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Everything posted by thrag.9740

  1. Guess who just wasted an hour to encounter the 2nd bug you described. I had a third map where it wasn't bugged, but anet closed it. Finished the "take the young beetles on their first chak patrol" event with about 10 seconds left before the map closed. Good luck to any new players that want to kill potoni the massive.
  2. New expansion launches in less than 24 hours. Can confirm this is still bugged. I guess that means its never getting fixed.
  3. Yup still a problem in dragon's end, as others have said above
  4. I just don't see the point of taking MCs out of fractal CMs when they are such a small percentage of the MC generation. Especially now that MCs are going to be cheaper than ever.
  5. I'm frankly shocked this isn't fixed yet. They acknowledged it on reddit day 1. This is really hindering the contents reception.
  6. I've been trying to do the flawless fallen achievement, and I kept getting hit but I wasn't sure where. Finally I recorded myself with my combat log open and what do you know? I'm getting hit by invisible deathly synergy. -_- So lets see, you posted this nov 2019, so this bug has been around for 8 months. Not great.
  7. Yeah except most of those crystals come from actual victories, ie it's way more efficient to win and i'm sure there's more efficient ways of farming ascended gear than failing a boss 600 to 200 times depending on how good your group is when it fails + 20g you have to fork over. Yeah but the alternative you proposed: Has the exact same design. It is much more efficient to just kill it in one go. Worse yet, the current system keeps rewarding you even when you fail, all the way to 150 mag shards/gaeting crystals, your proposal is a lot lower. In the current system I can spend an hour wiping at VG and keep getting shards. Even for a completely new group, your alternative caps out after 5-10 pulls, and it only gives 10 shards total. Your proposal gives less shards and maxes out its reward way faster (i.e. even less incentives to keep players progressing towards a kill).
  8. This whole idea is strange to me. Your very first statement, 'I think one of the biggest issues with raids in this game is failing nets you nothing. ' is just factually not true. You get magnetite shards and gaeting crystals for failing. In fact, literally the only way to hit the weekly cap of gaeting crystals is to fail something at least once (perfect full clear is 145 gaeting).
  9. Just remove SA all together. From the day it was introduced it has been antithetical to what gw2 was advertised as, and its combat system. Better yet, lets just remove all instabilities and instead put that effort into making more challenge motes like 99 and 100.
  10. @Cyninja.2954 Very good, now OP has 2 clear opinions from 2 veteran raiders, with a good nuanced discussion developing them both. Hopefully the wealth of knowledge you and I brought into the conversation will be useful to them. I hope you continue to enjoy the raids, and if OP tries them, I hope they enjoy them too.
  11. Unfortunately it isn't a temporary mood. I've wanted to quit gw2 for a long time, at least 6 months, and I taken breaks before in the past. The only reason I log in is the weekly raids, and I don't do that because I love the content. I don't like the boring slog of spirit woods. I don't love the afk time in trio. I don't love the rng nature of soulless horror, or the boring gate event in w7. I don't log into gw2 to play gw2, and I haven't for a very long time. I log into gw2 to play with my friends, and many of them do the same thing. If all 9 of them said, 'hey we are switching to destiny'. I would switch with them, and I wouldn't look back at gw2. Additionally, a large chunk of my playtime happened during the era of build templates. I.e. actual build templates provided by arcdps, not loadouts that are over monetized. Meaning the quality of the product now is markably lower than a lot of what I experienced. And as I said, I see Anet making the same mistakes in worse and worse fashion. I see the quality of gw2's raids going down. Wing 7 was pushing it, but the build templates is the final straw to me, I would not recommend them anymore. Take issue with it all you want, its my opinion and it won't magically change. If you think I've done a disservice to OP by not recommending raids, please recommend them yourself. Because in this thread, despite attacking my stance endlessly, you're own opinion isn't clear to me.
  12. I don't see it that way, I said: As you pointed out, many people play gw2 as a solo experience. If your looking for that socialization, raiding in gw2 is an indirect way to get there, with a low chance of success. Most players never join a static, they just pug. I think your making the assumption that OP is going to play gw2 no matter what, and so raiding in gw2 is the only option to get that socialization. I don't view it that way. If OP wants socialization they can find a weekly dnd group, or a weekly poker group, or a bowling league, or a rock climbing club, or just make friends in real life and go do whatever. Obviously video games often appeal to people who are naturally shy in real life, but even if you want to take the route of socialization through video games, in particular raids; I think there are better options. If you want to raid in a static group for years, you're probably better off going to a raid centric game like WoW or Final fantasy.
  13. I am a bit confused, you have over 2k kills, yet can not recommend the content to new players? I'd say that is a very strong recommendation for players to try the content, it seems to have entertained you long enough or not?Its a confusing statement, I understand. Allow me to further elaborate, you gotta understand, I joined a guild that had 9 other casual raiders at around 50 LI. I stuck with them until about 150 LI (I think?). Then I joined a more serious static, been playing with them ever since. Of course I also did some pugging along the way, but most of my kills have come with my static. I'm a very social guy. I would say I'm very extroverted. The majority of the fun was really the aspect of socializing. Talking in discord, shit talking each other about dps, trash talking and all the like. Additionally, some people like gaming that is flexible, so that they can fit gaming into their life around their other obligations. However, I'm doing a phd in experimental physics atm (have been for 5 years now). Experimental physics is something that can take over your life, and you get a very unpredictable schedule, because of the nature of doing experiments. Worse yet, I work in a small lab, so I work alone a lot of the time. It can be quite lonely, and having a set schedule where I knew I would get to socialize with some friends online was much needed stability in the chaos of grad school. However, very little of the things I enjoyed about raiding were tied to Anet. In fact almost all of it is coming from third party software (discord/teamspeak,dps meters, arc build templates - which naturally goes hand in hand with trying to beat you friend's dps). There are lots of ways to get weekly scheduled socialization with friends. Some of my friends have a weekly DnD night. Some have weekly ultimate frisby. When I was yougner, I had sports teams like football and bowling leagues. So, the things I like most about raids, are not exclusive to raids. And the way I see it, raids are getting worse and worse. So yeah, OP asked if I would recommend them, I would not. If you want challenge, go play darksouls or super meatboy, if you want socialization, work towards that directly. No, not every single fight since deimos has had similar mechanics, however every single raid wing's final boss since deimos has had a kiter role where the kiter plays a boring repetitive single player mini game separated from the rest of the group.
  14. That was really cool, thank you for sharing it (and 3 separate kills!) Hmm, now you've got me wondering. If you brought 5 heal tempests + your bubble rev to sloth. The auto attacks might be able to outheal the green floor (along with rotating your heal skills). For shakes you could have the rev grab the conditions with that malyx skill that gives resistance. For slams, you could maybe run gale song + rotate through the rebounds. For cc, you could play it safe and just let chill slowly drain it. Haha, it would be a super slow kill, if it is possible at all.
  15. Also, they heard complains that kiting at deimos is boring, and so they put kiting in at dhuum. They heard that was boring, so they put it into qadim. They heard that was boring, and so they put 3 kiters into qadim 2.0. They heard complains about how boring it was to have long events focused on trash mobs, so they put the worst offender in wing 7 too. Not only is Anet not learning from their mistakes, they are getting worse at making the same mistakes.
  16. That jump isn't part of the intended way of doing things, it's a player-found shortcut, so worrying about it being counter intuitive is a bit silly imo :p It's still totally doable. Yes but it is also part of the meta now. Any new players who watch a video or even just play with a player who has any experience are going to encounter this and think it is the correct path.
  17. You guys need to change twisted castle then. RIght now you have two options to make that jump, dodge roll of the edge or fall damage trait. However, dodge rolling off the edge is counter intuitive with no in game explanation. By dodge rolling off the ledge, you fall faster, but don't die from the fall. That's incredibly confusing. Edit: people don't believe me, so I made a video showing this:
  18. They are absolutely amazing if your a player who plays less than 6 builds and literally never tweaks anything about any of those builds. So for example, if your a thief who has a mobility build for open world gathering and then another build for fighting, they are fantastic. Unfortunately, I think the players who most wanted build templates have been failed by this system. Players who raid, wvw, and pvp a lot, I don't think it is good for them. I really wish you guys had just made an official version of arcdps+buildtemplates, wrap it in a nice gui with the guarantees of first party support, and charged me a flat 10-20$ for it.
  19. At this point any type of sink for legendary divinations would be good. After you make the first ring the only sink is to convert to LI.
  20. I've always thought Anet should have one fight where your piloting asura golems. Maybe it would start with players transformed as asura, but then they have 3-5 golems to choose from for the fractal, each one would have different kit. Obviously something like dps golem, healer golem, boon golem. Maybe 1 or 2 would be focused on some sort of fractal specific mechanic. Now obviously this would remove all of the players gear choices, profession choices etc. So I wouldn't want more than one fractal like this. But I think it could be really cool to have a single fractal like that. Of course it has to be done right, i.e. the golems can't be clunky. I would even say make the golems all move noticeably faster than regular players with swiftness. These golems should feel powerful. Probably with great maneuverability through some of the utility skills, Maybe the different golems would have different weapon skills but the same utility skills. I think having a fractal where all the players are restricted to a few kits could allow for really exciting game play with a lot of quick counterplay opportunities, and really tightly tuned challenge mote. Of course this is somewhat idealistic. In a world where Anet releases 3 fractals a year, one that doesn't use the standard combat system would be seen as a fun change of pace. In a world where we probably only get 2 or 3 more fractals before this game closes up shop, not so much.
  21. That is probably a better solution for boons. But what about damage skills? I suppose you could let one build be BIS forever as long as other things were still viable. Perhaps my priorities are backwards and Necro needs to be raised up first and the ease of use for Ele increased. Who cares about the damage skills. This game is so easy and forgiving you can just run w/e dps you want, it doesn't matter that much.
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