst overall, like wait a kittening moment every single one of you There are literally no condi clear/sustain traits A 15s CD mechanic to get a 2s resistance/resolution...and I need another 15-20s+ CD combo finisher to get this boon Elemental empowerment? Does anybody know how to do simple math? You need a full PvE rotation 30/40s to enjoy 10% stats increase for 15s and there are 5 traits dedicated to it....like what the absolute hell is this crap? The utilities are atrocious...... They nerfed/removed a couple of gimmicks making catalyst worth playing(shield utility on 25s CD-10s jade sphere and hammer), while never touching the whole kitten traitline and that's what we are left with now. Out of every 10 eles I see now, from PvP to WvW, 8 will be Tempest.. and I don't need to wonder why.
  12. They better invest in this game...nobody in his right mind would ever buy another game made by Anet.....
  13. I am setting myself up for failure, too many expectations I know already won't be fulfilled. Yet, that won't stop me from dreaming about the possible scenario for the upcoming pistol: Fast animation, on par with dagger MH.... Fluid gameplay opening twitchy experience Hybrid dmg with good coefficients At least, a single source of defence No less than 900 range, ideally 1200 range All I want is to get access on ele to something that would allow me to show the middle finger to kiting trolls, The scepter simply doesn't cut it, a good weapon for team fights but not good enough anymore for single fights and that is what I expect Pistol to be, be it projectile or not. Now the worst that could happen...it's for Pistol to be a PBAoE weapon similar to Bladesworn 🤮. Time will tell but at the very least, whatever we get...I hope it will be: 900 range Min Fast animation At least those 2 x-factors are a must for me, I need a ranged fast duelling weapon on ele..and I hope that Pistol will finally fulfil that dream after 11 years of waiting (for a little while scepter was good in this role, but then...we know the history)
  14. What about the spammable unblockable marks, large pbaoe and conditions overload plus shroud soaking dmg? There is a valid reason for lack of blocks...the professions with blocks don't have nearly as much hp and more
  15. Just...wtf is left to nerf on ele? the kittening name?....They should praise the gods, there is still a bunch of idiots playing this joke of a class
  16. Those sorts of threads should just be considered a whimsical rant from a bruised ego...somebody just lost a 1v1s and needs to vent his/her frustration. We all know that each profession can, at any given point in time, have access to overperforming abilities in need of tuning down but.....that's different than expecting the whole profession to be neutered out of spite, that never happened so far...and yet some people still believe that professions should be nerfed out of the game. Within the scope of this thread, I'll just say this: asking for overall nerfs without describing the actual problem, makes your level of skill, quite obvious and that extends to whoever supports you. Luckily it would appear that the current balance team works using actual data rather than ranting threads filled with emotions
  17. It should also be simple to stop mesmers attacking through distortion
  18. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_of_Ambition This skill..hands down is the dumbest idea I've ever seen in a videogame. I don't understand the logic...because there is none....this is just griefing
  19. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper's_Shroud Consider your current level of understanding in general before opening the browser....but before that you could read your own class skill description....even if not strictly necessary to succeed....you are a clear example of that P.S The fact somebody even reacted to your post....a testament to the whole charade in gw2
  20. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Claws Are you sure about that? A 1.33 coefficient is for Dragon's tooth and that thing got a huge kittening animation of a whole meteorite hovering on you for 2s before dropping...and that still got gutted to the ground....but sure a hand wave can be considered just as effective....sarcasm off
  21. It's easier to fight 2 x deadeyes plus a soulbeast or mesmer at the same time....than a half decent necro player, given how bloated and UNNERFED is their toolkit, literally received negligible to zero significant nerfs since 2020, even the hard hitting skills lile axe 2 got spared by Feb2020 power dmg nerfs....a 900 range no animation, no path attack on target doing upward of 7k dmg
  22. And stability on shroud plus quickness making it easy to land shroud 5 aoe CC, all this on a 10s CD which reduce dmg by 50%
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