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Everything posted by NotTooFoolish.7412

  1. I'd rather Anet just fix every single bug in the game before they turn to any new playable race.
  2. The xpack wasn't ready when xpack launched. And it made me very sad 😭
  3. Not sure if it's just me, but the task in Wizard's Vault just didn't get ticked after completing Kodans strike mission.
  4. Lukas lock should be fixable with instance swap (if you find a working one). Just don't blast him with full raid rotation xD The final chest thingy is more of a problem. But we all have enough toons to try the chest, right? Still not a fan of any mini-dungeon being a part of daily rotation. I'd rather see them moved to weekly, should help avoid ppl getting stuck and unable to progress. Also patch tomorrow should give more options for dailies (so we can skip some?).
  5. I think the suggestion is not to force change it for everyone, but giving a bit more customization options for those who want it. At least for me, being able to position certain parts of HUD better would be incredible.
  6. Now that I think about it, why did they start making npcs whisper us since EoD? Revenant Legends are using Say chat, that doesn't hit other players. Did someone tangle the pasta?
  7. Imagine if the intro to the game gave ppl that tutorial instead of 'here's how you move, go bonk some enemies there' and then *insert a gif of simba yeeted of the cliff* 'good luck, have fun'. At this point I feel like we'd be better off if the games forced us through a tutorial no matter the experience.
  8. At least this one worked and doesn't bug as often as the other one. I thought they removed both from the daily rotation, cuz it has a chance to lock too. It is surprising how quickly it came back in the rotation.
  9. I hope that if or when we kill her in the story, she'll finally stop talking to my toon. I play herald, I already have plenty of voices in my head.
  10. It's dated. Some more customization wouldn't harm anyone.
  11. We already know a bit about it, I hope you enjoy doing rifts (A LOT) for all 3 armor sets.
  12. It's 3 chests per character at lvl 60+. The characters don't need to finish any story, but I assume they needed to be lvl 60+ before SotO launch.
  13. You can get the daily. For doing nothing really xD On 12th of Sept, there should be a patch to give more options.
  14. I ran into the same issue today, apparently others in my instance tried a couple of matches. They couldn't pick up the crabs in either of them. Luckily daily can be done by waiting out the timer, however this also means that none of the crab toss chievs can be actually done due to a bug. It feels almost as bad as that missing ship hitbox in Aether Path in Twilight Arbor.
  15. I'm right there with you. Especially after I've put it next to the Arborstone Scroll xD They share a very very similar icon.
  16. Tail, I have more of a problem with its face. it looks a bit peculiar
  17. Don't force ppl to look at PvP and WvW in there. Give ppl the choice of content, just give them a couple more options for daily, so you can skip something. PvE only is fine, bugged content is not fine there. So keep the current thing and either remove all bugged content from dailies or introduce 1 or 2 more dailies that ppl can choose to skip the bugged parts. Simple solution.
  18. You can already start working on collections for Obsidian armor and hoarding materials/currencies for whenever it releases. I won't but some ppl might enjoy that.
  19. lol, it was barely any effort, the only long part was getting the saddle again, cuz you need a bunch of new currency.
  20. You posted on forum, you already chose PvP. On the serious note, I'd rather end up some currency short than go out of PvE.
  21. I think that's one of the issues. I think the masteries needs a 2nd look from Anet. Something I've noticed on skyscale, it's not that easy to break from the leyline once it catches you sometimes. Might be something to consider as well.
  22. Yeah, I checked out the map later today, I see the problem now. I guess the best chance is to go in very very very very early in the day. But some of my friends have hit a somewhat fresh map and got reward in the middle of the day too.
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