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Seth Moonshadow.2710

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Posts posted by Seth Moonshadow.2710

  1. While I hope we get Tengu as a playable race and that dominion of Winds is opened as the races city and the area west of LA and south to island below claw island is the starting area and SteamSpur Mountains between Sparkfly & Timberland is the 15-25 area. I am doubtful we will get a new playable race. even though Tengu REALLY should be the final playable race if no more will be added.

  2. So I want something to be clear to all of us that we are forgetting as we battle out our opinions. That is "Guild Wars 2 is big and complex with a lot of unique game experiences, including Living World™, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, endgame PvE, and more." ~ Guild Wars 2 Team


    That means, and we have all seen this happening multiple times, these are Priorities to them:

    1. Living World
    2. PvP
    3. WvW
    4. Endgame PvE (RAIDs)
    5. Dungeons, Fractals, Guilds and more

    Notice that Living World is trade marked. They are NOT going to just drop it like a hot rock (not pun to HoT intended :) ). The point has been made I'm betting some one from Anet has seen it. I'm sure this plus many other things are in closed doors being discussed.


    Now some of us have chosen to play one area more than another, some have chosen to play all areas and even others have chosen to play mostly in one but adventure into others. But no one wants to be forced into one area vs another.  THAT's where I think the "Champions" method of story telling was such a GREAT method that involves most if not all the above listed modes of play! That method of having both Public and Private + the Private having motes to increase the challenge rating is a VERY VERY SWEET SPOT! They can add 5, 10 -50 group content to the list of options when entering it! They could even add a list of tiers to the motes to select from like they do in the "Special Forces Training Area" and have Titles or something for the higher tiers. But there is nothing that should stop all players from getting the legendary gear from their preferred game mode to then build up skills and abilities to use them in other areas. That won't mean every one will suddenly want a competitive only game mode. But at least they can enjoy the grind.



    Hey! That's a good idea for innovation! Keep the Public and Private option. They work as the currently do Public 80 random players. Private scales to the number of players up to and including 5 with the current mote / challenge options available. Then add another option for 10 or 50 lets call it "Bring it on" If you click the "Bring it On" button it pops up another menu offering you a choice of squad size and challenge rating like Fractals does!  Now you have a copy paste method of creating Living World Story, RAIDs, Fractals and Dungeons all in one! Then just add the Dungeons and previous living world story to that method and keep moving forward!


    HHMMmmm...Do you thin they have already thought of that? Seems a natural progression?

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  3. 6 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    "We need to review Dev decision making."


    No.  We don't.  We're not their managers.  We don't get paid.

    Absolutely true. But if they are going to be more transparent and we have a voice and they give us a means of voicing opinions. Then there is nothing saying we can't and in fact they are saying we can. Currently it's mostly for the competitive world and those are whom they are responding to then it's clear to us that

    1. We should be vocal on the forums, so stop trying to silence them
    2. If changes are not made in the future to include PvE there are a fair number who might stop paying for other players game modes development.
    3. It's status quo, when a group of players doesn't like the way the content is being  made they make their voices know
    4. No we don't get paid we pay them, so we want content we can play because we pay them!

    I think typically Living World is done through surveys, idk for sure, and I have seen things I and apparently others have asked for in them in the game. So yes they ask players for input, they have been, if only imo, since betas.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Voltekka.2375 said:

    While personally i stay away from elitists (i do have 5 LI myself, anyway), it is also acceptable for any comm to ask for whatever killproof they want. Besides, what is keeping you from making your own squad and accepting everyone?

    The drop of 30 additional players that when you account for skill in building "grand plus" hits each #1 and possibility of fresh level 80, along side leeches, don't for get the disconnects, then take into consideration the average player does NOT #1 >5k, lest we forget there seems to be something about at least 1 platform being a solo platform. Those +30 warm bodies makes a WORLD of difference even if ALL they do is #1.


    I can say this, I have run about 10-12 "PvE / Living World / ALL players welcome" squads. Not a single one, even with many so called "l33ts" succeeded. Case in point I do more ressing of RAIDers, PvP & WvWer than I do those with out the 300+ Mastery points. My last run in Public was spent ressing and even carrying these "spurts" all whom had 366 or more mastery. The average "casual" / PvEr  is going to top out around 358. Call it a balance thing or a bug or that clearing the dust off the revised version or what ever but it does not appear to be a skill issue. Not when I ressing downed legendary equipped RAIDers and on my platform no less!. Twice now I've carried more than two downed  obviously skilled (at least according to their gear) players. I'm might be an above average PvEr but I know my rig & home network will not let me handle competitive play.


    Before you go blaming me: My build  [&DQQePSA7Ny+hAC4X+hb6FjQWARfBAOkWwAAuFjk9FSsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]

    Its solo'd and duod much.


    So yeah it hasn't been as "fun" in the commander shoes I forgot to mention the constant reposting on lfg as other just up and leave.


    On the other hand my squad listings when up for PvE never fail to fill and faster than the "experienced" or "XP only" squads.  So I would say there is a High DEMAND for the Public version!


    Just my 2 cents

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    I hate timers, especially tight ones, that seems to be a contrived method of difficulty in much recent content (DRMs, this). I would prefer content that caps my deaths or doesn't let me die at all than try to play against a timer. How does this make sense with the amount of player freedom in stat selections? Also just plain descrepancies between classes in various content. Like it's really frustrating some classes can easily solo DRM CMs but others can't. That's not balanced at all. It's spaghetti thrown at a refrigerator.


     I'm fine if they get their hardmode, but stop forcing it on the rest of us.




    I will say that my reasons for liking drizzle wood are for the PvE free method of farming clovers. Now if they would just add Gift of Battle to it and then maybe, hopefully PvE (NON-RAIDgated) legendary armor farm from HoT PoF & EoD that'd be great!!!


    Think it will happen?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    When you take a relatively casual event everyone loved and turn it into a harder core event that locks you out, you're changing an existing event and it gives the impression the game doesn't care about you anymore. They care about these hard core guys who get your favorite event, but in a harder manner, that requires you to jump through more hoops. Why should this guy have to work harder for the same achievement than everyone else in the guild?  Because harder core players think it's okay?


    We did that with HOT and it didn't work out so well. Anet had to go back and make some changes to HoT. Had to add more veteran events, thin out mobs, change some champs to vets.   The bulk of this player base is casual. Why should casuals who can be here this week have an easy road and then have that road removed?  I'd rather see the 50 man instance removed than the public one.  Because a bigger percentage of the population will be using that than the instanced, that much I'm sure of.


    Casuals don't like to keep doing t

    he same thing over and over again, waiting for it to show up, failing it, and trying it again. Not when other people got the same achievement more easily.


    You ask why? Because  there is no good reason to disenfranchise the bulk of your player base.


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  7. 26 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Well you got convenience of 2 light armors before this change for how many years?


    You still got the skins obviously pretty expensive skins but none the less.



    It is the same with people that had multiple of silver-fed or copper-fed savlageomatic before the  shared inventory slots were in the game they dident get compensation for those either.

    Sad but true as I am one of those only with portal scrolls like the airship.

  8. Okay I guess we shall see what the future holds then!? I see there is another post like this up also so the point is being made and asked. It's good to see players of this form coming out, too often they are quiet and I like the feeling I'm not alone!


    Good Luck lets hope it happens. But some times we regret what we asked for too.


    Also there is a QoL forum that this can be placed on to ask for that Quality of Life update be made. If you didn't know?

  9. While I would mostly agree with you on this. I would love to free up my shared inventory spaces of all my glyphs and the set of tools I have. How would you suppose we "earn" this legendary set of glyphs and or tools? Your saying they should just be automatically upgraded to legendary? Would we buy a legendary item that converts them?


    I agree I would like to be able to swap glyph stats from one to the other more easily than the remove system. I would love for it to be removed from my shared spaces also. But it sound like you want this to just automatically happen?


    How does this earn more $$ if they no longer need transmutation stones? Or if they no long want / need the first set of tools ( I think I have 3 or 4 sets of tools and most of the glyphs)? I can see this if there is a gem store item that once purchased allows the "upgrade" to take place and I can see that this new "upgrade item" item being useful for other things also like upgrading Ascended Armor to legendary without all the style (foot falls, auras, attack art etc.)


    Just playing Devils advocate here.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Caitir.6947 said:

    I think the biggest problem with this event is... after the initial rush, how often are groups going to be able to summon forth 50 people at once for the private instance?

    AAARRGGHH I hate to sound and say what I want to right now, and I should not. Because I would only be stooping to the level of those who bag on a player like me. So I won't I WILL stand taller and say instead: THIS is the problem with going to "Challenging Content" it will exclude a set of players for (look at forums for reasons) many reason that are their own. It will certainly be my last time playing this awsome event once the "Public" version goes away. But maybe that's what this game is moving to? It seems that way. I hope it's not. EoD and post EoD will tell for sure.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Asum.4960 said:

    As mentioned, with the WvW armor being timegated to be 9 months minimum of significant heavy WvW investment (hours daily), because it possibly can be acquired with just OW-esque gameplay (with the added risk of being ambushed by other players), an entirely OW armor would likely be anything but casual either, and if Anet came out with a 12+ months of hours of daily Meta event grinding armour (plus the usual thousands of gold) to be in parity with the effort others did and will put in for the other sets (something I'm not fundamentally opposed to as option), I doubt many casuals will be pleased or find it worth it for some "free" Armor Transmutation and the like - considering that same audience complained about the price of the Griffon or the collections of the Skyscale as outrageous to impossible, which constitute minor fractions of the effort and price that something like a Legendary Armor involves. 



    I can agree with you it should not be any easier than in PvP, WvW or RAIDs. But then It only took me a month to unlock all 3sets of precursor armor and have enough to buy my first set of them. It wasn't enjoyable at all. IT's all the other things in "upgrading/crafting" or really forging those ascended armors into legendary that is going to take even more time in WvW! In a game mode I'd rather NOT pay.  But YEAH! I would be happy to play my mode, PvE / Open World / Living World, and craft or "upgrade" my ascended set into legendary. As, I've mentioned already it's about the 1)Crafting/upgrading to legendary from an existing set of ascended (the innovation part) and the convenience of use plus perks! 2) the Affinity for the work I achieved through enjoyable game play vs the hatred for having to grind through a mode I dislike with other players doing nothing much but bagging on you.


    However this hasn't changed since the first Twisted Marionette soo....

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  12. 16 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    They just gave them free transmutation and the ability to share the armor across all your characters


    Believe it or not because of the same reason as you. The convenience! I don't care if I ever see another RAID or PvP match or WvW match. But rather than using the mystic forge each and every time I want to swap stats on my 12 100% ascended geared characters  for EACH piece of gear it would be much simpler and more fun to do it to all at once wouldn't it? Now you might ask, "but WHY would you want to swap stats on your gear? You just #1 anyway " And that would show a very shallow and false perception. Do you honestly think the whole of guild wars 2 is #1? I'm sure the devs would disagree?! I do, I'd like to see the number of accounts that DO NO'T have a single death on the account! I bet that number is small. I bet it's not yours (I could be wrong) and I know it's not mine! So yes the ability for stat swapping more than the free skins. If you look I even suggested a gem store item for that instead but the put it on the LA instead, cool perk.


    The fact is PvE / Casual players want the SAME things you want and are will to work for it just like you are They/we just want to work for it in OUR game mode. It can be just as long and complicated as it currently is after all I didn't craft 144 pieces of ascended armor and weapons in a day 😉 Sure would be nice to take those and upgrade them to legendary now!!!

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  13. 2 hours ago, Metaljaw.6437 said:

    Event last 6 days and the chest is awarded once per day per account. - WTF?

    If you are going to require us to complete an event multiple times per day for an event at least make sure you are rewarding people for the completions you are REQUIRING!

    Many are thinking it and map chat has proven it, your just saying 😉 👍

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  14. 29 minutes ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

    Content should not be "press one button , get kill and achievements+ rewards". That is just ... lame for the quality of the game. New players will get bored easily and will skip big part of the game by boredom alone.

    Actually there is a large player base that thinks that is more fun than you would think. Some of us derive our joy from the journey not the destination! A good reason I'm glad to read Guild Wars 2 isn't going to become Guild Wars 3



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  15. 10 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

    The introduction of the first story legendary (amulet) and the focus on the legendary armory make me believe more things are coming in EoD besides gen 3 weapons (the attainable precursor through story also makes me wonder if they want to make legendaries more accessible to the average player).
    I‘d say Anet introducing a new way to attain legendary armour unlinked from niche content within EoD is likely.


    We‘ll just have to wait. The earliest we may get new info on stuff like this is the 27th.

    We can hope and dream at least! I for one am hoping and dreaming you are correct! If for the sole reasoning of remving this heated debate of game modes 🙂 👏

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  16. If innovation is part of their "manifesto" then do something no other game does! Reward ALL game mode players with the rewards they want for the mode they chose to play in while supporting your game. After all the gems store is more widely used buy ( 😉 ) those who can actually use it in their game mode. So If it is a convenient thing then let me just strait up buy my legendary armor from the gem store and support the game others want to "get guud" at and earn those rewards. If Anet lets WvW and PvP player have a voice and make choices about their game modes then at the very least do the same for Living World players. Right now and in the past there are a large group that want to see like kind legendary armor / gear earned by playing Living World and Expansion content.


    Yes, RAIDs are deemed PvE content. Then why were the legendary trinkets NOT earned via RAIDs? Wasn't it Fractals that introduced the first legendary ring? And yet Fractal Players too do not have their mode of legendaries.


    Innovate, make use of existing systems and change the way it works for the rest of the player base. Or is there a fear the other game modes can't stand on their own? I'm sure that is not the case. After all they have to step into PvE for legendary weapons and I see plenty of PvP tags and Warbringer backpacks. And yet they complain about having to play in the PvE content too. So it sounds like considering the players wants and innovating are the solution, doesn't it?



    Fun Fact: This debate happens ever time one mode wants something another has.

    Fun Fact: It's not been solved!


    just thoughts all, enjoy and have a good night 🙂

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  17. 6 hours ago, Doomfrost.5728 said:

    Legendary Armor will have to be tied to something. It's supposed to denote an achievement, something you've worked towards. Crafting is not an achievement, it's simply a component needed in the process of owning a set. Raid+Craft, WvW+Craft, PvP+Craft. 


    If you want another legendary set, it has to be tied to something other than just crafting.

    Well, I can somewhat agree to that. and much like PvP, WvW & RAIDs  maybe for Living World it should be tied to Spirit shards + Map Participation?! Just about the same way as it is in WvW. Spirit Shards act as the Skirmish Tickets and Map Participation replaces "Match Participation" progress. Many maps already have participation, just add it to the rest and give us a new shiney ascended piece to buy as the precursor (or better still let us use the ascended items we have already crafted + new shiney legendary item to upgrade them to precursor status). That way BOTH Spirit Shards + Participation count to a token/ticket for Living World Legendary Armor and gear just like it does in WvW, & PvP. Then the same thing can be applied to Fractals or other areas.  It's basically a new vendor or add to Forge vendors + 2 or 3 new shiney items to use for upgrading / crafting ascended armor (just like you do for WvW) into a precursor and then to Legendary. Keep the Grand Master Marks as part also. Then have it added to Legendary Armory. Same system just using Living World/Expansion maps for the GRIND location and content. That's all we are asking for.


    As far as the crafting part it's not far off from what you do using the Legendary Journey process now or for PvP & WvW. You can use the same system just make the GRIND in Living World and Expansion maps content + Spirit Shards+ Participation Item (Cartographers Map Ticket) + Grandmaster marks +Ascended Armor / Gear Item (if using existing crafted item then it must be exchanged for new precursor ascended armor / gear piece).


    Something I have again been a strong voice and advocate for but yet here we are years later and nothing has happened. But maybe with the "returning to our roots" and returning staff + this post it might actually happen?



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  18. 39 minutes ago, Ben K.6238 said:

    At this point, you might be helping keep WvW alive.

    LOLZ, IRK!? It feels that way some times. But as much as I actually like the setup of charging castles and all it really sucks when my playtime is spent GRINDING for 14 SCT each day by> kill a guard> get killed by player> WP and warclaw back> rinse and repeat. yeah I have a good build not it's not awesome, well it was at one point, but it doesn't come down to the build. We share internet here so we will NEVER be good in PvP or WvW the lagony just frags it!


    At the rate we get SCT I will be dead before I ever complete my legendary armor! I'm sorry I just don't think game rewards should take years of play to get, a week, a month sure. Multiple moths? yeah NO! That's more like a prison sentence than playing a game for entertainment.

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