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Everything posted by Titan.8215

  1. Thanks for the clarification, really appreciated. Why 8 sigils tho? I understand 7 runes (6 for the armor and 1 for the breather) but why 8 sigils? Afaik you only can use 2 + 2 on both set of weapons + up to 2 in the aquatic weapons.
  2. Fixed link and thank you I'll follow that thread. Sorry for making another one.
  3. Hey, I want to report this bug to see if there is any solution of it happen to others. I've had it sometimes on other characters but not too noticeable to be annoying.I've been mapping from 0 to 100% a fresh character (daredevil) and I've realized that sometimes the character its just inclined while moving. It's annoy me a lot because character just move a bit weird specially on ramps. Here is a video about what I mean: Here is how you move normally, if you want to compare the character's inclination. Does anyone know how to fix or minimize it? I think I get that inclination issue after using staff 5 or staff 2 often, after dismounting, or idk... Excuse me for my english and I hope you can understand what I mean. I didn't get that issue that often like now. Oh, and you can "fix" it relogging but it usually come back after a few actions. Good day.
  4. Hey there, I got a confetti infusion and its working fine on myself, but I asked two friends and even if they watched the effect, from time to time they told me that the effect was not showing up, specially when I ride my mount and go a bit far from them. Its weird because its only on them because I always see the effect and also its only confetti since I have aurilliim, chak, etc and all still working but confetti dont. Its this a visual bug? I mean its ok because i dont have any bug but its not fun when you want to show it and some ppl dont see it. The only thing which fixed it was re-equipping the infusion but its annoying to do it everytime it not show up.
  5. Next time it should be at least mentioned on the patch notes. I was liking (and I like) the buff damage, but removing lesser lava font its make a huge change in how ele can come back in fractals and open world. Maybe could you just restore it?
  6. Could anet give an official response about this? I dont care about pvp, but on pve it was one of the few cc's ele can do w/o getting all the rotation ------, the delay on the animation and also the cc makes it weak and clunky.
  7. I crafted 9 sets (3x3) for each class, there is any chance that we get the materials back at least a portion of them? Because while this is great for me for example for the trinkets, its terrible for the armor since I spent a LOT of gold crafting them because I didn't know (as other ppl) that this wanna be released. Hope we get any compensation...
  8. How many of those changes from pvp and wvw affect to pve (I mean, not split)? or they are a minority? Also, are you guys in that release introduce changes for pve only or its just a pvp/wvw balance patch?
  9. Is there any chance that we'll get a matchmaking queue (even if its not ranked) for 2v2 / 3v3 / 15v15 (if exist) mode? I'd like to play 2v2 but I don't have people to play with and also no rewards (only for the sake of battle) doesn't makes me feel to play it. But otherwise I'd really like to play it as another game mode. I'm not refering only for mini seasons, but permanent.
  10. Why they ask for feedback or want to hear what player think if after that they just ignore it... After 2 weeks without any new response I doubt we'll get any news...
  11. This is pathetic, this should be a feature from release and we get it 7 years late and with limited slot. I don't know if devs actually play the game, but only for fractals with my elementalist I have at least 10 different templates, specially for gear, which we'll get 2 per character. Is this a joke? ffs, if you want our money just do a great expansion, this game need new content from long ago. I thought that the legendary sigils and runes costing more than a legendary armor was a joke and now this...
  12. I think that you should split class mechanics between game modes, because you don't need to **** scourge in PvE just for WvW and viceversa, like you do with the skills. This already happened with Chrono, due to lots of nerf in PvE, now support chrono is gone in WvW. Split class mechanics in gamemodes please, and try to rollback changes if they are bad (like Chrono F's or new Scourge class mechanics).
  13. I don't understand why people cry so much about "multi-loot" abusing. The boxes are not worth it in terms on spent time vs rewards. Yeah you can have really good luck and got an infusion, but that's really weird. If you can loot more than one, what's wrong? This isn't as abussive as Tarir was.
  14. Please, just restore it, its so annoying to introduce manually the data.
  15. I don't like nothing the new system, the 2k mount is abussive, but I can understand. Which I don't understand its 30 new mounts under RNG for 400 gems each one. In an extreme case, I can understand the RNG If you would divided the licenses in 5, one for each mount with it respectives 5 mounts, that would cost 2k gems max. to get what you want, but man, if I only want a griffon, I can't spend more than 100€ or insane gold quantities just for one. And I would really like that you introduces some mounts skins as content reward, one for fractals (with a large collection or challenges maybe), other for pvp... and overall an exotic mount skins with a %drop from the final boss of the new raid wing (also exchangeable for magnetite shards (3-5k for example). The starbound / phoenix griffon it would have been a great reward for that.
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