The gazelle should stop when it hits the target, or right behind the target. Not a full bowshot behind the target. Last night when I was in sPVP and I hit F2, Gazelle went under the deck where we fighting, through the slab, just disappear, I saw only her/his name over the deck surface :D .I keep and like the ranger like it is now :) . Ofc the main things which should be changed are some (many, unfortunately) pets mechanics, damage, heal etc. I want ranger to rely more on the pet than it is now. As @Alchimist.4738 said, I want the pet to be bigger and stronger, I want his damage to be equal with ranger one, so our actual damage be split in half. I want some pets to be more tanky than ranger is, so we can stand behind him, etc ...Sounds good in theory but then we could just Los people and let the pet kill them. Too easy to abuse.