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Everything posted by Scolix.4879

  1. Like i said the old system had its problems but this new system is just crap the only differense that i see it has going on is everybody i knew from my server are now gone and the situation is exactly the same team balance vice as it was before so to me it was just completely wasted time from developers if they wont change things anymore and looking at how slow they do things i really have no hopes left that anything will change other than them patting their backs for well done job.
  2. The whole thing is just complete crap. Restructuring what the fudge that even means when there seems to be absolutely zero structure or plan in this whole project? The old system was not perfect but atleast i knew the people i was playing with and knew what was going on. Now this new "structuring" is like constantly playing a new game with everyone running around like chickens that have their head cut off and the balance is exactly the same crap show as it was before the new system except now its just complete chaos with commanders being not shown so nobody knows what the heck is going on.
  3. Personally i don't even see the point on whole thing as it took like 4 hours or so to WvW return its unbalanced state only difference is that server community feel is now gone and i have no idea who any of these people are that i am with in the battle. Also there seems to either be no commanders on our team or tags are constantly just hiden which itself makes the whole gamemode unplayable because you can't see where our team is or what is going on. Whole new system is just dog crap.
  4. To me what is way WAY more problematic and unfun in WvW compared to celestial gear is boon blobs and the fact that the game has way too much CC for my liking.
  5. I don't really understand what was even the point of doing this whole thing when it took like less than half a day to become same crap show as it was before except now the old community feeling is dead and gone completely...
  6. Yes it has laser plus its actually fun virtuoso keeps me entertained like maybe 30 minutes or hour at max and chrono i never liked at all. Personally i play what i find fun over something that is deemed "meta".
  7. Not a casual player but my opinion about that armor is i have no interest on collecting that as it includes doing crap like rift hunting so much that i lost interest just by looking what i would be required to do.
  8. Sure but then can i opt out on doing heart quests as i hate doing so many of them?
  9. My thoughts are if there would be GW3 will it have WvW if not then i don't really care at all. Not really fond of starting over again really either as i have already started so many mmo's from the scratch. As for graphics and such i don't really care at all. Other than that i am not really keen on new mmo's in current greedy climate as GW3 would propably not follow GW2 style and would propably adopt something horrendous like the one Star Trek Online has.
  10. It all depends what GW3 would offer and does it have WvW. As for crap like "better" graphics i literally could not care any less about that as "better" graphics are like number 175 of my list what i want from new game.
  11. Pistol has its problems but for some reason i just like it might be because it feels so chaotic to play with it in WvW scepter might be way better but personally i find pistol far more enjoyable it just works how i play the game.
  12. Not only that but bring back the old kit backpacks too i just hate that they never added them back as cosmetic back item skins.
  13. 1: Blobs unfun to play in unfun to play against. Make sieges do 3000% against giant blobs. 2: Wall pulls get rid of that crap. 3: Infinite stealth and teleports. It should be one or the other not both. 4: Useless defend siege. Too weak and because of wall pull crap its just useless to even use them if you don't want to be pulled through everything on site in the middle of a blob. 5: Edge of the Mist and how its just basically dead now.
  14. I would start with making defending places more fun as siege stuff is so useless. Next get rid of giant boon balls its unfun gameplay both playing in one and fighting against one. Thirdly putting some development effort and time towards wvw gamemode would also be nice. But all in all i just wish if GW3 is even a thing it would have WvW because if not i really have no interest in the game otherwise WvW is why i first took interest in this game and it also is the main thing why i have been invested in the game for 12+ years.
  15. All they need to do is make walls stop the autorun if you hit the wall problem solved.
  16. That too and then the player eats the cassette and you have to do that too all over again.
  17. Holy crap how lazy can people be nowadays. Man i would like to see current day people to boot up old tech like C64 and wait for 30-45 minutes in a loading screen and then mess up and die in 5 seconds only to load up it again.
  18. ALT-F4 I hate stealth and stealth classes its the most unfun mechanic to fight against not just in GW2 but any game ever made.
  19. It needs the reconstruction because during the beta event it was actually almost always 24/7 fun to play the normal wvw is just way too unbalanced its unfun to fight agaisnt 2 extremely organized servers when your server only has people playing in weekends and peak times against people who seem to have no jobs and can be online 24/7. Its just not fun at all to log in and see your team has 200-500 points against 2 servers with thousands of points and when you go to actual maps only thing you have is the base camp on every map with people spawn camping your team. Only thing it does to me is to make me wait the next reset and hope we get actual fun servers to fight against with actual fun and more balanced battles than just massacre.
  20. I got to say that its actually amazing how they managed to make magical pistol wielding gunslinger concept this boring and then go and up the ante by making it annoying and unfun to play with too. I really don't understand what is even the point of the pistol at this point when scepter does the same with 95% easier and without giving you a tendonitis.
  21. I feel like that Ken Jeong meme when i try to see what is going on especially with those bullet icons. The game definitely needs a scalable UI for this kind of stuff because honestly its impossible to see and track those small icons.
  22. Ok buddy. Next elementalist weapon will be melee dual wielding long bow/shortbow combo with mainhand support skills and offhand having two teleports.
  23. I wanted pistol (or rifle) but the execution is just kitten poor its just way too clunky to use and doesnt do enough damage to excuse yet another mechanic on top all of what elementalists already have. Also if we would go what people ask then we would have 9 professions with greatswords and or bow weapons and nothing else.
  24. Well no s***. I doubt there is anything in this world that you could do 18k+ hours and not feel bored and it being repetitive.
  25. 1: Blobs unfun to play in unfun to fight against 2: Borderline useless defence siege on towers/keeps 3: Pulls. Can be fun sometimes but i hate when i get pulled through walls mountains in 0,001 seconds into blob/zerg because of that defending anything feels completely crap added with useless siege. 4: Lack of anything new... Atleast give me something anything hell at this point give me plush skins for siege machinery. 5: Stealth but to be fair i hate stealth in any game especially when its exploited to give you unlimited/nearly unlimited stealth its just not fun at all to play against. Bonus 6: crappy server vs server balance.
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