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  1. I've been having trouble deciding what to grow in my garden. I switch so often I feel I'm not using it well. I pick random plants. What do you guys grow? Do yoi grow something for a dish you often cook? Do you grow something that'll make you profit? Are you as indecisive as me? 🤣
  2. I think I understand what they're explaining to me. It makes sense. I've been playing this game for 11 years and had PC with an i7 that was either 6th or 7th gen and I recall running the game on mostly medium and high settings. I would get about 60 frames even when my zerg would clash with another. Also, you're right about the character settings I run. I have reflections, shading, and shadows on low. The two character options towards the bottom I switch from time to time between medium and high. Sometimes when I'm doing map completion in core Tyria I set them to highest and get frames of about 50. Now I struggle to keep 40 on medium settings and I gotta keep my distance using some siege weaponry. I think it's worth mentioning that I use the 'best performance' preset when I jump into a SOTO map sometimes. Usually it's because of an event. My frames struggle in those maps. I appreciate the replies. I was getting frustrated tinkering without getting results I wanted.
  3. Yep. As an engineer main, I feel 'stuck' when I play mechanist for this reason alone. It also clashes with the color scheme I have going on.
  4. I don't know what's going on here, but I feel like the game isn't optimized well. I have what today would be considered a mid-range spec. I have a 2060 Super, 10th gen i7, 16gb ram, a z490-v mobo. I am by no means a tech savvy person, but I know a bit. I still experience the game with 20-40 frames per second unless I'm in an empty map. I mean empty as in core Tyria empty. And I even start hitting single digit frames when I'm doing a convergence. I run the game at mostly medium settings. Am I missing something? Does anyone else experience this?
  5. How much credit do I get for partial participation?
  6. Would someone explain map bonus reward acquisition to me like I'm 5? Thank you.
  7. Haha... so it does. Well that helps, but it's not what I was hoping for.
  8. Where does it say how many more recipes I can discover with the item?
  9. Maybe I don't understand it. Don't I have to guess what it is that I need?
  10. Is there something I can use to see what recipes I still haven't discovered? I tried the efficiency website and the wiki, but the wiki doesn't like them all and the efficiency website only lists the non-discovery stuff.
  11. I'm curious to know if those of you who only play one race or have that one race you refuse to play feel like you're missing out on anything. Things like special dialogue.
  12. Weapon skills bound to C, 2, 3, 4, 5. Prof skills are space, tab, ` and X. Utility are 1, F4, R, F1, T... who has something crazier than that?
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