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  1. Lies! Many players claim, it’s chic to walk around like a Christmas tree with a loose connection.
  2. There’re waypoints, which get activated as soon as the player’s character is on the map. Maybe this was the case?
  3. It’s been years, since the Mordrem champion Vile Thrasher is bugged (wiki was updated 31 July 2021), which causes it to never spawn, but the event is shown nevertheless. Are the devs even aware of this? The silverwastes are supposed to be a map for newly joined players, too. Isn’t it emb … awkward, to have a bugged event with a 100 % failure rate? My guess would be, it’s somehow related to the salvage crew event (or it’s pre) nearby, but it’s probably something else.
  4. Is the pavilion an instance? This reminds me, that old LA should also be added, since it’s a hub, too.
  5. Why can’t I switch between lounges (e. g. Thousand Seas Pavilion) and my homestead. Currently, it’s annoying to change maps all the time just to use the lounge’s services and then park my character in homestead. I can’t even switch to a guild hall, since they’re disabled here, too. Is this the new definition of customer friendliness? I’ll definitely use the homestead, but I’m not sure any more about the lounges. I also can’t see the exact problem. It can be worse than everything else placed in the crowed lounges. I’d like to ask you, to recheck the disabled places: guild halls (Why?), lounges, LA aerodrome, even Arborstone (How is this different to a city?). Silverwastes would also be nice (show new players some features they could get).
  6. After the challenge of Sunqua Peak and Shattered Observatory fractal has been started, the daytime switches from day to night. I noticed, my Royal Ascalonian weapons won’t activate their nighttime effects, though. At first, I thought the game couldn’t handle the quick switching of the daytime. However, now with the homestead, you can change between day/night. After testing it a bit, the weapons properly changed their appearance accordingly. I’m not sure, how other weapons (e. g. Eternity or Gargoyle weapons) are working in these fractals, but the Ascalonian definitely aren’t working as intended. Strangely enough, I’m pretty sure, the sylvarian glow gets activated.
  7. Wrong forum. Please, use the correct German subforum like everyone else.
  8. It’s even worse underwater: My pet/drake won’t use it’s 1st and 2nd skill (Soulbeast non-unleashed pet) automatically. On land it’s only the 1st skill.
  9. The first time I entered the new homestead, I had to laugh, since the stable was more than full with 9 mounts. However, then I noticed some kodan NPC is riding my raptor and the raptor only. This seems a bit odd. Not only because it’s only 1 of 9 mounts, but also since they’re supposed to be my personally tamed/trained mounts. Why is some random dude sitting on it in my home?
  10. The amount needed for guild upgrades is insane. I tried “farming” the Silverwastes, but the outcome is so low, yet you need 600 to build every upgrade. I’ve already planned to just do the mine excavations and not the mining rates. It’s still much, though. I don’t understand, why ANet doesn’t introduce another option to get shovels. I once already suggested, to make the Silverwastes reward track repeatable and either have shovels among the rewards or give us a choice between a piece of the Carapace armour or a pile of shovels. Is there a good soul with shovels in stock?
  11. In the preview, all underwater weapons are missing—Chaos has all 19 weapons. However, I can’t test it, since I don’t have any keys to spare.
  12. You talk about polar bears. But what about Hyenas? They all look seriously ill, like having mange. ANet should rather update them first or else I’m afraid PETA may sue my ranger for mistreating animals. 😵
  13. I’m with OP. You can do guild travel or bounty on your own—even challenges and races don’t require a minimum. Yet claiming a camp, escorting a dolyak, or killing a sentry requires 3 people? This doesn’t seem even fair to WvW and PvP players. They should remove the minimum requirements all together.
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