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Seth Moonshadow.2710

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Posts posted by Seth Moonshadow.2710

  1. 22 minutes ago, XDeathShadowX.2619 said:

     don't want to come back to help others

    it's literally draining some of the life from other maps.

    As with all releases this happen, new content players flock to it. then once they have finished they go back to what they enjoy doing the most and spending time on. So I don't worry about the other maps they will fill back up again and probably sooner than you'd think.


    The bigger problem and what is already happening to some extent is the lack of repeatability. DE / B4JS is NOT going to survive the test of time as other meta's have.  Sure you have the "show offs" who have returned to show off their win and completed turtle. You do also have those whom have it and actually use it to help and play the meta, though those numbers are fewer than the ones sitting around slamming down at the main wp doing nothing else, imo. That is concerning.

    Players talk of dead content well, this is that. Since our tries over the weekend we have chosen to just go there for map comp and some events as we play each of our mains through the story and maps. It sucks because it is a good battle and it is a good "End" to a long story. The battle was fun. It also isn't worth the hassle for a win.

    Personal I feel cheated. It's not what they said for the mount unlock. Here's to wizz'n in the wind I guess?

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  2. This right here 100% every last word and perspective! Good Job and well said. Also moving forward if it's a box item feature then like EVERY other mmorpg deliver the items to me in in game email the second it launches and let me use the new shinies to play the content you built! OR Start labeling your release "Challenging Content" or "Open World content" releases. So we know which ones to buy and not buy.



    • Like 9
  3. 5 hours ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

    Is the turtle really worth the "grind"?

    Well, technically it's not a grind IF you have 1) CMDR who knows the mechanics and works well with others 2) VoIP/Comms 3) Know your build enough to have DPS>CC>Revs + recognize tells & can see markers + know how to dodge + know to split and tackle individual targets then return to main 4) know the mechanics of the meta, the phases, the prime targets. Then you should not have any issues and already have your turtle.


    On the other hand there are still the bugs and other issues. For instance I never ONCE saw any of the memories your supposed to get when you get knocked off and turned into a sprite. So I just WP back and returned to the fray. 🤔 I wonder if that is causing a fail to happen? I wasn't the only one either My wife also had the same problem and others in our map reported the same thing.


    Is it worth it? It can be it helps with the meta, It's fun and it's part of what I paid for. It appears to be a main selling point too according to marketing art. So it must be worth something!


    But no for us it's not worth getting, it has been the single most disappointing problem with the release. especially since it is supposed to have been easier and faster to get than the Griffon or Skyscale! I call that a fail. But it is what it is. We will just keep messing with maps as we do other achieves there and not participating in a meta we won't succeed at, oh well. I didn't want to be labeled a leecher but then I also see there are plenty of others trying the same only intentionally.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

    The "Casuals"-argument is getting really annoying.

    So too is the l33tz argument. The game has 3 different modes. Those modes should be left to their own fun and joys and NOT mixed. Every time that balance is toy'd with this kind of post happens. But we have also seen it time and time again "Hard Core", l33tz, Top Tier game content on it's own WILL NOT LAST! Can we say Wild Star (and many others.) Don't count the FPS's those are a breed of their own. I'm talking an mmorpg only for RAID style content.


    The point is if they really want to keep this game going on a positive note and not have this turn into a major blunder it needs a nerf. Or it will go the route of RAIDs You'll have your fun and the masses won't touch it. And it will die a slow and wasted death. Then you and the others will sit around crying about when you get your turn to have content. When it COULD have LITERALLY been the BEST release they EVER produced! This is a great balance with the strike mission story setup. But there is still a balance. RAID are now strikes and get created right along with the other content!😱😲 THAT's AWESOME! For EVERYONE!


    Yes there are masteries that will help improve the player experience, like the jade bot, but how many players are going to wait until they maxed the masterries before completing B4JS? Not many, even the story rightfully so drops you off ready to go in the start of a new meta for it.


    It's also funny how the l33tz like to voice their woes when they re not happy but expect us to keep our mouths shut when we have them.🤔


    This is NOT an attainable goal for PUG maps and that is a big concern on many levels. Then there are all the other reasons it needs a second look. But all any of us can do is 1) voice our opinions and 2) wait and see.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Seraphis Zurvan.6839 said:

    I also believe this was true. It has been slowly increasing since Heart of Thorns. The core game before any expansions was an absolute joke and the majority of people wanted something more challenging. Of course, when that happened people bitched up a storm so I don't know what they expected. About the hardest encounter there was at the time before HoT was Tequatl, before that became a joke, and Triple Trouble, which was near impossible to kill all three wurms. LS1 had Marionette, but that was only temporary until recently. The rest.....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.....


    However I think this encounter was a bit too big of a jump in difficulty for the time being. Casual players *should* be striving to become better than they are, but you can't force people, and there will be plenty of people who refuse to give a kitten about that. I don't see why anyone could be possibly content at staying at the same skill level but that's just me.

    You are right the game has steadily increased it's challenge rating since even before HoT when the champions received the CC bar. That's not a bad thing. It's NEVER been my experience that #1 works. I would wager my skills are right up there with the greats if only technological constraints would cost as much. That being said the fact is AI will ALWAYS win! If the dev's toon it there is NO  way ANYONE will E V E R WIN period I know that, you know that, we ALL know that. So would you enjoy a game you are constantly loosing at? No you wouldn't even buy it much less play it.


    Fact is they have not come out and said it, and they need to, but if this game is going to be "Challenging content only" I and thousands of others are out. The ONLY time the boards light up like this is when they do something  a game mode doesn't like. The game mode in question is open world PvE content. They tried "we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2" and succeeded but they also EXCLUDED a player base. In the  span of 3 maps or just over 20 hours of playtime / story time, if you also completed optional content, they are asking new players and veterans to have mastered all the skills form multiple content sources and previous content some haven't even played. In order to participate "effectively" in a world boss meta event. With such precision that NO PUG or no non-Org'd map will EVER succeed.  That needs changing. NO MATTER weather or not the siege turtle is attached to it. I did enjoy it but I also know it is spiked way up there for PvE content. They are wanting a player base to become something they don't want to be and they need to specify if the content is going to be like this moving forward because I will not buy more content I can't win at with a PUG. The whole aspect of a social game is a PUGs!

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  6. 28 minutes ago, Blaeys.3102 said:

    Based on experience, Its more likely that you were also lucky with the rng elements of the fight, which is a big issue with this fight.


    This needs to be fixed - and while they are fixing it, they just need to move how you acquire the turtle.

    Is it RNG or is it punishment? A group we were in seemed org'd enough and we were doing quite well I actually expected to get the win! We were at 23% and then we counted 8 tails total in our run with with 3 having been at the 23%. SO If you get more tails is it because your NOT DPS'ing and stacking and booning and all the l33tz stuff? In 2 videos I've seen they only had the tail once but they were both l33tz and dps was big. They were also at the same % range we were when they only had the one tail!

    But meh either way I guess I don't get the siege. I'm AS GOOD AS I'M GETTING.  SO I guess I need to start looking elsewhere if this is the new open world meta style?!

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Bella Rikka.2387 said:

    First and foremost, I am glad that you are keeping an eye on this, Anet. 


    That being said, I would like to remind everyone here that this is an open-world event with very limited player limits per map. If anyone is in the map not doing the meta because they're working on map completion, story, or just farming jade nodes, the entire two hours other players have spent working toward a success is wasted. That is because this encounter is designed as a raid, not as open-world content.



    My suggestions for balancing this open-world meta event are as follows:


    1. Allow the dps to the tail to be shared with Soo-Won. She is a dragon, not a salamander. 

    2. Give us an on-screen announcement about the tail, not just the audio from Aurene. Even with the dialog sound turned up, it is still difficult to hear with all that's going on, and toxic players are downright harassing anyone who hasn't noticed that one of her random attack patterns has switched.

    3. Pause the timer when the group has to split up to kill the legendary bosses on the other platforms. By the 20% phase, there isn't enough time.

    4. Allow us to keep our Portable Waystation CC abilities when we jump to the other platforms to kill the legendary bosses, as they are completely erased by the jump special action key. We are not being awarded supplies by any of the new content that I've seen so far, and a lot of people would rather play the new expansion instead of having to go and farm Drizzlewood Coast after having to re-buy Waystation CC over and over again. 

    5. Give Soo-Won a normal pattern of attack. Wave attack at x time, tail smash at x%, etc. Take away the randomizing of her attacks and make it an encounter that people can learn and anticipate.

    6. Last and most importantly, if you decide not to make this fight an open-world boss instead of an overtuned raid encounter, please open up the Siege Turtle mount collection in a more reasonable way. After several months of hype, we deserve to actually earn it - and enjoy doing so.


    Everyone I know has been looking forward to the Siege Turtle mount since the beta, and they have all been led to believe that the collection would be unlocked in similar ways to the previous mount collections. Forcing players into over-tuned open-world raid content just to start the collection for the mount is downright sadistic.


    Also, a last thought: listening to the elitists who live for punishing content instead of your main player base in regard to anything, including the Jade Sea meta disaster, will ensure that your most loyal players will move on to other games. I absolutely love Guild Wars 2, and I am going to play other content, hoping that Dragon's End will be fixed in a sufficient manner. The fixes you are proposing are, frankly, underwhelming.


    This this right here! Very well put! True statements one and all. Good suggestions for turning it into an OPEN WORLD meta not a raid.


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  8. Looking forward to the alternate path of acquiring the siege turtle for sure. We've only tried 4 times and failed each time. I understand new metas especially when adding mechanics can be difficult. But the fun is lost and the siege turtle is not worth it. It's really a buzz kill on top of other buzz kills ( I actually liked the Dragon story and didn't want it to end, so many other possibilities. But I get it.).


    Maybe have  an achievement for saving the hatchery a few times during the meta or even between. Or have a random VOID legendary spawn at the hatchery if players helped save the baby siege turtles that allows acquisition (or the start of the collection). I thought we acquired it from DOING the hatchery event? Did that change? "Simpler to get, a lot faster" ~ Nick Hernandez doesn't seem to be what's happening. With Skyscale, Griffon & Roller Beetle We played story completed some tasks and unlocked achievements then went about the collections. They were collectively easier than Siege Turtle thus far in my opinion. I'd rather do 2 Skyscale or 2 Griffon worth requirements to unlock the collection of the siege than keep keyboard mashing, die, WP, repeat with nothing......no thing to show.


    But I like the fishing so far THANKS for that!

    • Like 5
  9. The new Canthan themed character select screen is awesome! I really do enjoy it. A nice option for us and to give some QoL would be to have a toggle button we can change to select each of the releases. So when this one gets old I can change back to gw2 release screen or to HoT screen or to Po screen or to what ever the next one will be.


    Just saying it would be nice.

    • Like 3
  10. Well, I can't say I'm disappointed with it actually. I don't mind. I would just appreciate it if the events and meta's scaled to the active participatory player size. Trying to beat the baby leviathan with only 10 IS a challenge especially when half are dead. Though comical to see them in the back of the throat about to be regurgitated


    We've only had about  5 hours of play at it so far so I'm still holding out for what is to come. I'm sure many binged the story and "click next" through it. We'll go our usual pace and wont be burnt out and crying for more like the res will be. When the rabbit is sleeping the turtle is winning!

    • Thanks 1
  11. I see the same thing. No where NEAR what HoT or PoF launch days where like as far as players. Don't even think of bringing gw2 core launch in where there were absolute MASSES doing a single event. That brings me to what might be going on.


    I am wondering in they are creating smaller instances so skilled 40k dps players don't sounder over and whack boom kill 1/2 the mob the solo player is to "LEARN" new skills "to succeed at higher level content". So that YOU learn how to handle mobs and become a build master not an entertained casual.


    It's just a thought, and don't get me wrong. I'm one of those "a game is a source of entertainment, RPG's that tout Dungeons & Dragons as a source provider should know casual game play and social interactions are the mainstay of that source. They also hail form Magic the gather or is it Might and Magic? I forget. Either way both are the build system at work and perform a great service to the game. O'Brian having lefft I feel the core concept of "CO-OP" for PvE is Dead. I had high hopes for strike missions fitting in so well to the game of mechanic focused and play focused groups. But meh still playing Shing Jea so well see......

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  12. 💯  Absolutely agree! For the first time our small rag tag band was actually enough force to 1) break down the first layer of defenses 2) be a big enough threat that the commander and their squad showed up to do wipe us out. While getting wiped wasn't so much fun. the fact that we, a small group, had battle and map impact was exhilarating. We also enjoyed the skirmishes we came across and for the first time held our own against both an equal size and even a larger size force!  It's actually what I had hoped WvW would be like in the beginning. A place for large scale zerg combat AND small unit battles.


    Yeah sure there was some lagony, but we have never captured as much as we did this past week. 4 towers just our group, every camp we saw, and almost had a keep second wall down. No it doesn't sound like much. But from where we are standing we can 1) make some actual achievement progress with this AND work on legendary armor at the same time. We haven't yet worked with a zerg on beta yet, hopefully tonight.


    When we bought guild wars 2 I was hoping to enjoy WvW and I always knew I would only dabble in PvP and not have anything more than casual time with it. But I was looking forward to WvW as a side game to PvE content main focus. I am glad that it is shaping up to be what I was looking for! Great work so far. Can't wait to see what the Alliances part will look like.

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  13. On 12/7/2021 at 2:48 AM, Linken.6345 said:

    It is really simple to answer could you just aquire the skin of Astralaria without crafting it, when you owned frostfang?

    If the answer is no then it is the same answer you will get for your gen 3 skin aswell

    Except that they are changing THAT process now aren't they? Now the system allows for not just crafting a legendary, but also "attuning" it to other skins/sets. THAT is a NEW feature/ability and should be given some player considerations for best results. After all, as already stated, isn't THAT part of why you craft a legendary? The prestige? The shiny?  It would also breath new life into others and other content areas having to go and attune G1 or G2 legendaries to their skin sets.


    Not to mention it's true, there are a fair few more players out there whom like skin sets and themes on their toons (I for one, my wife for second and Zaoda for thirds) than you might think. That's partly why my original proposition had suggested a gem store item to unlock themed legendary skin sets. Similar to the transmutation stones of old only now they would work as legendary skin set unlocks. You know to keep the $$ rolling in fro the drop in BLC $$ if the system did impact it.


    In any case it's clear there are some who agree and would like to see this happen. The question now is is it enough to convince Anet of it to move on or is it something they already have plans on? Again part of why I asked.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
  14. "Storing items

      • If you want to customize an equipment template by equipping the legendary sword Bolt in two weapon slots, you need to obtain and bind two copies of Bolt.
      • The maximum number of copies of an item your Legendary Armory can hold is determined by how many equipment slots it can occupy.
        • This limit exists so you don’t have to worry about accidentally unlocking more copies of a specific legendary than you can equip." ~Legendary Armory


    "hey are a long-term goal for you to work toward, with a big payoff!" ~ What are legendary weapons?


    "Item caps

    Each type of equipment has its own limit, and the limit is counted separately for every unique legendary item. For example, you can unlock a Perfected Envoy light helm and an Ardent Glorious light helm as well. Here's a complete list:

    • Two-handed weapons: 2
    • Main-hand exclusive weapons: 2
    • Offhand exclusive weapons: 2
    • One-handed weapons useable in either hand: 4
    • Armor: 1 per piece, per armor class
    • Back items: 1
    • Trinkets: 1 (except Conflux, which is 2)
    • Runes: 7
    • Sigils: 8" ~Legendary Armoy Item Caps


    " unlock a Perfected Envoy light helm and an Ardent Glorious light helm as well" One is Ascended and the other is legendary. The ascended item IS a crafting material USED to unlock AND craft the legendary item. Not taking a legendary item and attuning it to ANOTHER legendary item and unlocking that NEW skin/feature/xyz/ You need the ascended item to craft to each of the types of skins. A legendary is NOT as attainable as those ascended items are. So add an ascended item used to craft the new set of legendary skins, like the precursor without having to make it full legendary.


    "End Game
    Cosmetic-based endgame: unlocking dyes, mount skins, legendary weapons and armor, etc." ~End Game


    ALL that being said and know.  Why isn't there OR IS there a path to "attune" existing legendary weapons?

    " then you’ll go on a journey with it to attune it to the magic of the other Elder Dragons" ~Attuning why can't we take an existing legendary and attune it with Aurene or other dragons. Increase value of legionaries as a cosmetic item in game. Increase veteran player investments. 


    Does merely possessing the precursor unlock attunement? Or is it the legendary that allows for the attuning?  If it's the legendary then why is it being restricted as part of end game AND cosmetic play to ONLY EoD content? Why not just make ALL legendary skins attunable?


    Yes crafting a legendary weapon includes content from other released content.  Yes Core came with gen 1, Hot, LWS's & PoF  came with gen 2 and EoD is coming with gen 3. When and IF a gen 4 comes  It would seem to me to make sense to include fashion wars and get more game play value by having an attunement process once you have a legendary item. It seems like that is what they are doing. That is why I am asking because it's a little vague. 


    Why stop 3/4 of the way to the top and go back down?


    So will we be able to attune existing legendaries?

    • Confused 3
  15. 30 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Now, I can imagine a big Norn or Charr being capable of the the two latter, but how exactly would you dualwield longbows?

    One in each hand and using your mouth to pull the strings? Clever acrobatics with your feet? Even if we assume some kind of magic, you cant exactly hold them in a double sideway stance so you'd have to hold them either straight in front which would aim them somewhat inwards and being very hard to hit with or double akimbo style which would have kind of the same problem except up or down.

    Unless you hold both as high as you can over your head ?

    Hmm no that would be pretty hard to aim too.

    I'm confused.



    LOLZ, I see your point.


    Mine is that if I already have a legendary longbow (kudzu lets say) iirc they only gave us 0/1 slots in the legendary armory for a bow. So now I would not need to craft another longbow ever again as I can use it on any character and use skins for free. But I cannot obtain the new version of dragon skins unless I waist a legendary soley for the skins. That's crafting 16 more legionaries Just to get the skins. I foresee much wasted Dev. time for those filling up legendary weapons now. I have all the precursors now for my collection. Did I just waste that because the WOW / Neverwinter gear grind? Is gw2 now getting to that point of gaming? Why can't we get a legendary gem/jewel or other item to craft to get us a set of skins if we already have the weapons. It's why I stopped crafting some items. IF fashion is one of gw2 stated end game content as it has been for years. Then I just ask  for an item to craft that unlocks the skin set for me instead of the weapon. Eventually many will have multiple legionaries and some will all 100% legionaries. so at that point crating a second or third set will be just plane....well, you know..


    I've suggested before a legendary skin crafting item. I was one of many suggesting the legendary armory. But I'm not going to keep playing that game. It's just.....

  16. How will I be able to obtain the legendary skin sets without crafting a legendary weapon I already have? Especially if it's NOT dual wield-able (longbow, Greatsword, Hammer). Or What if I already have all legendary Weapons and want the new legendary greatsword? Is there a way to unlock just the skins without crafting the full legendary weapon? A sort of legendary pelt or jewel or filet that can be used to just unlock the skin sets only? Of course still requiring much of the original weapon crafting process but just not turning into a weapon vs just the skin sets.


    First of all Thank you for letting legendary weapons be more flexible with their skins. I like that we only need to craft 1 legendary weapon and get access to each of the dragon skins it can reflect.

    So getting one: "You only have to craft a single precursor per weapon type, and no masteries are required (though there are a couple you’ll probably want to finish). Just play the story, gather materials, make your legendary weapon, and enjoy!" ~source sounds great. But what about The Eternity I already have that I might want skinned as the Aurene or Kralkatoric set? Do I now need to create a 4th legendary greatsword? If I craft that 4th legendary greatsword does it unlock the Dragon skin sets for me AND still let me sell it? It will be a big turn off for me, as I work on my sets, I already have many of the pre's made for a full set of legendary weapons. Yes some of those will be able to be dual wield legendary weapons. But you can't dual wield a greasword or hammer or longbow, at least not yet?




    A Closer Look at the Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Legendary Weapons

    • Confused 4
  17. Okay, so I realize I will likely be the ONLY one to say this. Still it's true! I miss the Gaki! as much as a pain, as much of a fright they were, as a creature that made your ears scream heart pound and belly laugh we N E E D a Guild Wars 2 EoD Gaki! Just about 85-90% of all my ROFL moments or drink out the nose mishaps were from the demonic daemon of delicious doom! I've never had my Hiney handed so horrifically and hilariously as when encountering the Gaki! Even the name says it all: Gaki  Okay so it may have been me making the goat sounds, I don't recall, I'll have to go back and find one . IF I can hold in the drink. Cuz, lets face it, root beer through through nostrils burnz.


    Just my 2 cents


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  18. THANK YOU!


    I appreciate the starting timer adjustment to both squad and public.  I have no idea how this would work or conflict with existing deployment options but I'd like to suggest a start mote be placed in the instance near the entry WP. Allow it to be interacted with only by a Commander. That way the instance is created and others scan still join as long as it's in lfg. It gives commanders the time and ability to provide information and combatants to get to their lanes. Just my 2 cents


    Again, THANK YOU for taking a second look at a great part of our history together!

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  19. On 7/16/2021 at 12:41 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

    It's important to understand what a healthy boundary is between being a customer and being a designer.  Blurring that line introduces expectations of "design by committee" which is one of the worst ways to design in many different contexts.


    But yet they are doing that are they not? They have been doing it for years! What are the balance posts that take player input?!?


    I can agree I get the committee issue. I do agree that "need to review dev decision making" but not player we. In other words I don't think it is our job to tell them what to do. THAT is the managers jobs, no question. But if your going to consider one "unique game experience" and develop and change things based on their input, don't you think players of other "unique game experiences" deserve the same consideration?


    While they have shown great aptitude and have created a very superior game and using their innovative perceptions have made major changes to the game industry. Lets face it not everything they have developed as been the best thing since sliced bread!  So wouldn't it be prudent to consider the player base of your game when developing for them?


    Taking player consideration into account is not a bad thing. Nor is it anything NEW to Guild Wars 2. I think the point the poster made was fair. The Twisted Marionette was not rewarding to play multiple times in this version for 44 AP, an ascended item that can't be salvaged and some sprockets. Not when you think back to it's 1st release when we used to get drops from the mobs + champion bags from the champs + the AP + the End Chest! Plus the drops contained items for use in the Tri-Color Chest after the event! THAT was rewarding and fun and well worth the play and hardship to learn new skills and abilities.


    I don't think we are advocating the restructuring of Arenanet to include us as part of the team?! That would be absurd.


    We want the game to succeed and we want the game to be fun, entertaining, enjoyable, (for some other players) challenging, tell a great story and have repeatable & and rewarding content.



  20. I've been thinking about this a bit for another similar post (I can't find it right now or I'd have posted there since it was first) and I think that it would be nice to have. I even have  a method for implementing it.  So for some things we had to craft tools, those tools went all the way up to exotic level. Just add an ascended level set and the legendary set to craft. Crafting the legendary set would consume a gem store permanent tool of the same type and return a Legendary one. Glyphs would be converted into legendary glyphs only if added to a legendary tool. Each glyph added adds that glyphs ability to the stat selection of the legendary tool.


    So the forge recipe would be: Ascended gathering tool + gem store gathering tool of same type + Clovers + Gift of Tyria (Gift of Mastery + Gift of Fortune)


    Just a thought 🙂

  21. I know some players choose not to craft and instead buy from the TP. I think that is were a lot of the "unless you have $$$$" comments come from. But the alternative to $$$$ is time. Time is something we ALL spend in the game, we just need to spend it a little more wisely. I failed at that in the beginning because I saw the massive grind or $ wall for legendarys also. But once they added the legendary journey to the achievement panel it makes them less costly and more worth playing for. The T2 is a steep crafting grind but still very easily doable. The T3 is the down hill to the precursor and is much more fun. It's more of just play the different game content.


    In NO WAY are ascended items obsolete, you need to salvage them to get the materials you need for legendaries!!! No ascended No Legendaries. So no they are not obsolete or devalued. IMO anyway.


    However, it would be nice if they were more ascended salvageable with some exceptions.

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