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Everything posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. its like when there was first a trident named mirage before the elite spec name https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_(weapon) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siren%27s_Call_(weapon)
  2. If there is actually a siren elite spec though, i think warhorn would be new weapon we get access to, if its noble phantasm i think dagger
  3. what a coincidence, i have always thought of siren a next elite spec for mes, with them getting access to shout skills too. but i heard that the new elite spec for mes will be "noble phantasm"
  4. ughhh mesmer overall is just such damn trash and uninteresting in pvp now
  5. omg i'm dying for the incarnate armor set to return, been a waiting a long time ;-; Really need incarnate armor set
  6. i made my second one late this year, i want like 5 in total XD
  7. Sanity is but a mirage! Ghastly Breach inflicts the enemy with torment by "breaching into the realm of torment" and the definition of torment is "severe physical or mental suffering" and a mirage is "an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air." Hence sanity; "the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health" is a "mere mirage" in the realm of torment. So imo, they kinda misused "mirage" cause sanity cant be a mirage, it could be though, Sanity is but an illusion! Illusion-"anything that seems to be something that it is not"(which would it make sound if more "mesmery" or not necrotic), but i guess since in PoF, the specs are so tied with the environment, (as someone stated previously) and the environment in PoF is mostly desert and mirages happen a lot in deserts, the word mirage would most likely fit. In my opinion also, there's alot of things in gw2 that the wording seems to "fit" more, a specific class,but I don't think words have to be subjective to specific classes. As someone said though, this might not be the key thing to analyse, but I just like analyzing stuff and I think i did well :smiley:
  8. the is the top 3 i've seen here, damn man i love the concept and everything,wish i could see it in game
  9. damnnn thus is the best one ive seen here, i see the theme and everything, idk, im getting a cleopatra vibe from it. what staff is that?
  10. best one here you should put this one gw2 style
  11. That's what cosmetic auras are for and gem store or "not so east to get" armor and weapon skins are for
  12. Mesmer still at the top of the fashion wars :triumph:
  13. brahh I would be happy to let you port me to those jumping puzzles, ready when you are
  14. lol how you got minstrel but not sure what class to play it on
  15. brah I don't know how to post pics like you
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