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Everything posted by kodesh.2851

  1. I agree, look no further than Rampage for proof. I know it's still "better" than other elites but it just feels off and I don't like using it anymore.
  2. Yassss, a little extra velocity and shorter cast times would go a looong way :)
  3. I agree with this, stab should just get removed not turned into a control effect, and imho chilled makes no sense for resist to corrupt to. It would make more sense to corrupt to vulnerability (if it must be on the table) and would still make resist worth corrupting but wouldn't totally shut you down. Right now the corruption on stab/resist makes them more of a liability vs. good necs as you hand them free fear/chill procs.
  4. Second, I play D/F Lightning Rod Tempest and it's funnnn
  5. I may be in the minority but I really like tempest and the feel of overloads. Only a few things I would love to see tweaked to bring it up to level with some other specs: -Harmonious Conduit - should apply more stacks of stab and/or pulse stab. As-is it's just enough to make the overload an okay stun-break but you usually need to "cover" overloads with other skills to have a chance at completing, especially if there's a necro around cause it WILL get corrupted.-Channeling/canceling overloads - I think the increased attune CD should only happen if the overload completes successfully. I'd also reduce the channel times from 4 seconds to 2.5-3 seconds.-Aura application - IMO It would be nice if it was at the beginning and not end of the overload.-Overload Water - Add a pulsing (low) damage effect and chill enemies in your path, bubble briefly dazes enemies when it "pops" at the end of the overload.-Overload Earth - Make the final dust storm effect larger and pbaoe on the caster-Overload Fire - Make the cast time the same as other overloads (currently says it's 4 but is actually ~4.5)-Overload Air - Increase # of enemy targets back to 5 from 3. That's about it imo, some minor tweaks that would really help tempest viability in pvp without a major re-work or making anything stoopid OP.
  6. I much prefer tempest or core FA for fighting any flavor of necro. On weaver I usually go fire/sage and find it pretty even, just try not to let them stall the fight long enough for them to get a plus
  7. Second. I like all of these suggestions. All of the elites are SO spec specific and situational I often don't even pop them in a match or just use them for some mobility then drop FGS or nado when I'm safely away. The only one I actually find impactful is Tornado but only when specced with Air/Lightning Rod and even then it's clunky and hard to use effectively without blowing a bunch of other CDs first to support it.
  8. While I do think rev is fine doesn't need any further nerfing, the OP's reasoning is laughable at best, and makes me wonder if he may suffer from ptsd from abuse because of the glaring insecurity it shows :/
  9. LOL and reporting them probably places hidden dishonor stacks on you
  10. Thanks for sharing the build. It got me playing with D/D again and it's excellent. A couple changes for spvp made it even better:Drop water for fire. Yep! You actually get more clears from auras than water regen application if not taking weaver GM 2. Also you no longer need to blast to keep might up because of pyromancers puissance. You just shred things, it's super fun compared to sword also imo. So much more mobile. Better still was core d/d. Air, fire, arcane. Take lightning rod and swiftness runes. Nothing can kite you and you can kite everything. Chain rupts and immobs. It was especially fun vs spellbreakers and scourge, they simply don't expect to be stunlocked by a core ele ;)
  11. Wow great catch on this. In the early days of HoT I played ranked basically "full time" for a couple seasons and never cracked 2k games in a season. That was being on 8+ hours daily. Side note it totally burnt me out on ranked for good so I would be doubly suspicious of anyone putting in thousands of games a season. The ranked fatigue is real lol.
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