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Posts posted by alaskasnowgirl.6047

  1. @Gaile Gray.6029 said:This is simply amazing. Can you please provide me with the exact spelling of their name, @alaskasnowgirl.6047 ? I want to log this so that I can feature it sometime in the future on Community Showcase Live, and I have Brendon, but am unsure of the spelling of the last name. Thank you for sharing this on his behalf -- he's very talented!

    I'm so sorry to necro my own post but I only now noticed this comment! His name on youtube is Brendon Mezzetti. I know you may not see this but ty for all you have done for the Guild Wars 2 community Gaile.

  2. If legendary weapons could have signets swapped out just like legendary armor with runes that would be amazing!

    Something like the novelty tab but for tonics would be amazing.

    In the new player home instance, when it is out, it would be awesome if we could have any nodes we've already bought but place them where we want them like a decoration.

    Also, a bit of a reach of a request I know, but it we could save builds for PVE that would be amazing too!

    I also want to say THANK YOU! For all the times you've listened to player feedback and added QOL changes already like chairs etc!!!!!

  3. @Lazytophat.4382 said:

    @Lazytophat.4382 said:New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.

    Cathedral of Silence can get you a full set of Berzerker Armor for a Power (using GS or Staff as Primary weapon...also Zerker stat too.) MM for Karma from Keeper Jonez Deadrun...only gold you will have to spend would be for Alternate Runes, as I would replace the Grenth Runes with something else. There are several option for runes, so I will leave that to you and your friends to discuss and make the wise choice.

    For open world this works really well:
    I use different runes and also only use exotic weapons and armor. I also use the Blood Magic variant instead of Spite. But experiment, and set it up the way you like. This is just a good place to start to tweak it to your liking, or to determine that its not for you.

    Either way, you can't really go wrong with Karma Armor...Hope that helps save you some gold. :)

    thanks for the ideas, so just constantly farm in cathedral of silence in orrn?

    I sent a message in game as well about this, but I'd be happy to craft exotic gear for you and to help if you need any other advice, since I'm sure as a newer player you might have other questions!

  4. @sutasafaia.4872 said:I honestly didn't think I would ever use this post, but here I go. Lost my job and home ~a year ago and haven't been able to find a job since. Not 100% sure if this works but I would like to request Living World 3. I'm missing LW2 as well and would generally have preferred to play in chronological order but from what I've seen LW3 has a lot of important farming maps so that seems a bit more important, yes? I can worry about story continuity later :P I hit 80 for the first time yesterday, this game is about all that's keeping me sane sometimes thanks to the fact it has no sub fee.

    Anyway, thank you if you can help, assuming LW is even something that can even be gifted? Since the front page says to mention it, LW3 is 640 gems.

    I am not sure that it is something that can be gifted. I don't even see LWS3 in the store since I have it unlocked, so I assume it can't. Maybe doing the calculation for gold > gems and then asking for the gold would work instead, since you can buy gems with gold! Hope that helps!

  5. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Couple of personal thoughts:

    • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.
    • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)
    • I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Couple of personal thoughts:

    • I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.
    • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)
    • I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!

    I like that point! It definitely needs meaning. And I think we all know what tv series you are talking about. Something like game of musical chair?

  6. I hope this knowledge is useful to you, but you actually don't need a +17 infusion for lvl 40 fractals. Instead, you could use two +9 infusions for a total AR of 18 and those are much more obtainable. There is information on the wiki on how to open up more infusion slots on rings and back pieces through attuning and something else (I forget the name). Hope that helps! Feel free to add me in game if you need any fractal help btw.

    @Sidetrack.2563 said:hi, umm so im not really sure how I should go about asking this. umm I only want one thing a 17+ agony infusion, I don't know if anyone will read this but I just wanted to ask. (P.S. its for my fractals, so I can do level 40 tier Fractals) thank you to anyone who reads this, i'm in N/A server.

  7. EDIT: THANK YOU so so much to the person who sent me a glyph today! I now have the glyph and don't have to switch between tools all the time <3 you are an amazing person! I no longer need this, thanks to a kind stranger. They didn't mention whether it was ok to mention their name so I won't to respect their privacy.

    TLDR version of request: leather gathering glyph.

    If anyone has gotten an extra leather gathering glyph as a drop from a black lion chest and doesn't want it, I would love it if you would consider giving it to me. It's already what I picked for my "free" glyph, but swapping it out between harvesting things isn't fun when enemy mobs are around, so it would be nice to have two leather glyphs for less swapping. I know it is kind of an expensive thing to ask for at over 200 g right now so I completely understand if no one can spare one. I am just glad this thread exists for players to help other players :). It's like a giant secret santa!

  8. Here is my previous post with some ideas and I've also added some new ones. BTW - A huge TY for bald eagle griffon! I was hoping for no big griffon ears, but at least the pattern is awesome and bald eagle-ish!

    I would like to add to my mount ideas: Sylvari fern-hound style mounts made of plants and flowers, spirit mounts like raven glider, and mechanical mounts for asura/charr.

    EDIT: THANK YOU for volatile tools!!! ORIGINAL REQUEST: Probably someone has said before but - we need volatile magic gathering tools!!! Speaking of gathering, TY for the glyph system, it is awesome! It would be nice if some glyphs were available via gemstore instead of from BL chest rng.

    I would also love some more long-haired hairstyles for humans/norn/sylvari females. the norn have a few good ones, but humans are lacking in that dept.

    Finally, would love permanent super adventure boxes of fun and regular boxes of fun. It's sad they only last once.

    @alaskasnowgirl.6047 said:Several ideas for gemstore stuff in this post which I will categorize by type (mount, glider, etc.):

    Mounts:Unicorn or Pegasus GriffonT-Rex RaptorRaven or Eagle GriffonSuper adventure mountsBaby Wyvern or Dragon Griffon

    Glider/backpiece:Superhero cape glider/backpieceVolatile Ley Orb Backpiece (kind of a giant ball of ley energy like we carry during current events stories but as a back-piece).

    House within each racial home instance (similar to garden option) that we can unlock with gemstore purchase and decorate using our scribe and chill out alone in.

    Eaters similar to candy corn gobbler for excess Heart of Thorns materials like Auric dust.

    Fishing pond for home instance similar to garden with account bound chef recipes and maybe some for utilities with healing! (Also related, but not gemstore related but a fishing mini game somewhere in the game would be amazing!!!!!!)

    Some other people might already have asked for capes and some stuff probably - don't mean to steal anyone's ideas just adding to them!

  9. @Ryushujin.9857 said:A loyalty scheme for certain amounts of gems spent, for example 400 gems - Transmutation ChargesEtc.. With more gems spent giving better items like a progress bar?

    As long as this applied retroactively I would be ok with this. I just hate to think of all the players such as myself who have already spent hundreds in the gem store to have to start fresh on something like this.

  10. Several ideas for gemstore stuff in this post which I will categorize by type (mount, glider, etc.):

    Mounts:Unicorn or Pegasus GriffonT-Rex RaptorRaven or Eagle GriffonSuper adventure mountsBaby Wyvern or Dragon Griffon

    Glider/backpiece:Superhero cape glider/backpieceVolatile Ley Orb Backpiece (kind of a giant ball of ley energy like we carry during current events stories but as a back-piece).

    House within each racial home instance (similar to garden option) that we can unlock with gemstore purchase and decorate using our scribe and chill out alone in.

    Eaters similar to candy corn gobbler for excess Heart of Thorns materials like Auric dust.

    Fishing pond for home instance similar to garden with account bound chef recipes and maybe some for utilities with healing! (Also related, but not gemstore related but a fishing mini game somewhere in the game would be amazing!!!!!!)

    Some other people might already have asked for capes and some stuff probably - don't mean to steal anyone's ideas just adding to them!

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