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Hyper Cutter.9376

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  1. The Bog Queen was Alessia, from the initial Mantle settlement.
  2. Another problem with the tokens is that characters can't use them the first time round, so if you want to do map completion on alts you have to do the hearts the hard way every time.
  3. I feel like if people's advice for the adventure is to tailor your entire build to beating it, the adventure might be a little overtuned. Just saying.
  4. It's long past time engineer (and elementalist, really) got to swap weapons in-combat like everyone else, it's an archaic holdover from over a decade ago that just gets clunkier with every new weapon they add.
  5. I feel like the fire autoattack should apply burn, at least. It's weird that it doesn't.
  6. Almost as if basing the price for crafting a precursor on what it cost on the TP at the time was a bad idea.
  7. Frankly, the cannons should just fire when all 4 gerents are killed, like how it works one map over with the Octovine.
  8. I was going to be cheeky and say "reactivate the original vendor", but it looks like someone beat me to it.
  9. Also they should have moved the Debate Hall POI too, maybe move it close to the door so you didn't need to get inside to trigger it.
  10. Hopefully they finally make the upgrades account-bound, something that's years overdue.
  11. All the activities (festival and otherwise) basically do, even the ones that don't involve direct combat like the jps or Sanctum Sprint. Used to put your character in their PVP armor and everything, back when that was still a thing.
  12. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel, the crafting system for gen 2.5 legendary weapons could easily be adapted for armor (just make a legendary shard recipe, let's call it "Shard of the Envoy", that uses silk and thick leather the way the weapon shards use mithril and elder wood, and you're basically set).
  13. I'm assuming it's going to be a 3-pack of (presumably jackal) skins released sometime in the coming weeks, like the bird springers from a few weeks ago.
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