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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. You make good points but...the community well know of specs using the same gameplay as this one-shot SB, and my question is: why are those other builds allowed to exist while Ranger should be removed?. I would have no issues removing this sort of gameplay but the main issue is that "balance" gets applied based on selective memory. We still have builds like: Grenade engineer Chrono Shatter And I have only mentioned builds with equal if no more access to stealth burst than ranger, could have mentioned other obnoxious oneshot builds equally as cheese. Also the big giveaway here is that both those builds are AoE burst. Grenade engineer is truly kitten to face, especially when there are 2 x of them in the enemy team, something already showed by winning MAT team, then distortion into shield block into stealth into teleport into 1200 range burst mesmer is far from being equally kitten
  2. It is a good pet...amazing I'd say for condi builds..therefore It won't last long xd, enjoy it while you can
  3. I heard this argument before and my question remains to this day: WHY? People on other professions can literally roll their face in the mud and come on top while kiting/healing all kittening day and pew-pew from safe 900/1200, most times with attacks devoid of any dodgeable animations EX.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Claws All balanced arguments aside, this lack of cohesion between professions is not typical. Neither should be tolerated and If you can't bother to redesign anything, then bring ele to a certain level compared to other professions and....tell people who whine to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Nobody wants a balance where 5 eles teams dominate everything but...I think we can reach a proper medium without butchering weapon skills P.S And yes...it's kittening frustrating to play due to the constant chasing you have to do to apply pressure, everything and his cousin just speedy Gonzales around map while pewpew from a safe distance...it's kitten gameplay I am just glad that I started a 2nd main eons ago once I realized the direction ele was heading...Otherwise I would have quit years ago even before PoF Launch
  4. Thank you for the tip. Completely forgot about new pet. It seems useful and more balanced than EoD pets, there is no 30s skill , guess they do listen to complaints and criticism about pets. A 30s CD for a simple attack is way too high and the reason why the EoD pets are not used, the same story for core pets...30-40s CD for F2...c'mon. The CD and utility of this pet are indeed useful, it will become a player's favourite for ranger. GJ on pets for once since HoT!
  5. Do town criers get a week off?...jeez they work hard every single day
  6. Maybe we should also make other professions good only in the right hands? Let's stop patronizing when people expect to have results with minimum effort..then have the face to tell others to learn to play as "ele is good in the right hands"
  7. If the damage is low....gw2 playerbase cries" can't kill bunkers" If the damage is high....gw2 playerbase cries" omg...I die in 2s" If the damage is medium......gw2 playerbase cries" omg things don't die...game boring"
  8. Same ol' Ele is back in town.... All I ever asked is to bring ele up to speed with other professions, but the moment that happens, all breaks lose. This kitten community so used to have a handful of people playing ele that the second the class becomes a little more accessible for those who want to enjoy the concept without forcing themselves in suffering carpal tunnel and stiff fingers by the constant smashing of keys...following a hardcore rotation worth of Guitar hero on nightmare level. Same old problem...and was so happy for scepter changes..."no more full melee with kitchen knifes BS"...alas it didn't last long...with scepter gutted...back to square 1....full melee BS without the sustain to kittening support the gameplay. Where other professions can chain blocks/evades/stealth like no tomorrow....ele instead with their paltry 11K base HP must rush in with nothing but double dodge and some cantrip...same kitten I decided to quit ele for some time ago...came back for catalyst changes and especially scepter changes....for few months felt like I was playing the class as it supposed to be played since GW1 , and now back to the shitshow that it's GW2 ele...see you again in 5-6 years if the world still here and somehow they decided to make this class viable again for few months worth of gameplay?...yeah guess so
  9. Cele willbender and harbinger, It's virtually pointless to try anything that hasn't got the same level of sustain against them....12 years in this game and this is the first time I give up......they're simply far too broken, celestial gear is an utter disgrace for a so called balanced gameplay, that's all
  10. 3/4 of cele harbingers have both Runes of Speed and the corruptive cloud. and to have enough dmg to be a threat as sic'em SB, you must 100% glass cannon with close to zero sustain...and necros..happen to have 1200 range unblockable marks applying chill/cripple and from there is just pew pew till you run off that couple of cleanse you have on sic'em..then a rush and float and it's game over with the IWIN elite elixir. Even at full zerk build from weapon to gear on something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POQAMlRwAhZiF71+reEpB-zVIYRUwXC2eACo7PAA-w And if lucky you bring the cele harbinger down to 30% HP...after using your 40s+ CD burst...a mere 70% dmg and you give up everything for that dmg...so sic'em a necro in wvw?.... Must be bad Must have everything on CD Must be at less than 70% HP Anything less and you lose....cele builds are ridiculously tanky and ranger dmg has been neutered a lot, on top of being easy to negate, if you want power to wrestle a cele necro, your best bet is glass chrono/vindi...played well P.S you know something is bad...when there are no a dozen nerf threads on the forum or simply nobody ever mentions it
  11. Then the harbinger is full celestial and face tank your whole pewpew combo...even if you are full zerk with skirmisher and beastmaster....ever tried to power dmg a cele tank with perma protection and dmg reduction food?
  12. Dunno why they emoji you now...they will all cry later...the combination of the torch knock down and pistol pewpew will be very annoying to deal with
  13. Warrior has incredible mobility with GS, then add leaps with dagger...you can dodge just that many times...now FC trigger off even when not no action taken(dunno to this day if this is bug) ...now they go Rampage....to still claim that warrior, especially spellbreaker, can be considered anything but too strong...shows a clear picture of gw2 playerbase
  14. Then make a thread and ask to buff elites like tornado...that nobody uses
  15. This should be indeed a requirement and it would go both ways. It would prevent people from using clear l2p issues as a chipping argument and would stop people from defending the undefendable
  16. Amazingly good now! Pretty devastating to initiate fights with it, smooth animation and utility, 5 out of 5
  17. The main point behind GW1 success was the dev driven balance and there was no official GW1 forum the best part. The PvP community was well and alive 8 years from launch in GW1 with guild actively seeking new players to train and join GvG mode and people on their end doing their best to get Fame Emotes....GW1 was a paradise
  18. Till some months ago...people would laugh at you for running a full signet ele. For years and years, people would regard signet build as fringe gameplay, for T5 wvw or something...now you can create powerful aura builds, competitive and feared....an excellent job from CMC Years ago, ele players were getting memed for shatterstone and even the devs at the time used to meme ele players with shatterstone "buffs"...then CMC came along and people rush to dodge ..the same skill they were laughing at A skill gone from pepega PvE status to utility level heal plus some dmg....amazing design change Linked to a skill now giving barrier and resistance...but you complain about some dmg nerf Turned from meme suicide skill to leap pressure skill...lol.... an extraordinary change, again from CMC Before you had to pray or use about face/LF combo to hit moving targets..or even dash off a cliff...now you hit targets like a charm....200% efficiency buff 0 Condi dmg? You still stack burning pressure with scepter...just now you actually have to play rather than pepega people to death The skill still tracks the target forcing a dodge, still applying aoe burning and dmg...and you want more In the end elementalist has never been in a better place than now since 2012, with everything viable and competitive like never seen before. Some time ago, I used to log out due to frustration, been brought to a point where I was close to deleting elementalist completely despite the 12k hrs spent on it. Never been happier to play an elementalist in GW2...more than this and I'd have to go back to GW1 to get even more fun out of the concept class. This game was released in 2012..and for the first time ever, I see people taking a double take when they see an ele....rather than rushing in expecting an easy kill, especially necros...don't see them lot laughing that much anymore as scepter is here and resistance access to skew their chill spam Since 2014 when Jon Peters left....the elementalist was reduced to horse manure status due to main balance devs actively hating the class(that Solar guy saying:"complexity should not equal results") then CMC came along and the ele renaissance started. Try to keep in mind where ele was not too long ago: Be forever grateful for what CMC has done to the class! You would not be here nitpicking on some dmg nerfs for scepter...you wouldn't even be playing scepter anywhere if not for CMC
  19. That's simply untrue...current scepter is anything but unplayable..dunno you but killing people with the auto-attack is nothing short of broken and claiming otherwise is truly something
  20. The PvP changes didn't completely destroy ele, threads like these are grossly overeactions for nothing really. Ele was toned down to expected levels, anybody else claiming otherwise is obviously out of touch with reality. It cannot be ignored how much CMC did for ele, the class was literally in the lowest levels of the gutter before CMC came along...he has revamped entire weapon sets, skills and utilities left untouched by uncaring devs since 2013...and for ele community to say anything but :"Thank You CMC for everything"...it's really bad taste and let you realize how out of depth is the MMO playerbase these days
  21. Nowhere?...this build is just another Pvp gimmick not played anywhere else and subsequent nerfs nobody also would care about....the whole ranger class atm is like..."meh", I play it now because I had for years now but...I am a multi-main player and ranger right now is not something I would recommend to anyone..not even my worst enemy. Investing in a ranger in 2023 is truly a waste of precious time, the classes to play moving forward are: 1) Guardian 2) Revenant 3) Necromancer 4) Engineer
  22. You are no wrong....I am tired myself of this kitten poor joke of a balance, literally if you have no clue what to press...make a guardian or necro and stop thinking about your next action...just press any button off cd, it's bound to be almost instant aoe skill
  23. All your streamers say the same thing.... WvW players say the same DO YOU COMPREHEND THE WORDS: UNBALANCED GAMEPLAY? OR YOU SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A kitten AS LONG AS CASUALS CAN COPE?
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