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  1. Ye, did the same digging and found nothing. I could scrap the data from the wiki too but that would take some work to do. Bumping so maybe a dev can help me ❤️
  2. This just speak very badly about the 20 players defending, which tbf, is very common on pugs these days.
  3. If started builds for character boost are any example, we can't really expect that much. Doubt. Let me try to explain myself. I think what most people involved in WvW feel, and after reading patch notes every time a balance patch comes out, is that there is a disconnect between what players see and what Anet sees. There is not really much communication from Anet and the players other than a few lines above each class on a balance update and there is no real info presented on how they gathered data to make decisions. The general consensus is that there a discord server where a bunch of developers and guild leaders discuss stuff related to balance, but then again, most people (I think) feel discouraged because that gives the impression of not listening to the average player. A quick search on the forums tells me that interaction between devs and players is almost non existent, outside the one dev posting patch notes, or the one that gives feedback on bugs. When it comes to streams where devs are speaking to the community, I still remember the many things ppl suggest, devs proceeds to take note of it making promises that is "going to be reviewed" and we don't hear about it anymore. Ever. This just leave me with the feeling that regular player concerns are not a priority. Now what about WvW? There was one person from Anet that I've ever seen run in WvW without being on a boon blob, and that was Grouch. Every single Anet tag out there is always on a boon blob, and as much as I understand that they may not be related to the balance team, the impression this gives to the community is that they are supporting that kind of gameplay. Now, why am I saying all of this stuff? Just to try to show that, from my perspective, Anet seems to be not very familiar to the many gameplays spawned from WvW, and how many different ppl play the gamemode. Yes, is their game, and they know how classes work and stuff, but when it comes to WvW, they seem to be completly clueless about the human side of the game, and how ppl will interact and play. Which leads me back to my original point: I doubt they know about builds that are potentially better than what ppl in the community would come up with. I also doubt that they understand how ppl like to play this game mode. And I also doubt they will ever do something remotly decent content wise for WvW (Come on, they still can't fix the queue bug lmao).
  4. Lets dot it, everyone in boon blob builds so we can kill the game faster!
  5. The problem with cele is concentration + expertise. A full cele set gives the same amount of concentration as a full minstrel wich is 42.6% boon duration. It also gives the same expertise as a full viper set which is 42.6% condi duration. Add a rune set plus some traits here and there and you have pretty much 100% boon and condi duration. So you have mid damage + mid condi damage, but can sustain might like a full support and gain the same base condi duration as a full condi dps. Which translates into the abusing classes that can stack 25 might: 750 power, 750 condi dmg, which puts you inline with a base power or condi dps that cannot sustain those stacks of boons themselves. Then add the boon duration for defensive boons like prot, regen, vigor. Add the condi duration to make your condis stronger. Just delete concentration and expertise from the set and it remains noob friendly while not being OP everywhere else.
  6. Tbf, every class out there has a at least one build that works like that, is just that willy is easier to play or more popular ? I play a lot of WvW and see a lot of things that get never talked about: * Mirages that have almos perma dodge + invuln + hop away with mimic + blink and the elite and can one shot you from stealth. * Assassin Vindis that know how to run away, can dodge and can oneshot you, while also healing decently from a bunch of passives. * (Almos) perma super speed engi + rocket boots + port (if running mech which is a meme) + rifle 5 that can one shot you, plus elixir plus passives that heal you. * Cele harbingers that know how to use wurm + spectral walk. * Cele cata sustain or the good fresh air eles than can spam super speed and actually outrun you while dropping a kitten ton of dmg on you. * Perma block warriors with mobility skills (passive regen, heal on dmg, and they can cc u to death if they want to) * Thieves in general. DE blind spam + blinks, regular thieves with many escapes, invuln on elite and high dmg form stealth, you regular pistol/pistol condi meme builds that just run if they can't kill you. * Rangers in general now that they can run staff on any spec and just run away. Druids specially very annoying. In that context, I also run into a lot of willys, but the ones that prolly annoys ppl the most are cele willys (they just annoying) or one shot willys (pure power, kill or be killed). I don't see that being as much different as what other classes can do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misconceptions about willy that I feel ppl have: * Lots of blocks: other than crashing courage, most willys don't run more blocks. Sure, they can reset it with RF but I quote the skill: They need to hit you 5 times to trigger 1 aegis and 1 stab stack. * Lots of stability: Again, they gain 3 stacks of stab for 3 seconds from trait Indomitable Courage. It also makes F3 a break stun. Other than that there is no more stab. * Easy disengage: Other than f2, f1 and f3 can be interrupted btw. JI needs a target, and so does sword 2. Just blame anet for filling the bls with random pve mobs that are easy to target to escape using those. In contrast, most classes can perform the same level of disengage. * Lots of healing: If you hit a Willy while they channeling reversal of fortune thats on you, you can wait 1 sec and they heal for nothing. Flowing resolve heals for 652 + 0.12*healing power and, if you trait with Phoenix Protocol to give alac, then you lose the heal. If they trait Conceited Curate to heal on willbender flame damage, the flame has to hit you, you can just side step it. Prolly more stuff out there, but here is the usual build you are gonna find for willys out there: 1. A usual power willy S/S + GS Energy + hydro sigil on both weapons (maybe a stacking bloodlust) Radiance: mid, bottom, bottom Virtues: top, mid, bottom Willy: mid, (bottom for sustain mid for dmg), (top for alac, mid for dmg) 2. A cele willy Scepter/Torch + sword/sword, energy + condi on crit sigil Radiance: mid, mid, top virtues: top, mid, bottom willy: bottom, bottom, top I could go on and on on gameplay against willys, but is mainly dodging the first burst and peeling them like any other bunker build.
  7. Is there a way for getting this info from the API? For example, I'm Looking at Flowing Resolve, where the initial self healing is different in PvE and WvW, but when I get the list of skills from the guardian profession with https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skills/62603?v=latest it just shows the PvE values. Any help would be appreciated 😄
  8. Dodge into the lord corpse and at the end of the dodge roll start ressing. You will get in combat after you start the ress.
  9. Necros can pull with Spectral Grasp + Spectral Walk Combo around 2400+ units. Not always works, but I've seen it happen. Can do something similar with DH and then MI to someone else right after the pull. Other than that, there use to be a relic that pulls with no range limit but it supposed to be fixed.
  10. I'd like to see ress skills reworked. The fact that their range in general is 1200 units and you can of ignore going into damage for a ress is terrible design. If anything, skills should work like MI on guard where you are ported to a person and then maybe forced into a "ressurecting player" state. That would force people to get into danger and to be very reactive when using their skills. I'd also like the "no rally from kills". It would help smaller groups with being able to do some kind of hit and run strats while forcing the group with downs to reset for resses, or take the offensive. Lastly, I'd like to see some penalty for being ressed. Something along the lines of "HP, healing and damage reduced by X% for Y seconds".
  11. Hi, are you new to life ? You want to join a group -> the group has rules -> don't wanna follow rules -> not allowed to run with group. How is this anybody's problem but your own. I wanna work for a company -> company asks for requirements to join -> don't want/don't have what is required -> can't get the job. Is this the company's problem ?
  12. All this forum talk been going long enough OP could be out of silver chest by now lmao. I'm out.
  13. Go spend that extra time raiding doing WvW and you may get your ring sooner.
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