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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Astral pets and damage reduction traits are both old ideas thrown around for years and always ignored by Anet, who instead focuses on nerfing those "few" remaining pets that suddenly may gain usage after some random update and a new pvp build is born. Nobody cared about drakes....all of a sudden it got nerfed to oblivion...meanwhile there are dozen upon dozen of never used pets anywhere.....and everybody use HoT pets/bird because they're the only ones not insta dieing to a breeze in GW2 2023
  2. There are so so so many mesmer running around like headless chickens, spamming distortion off CD using then either torch or decoy...PU kitten and what more...I am afraid you will have to identify yourself better, I don't have a list of all hamsters running around on their virtuoso, chrono bunker or core condi. I MANAGE TO KILL SOME OF THEM BY MASSIVELY OUTPLAYING THEM DESPITE ALL THE CHEESE CARRY THEY HAVE....AMAZING HOW THEY LOSE EVEN ON MESMERS... but yeah....it's overall a losing battle against distortion spam, reflect on dodge, stealth...and some even use double MoA form...lol killing those ones it's even funnier.....what impresses me the most about the GW2 playerbase is...FOTM class always happen to be the most skilled....last post here, I am wasting time anyway. I look at PvP...or even wvw, you see dozen of mesmers ...or yes those must be such skilled players...so many of them...and they are all so skilled
  3. This is not wvw...without celestial, willbender is not that great overall...it's not used anywhere
  4. Pretty much this... Everything right got speedy gonzalez speed while pewpew huge condi burst from 1200 range......sword weaver decent in a small scale with support but awful as a roamer, you literally have zero chance to catch up with anything. Although the condi burst of a sword weaver still remains a scary encounter for any melee spec so there is that... I still play it where it's safe to do so
  5. Never fixate yourself on a single class...never do that brother! The only reason why I am still here it's because I have 2 x more mains to jump on when the dry spell for ele starts, and this period of time with the dev team, it must have been the longest period of time when ele has been left in a playable state, aka enjoyable to use. Catalyst brought back more than half the ele players you see now, you wouldn't see nearly as many eles now in PvP and WvW before cata and, the scepter rework. Before cata and scepter rework you wouldn't see even a single ele in Monthly tournaments
  6. It's just god-awful balance "managed" by less than stellar devs...the class design in GW2 is truly kitten
  7. Of all classes..you suggest the one that is even worst than warrior in wvw....
  8. Realistically gunflame is the only 1shot build that can be a threat to celestial zombie herds...hence the complaint, I am actually amazed that in 2023 there is still a high risk=high reward build in gw2 wvw
  9. Annoying but...it's the semi-equivalent of Tower Ranger, you won't ever see a solo roaming Gunzerker (maybe rarely)...hardly an issue for me when there are far far far more AIDS level builds, out there that on top of doing massive dmg... also have the sustain of a support build
  10. Conclusion: Pet Mechanic is God Awful and soulbeast is the saving grace of ranger..otherwise there would be zero reason to even slot this class
  11. Ranger is now one if not the hardest class in this game to play well...and not because it's relatively weak..it's because everything else has been powercrept to insane levels, people got access to builds that literally play themselves...
  12. Virtuoso?...Are you joking? It's super super weak.....these players in this thread are dying to longbow rangers, you must have missed all the gank groups of rangers roaming around..... See?..Virtuoso got several blocks/stealth/invulnerability...while ranger got only the GS block...no way in hell that virtuoso can compete with a ranger
  13. Show us what to do once "your opener" fails if you are that good: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POAUGBDELjZiDgFwDeEvB-w It's so good of a class and people don't know how to use it accordingly to the forum and yet....this is wvw right now:
  14. What you found out is that suddenly you get to win fights....and they all happen to have you on a condi build....
  15. If you'd need 3 different stats to make condition work..I doubt you'd run it in the first place. Few months after the condi rework in 2014, one of the main GW1 devs(John Peters) clearly stated that it was overperforming but nothing came out of it as all GW1 devs left. There is a reason why amulet choices like Mercenary and apothecary were removed from PvP = easy sustain while maintaining killing potential due to the condition rework, allowing tanky builds to rank up 20+ stacks of condi...effectively achieving burst dmg with none of the trade-off like low sustain with glass stats like power dmg build have. This is why you run condi build.... all benefits...zero trade-off
  16. It's great for condi builds but..if they remove the evades just to add some numbers to the power aspect then yeah...it will just end up in the trash bin alongside MH dagger
  17. They'll better not touch the evades from sword, it's the only reason why I even bother to use a sword, it's a defensive weapon and I hope they enhance the mobility aspect as they stated rather than adding a power component and if it must be added, it must not be at the expenses of the evades components
  18. Agree I'd say, I could live if at least they'd remove the ground targeting from Toxic Shot, it's literally the 2nd source of torment for ranger and it'd be great to see it improved. Definitely ok for Pve but too hard to hit anything in PvP with it, too hard if not impossible when you have literally fractions of seconds to react
  19. People don't get pissed because they can't kill you...people get rightly pissed because you can kill them in return! If you want to run a super tanky build to troll people or whatever...that's fine, good for you, but that should be the end of it, you should not be able to go toe to toe and win against somebody who instead decides to invest in offensive builds to end the fight fast. Willbender, harbinger, catalyst...too much kittening dmg for the sustain they can have.......it's stupid design and the proof is...3/4 of people "roaming" atm are willbenders and catalysts ...coincidence?
  20. Maybe we can reduce the animation cast time of ambush skills from 3/4 to 1/4, it would make life easier when facing other power creep mobility meta. I am used already to timing skills on Ranger. Still, playing other professions I can't help but notice that ranger gets treated with unnecessary caution when other professions enjoy a faster APM while still maintaining an easiness of access overall. A 1/4 cast animation would not break the balance, or make Untamed much easier to play...but it would make it fairer to use. -Multishoot -Savage Slash -Toxic Shot Have too much of a wind-up even before the animation starts, it's like a whole 3/4s channelling on top of the animation that takes another 3/4s to finally release and hit that target (assuming the attack does not get reflected/block when you get the wrong the timing)
  21. Funny...the same class using Moa has a meta build.....called chrono bunker...the irony....I say we need something to counter distortion
  22. Funny though....mesmer is always at the forefront of those degenerate bunch, remember condi mirage? It got called degenerate from the same devs who made it and now we have virtuoso/chrono bunker rotating distortion into stealth.....leaving very little to no room to pressure a decently played mesmer....sounds like the very definition of degenerate gameplay
  23. No...quite the opposite...bunker builds show up when the cat aka burst builds is out
  24. On the other hand, while celestial harbinger is an asinine design....celestial catalyst is not much different if not worst, in than the rest, I say it as ele...cele cata is pure kitten and I believe the biggest culprit is the cele gear
  25. Got used to gunflame but yeah...what a kitten design....nothing more to say about harbinger..as there is nothing left to add on the subject
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