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  1. i hadn't tried the mermer rifle stuff yet but one issue i have is i don't know if ive unlocked that ability or if i have to finish the story stuff ( i got to the second go do stuff thing)
  2. ive played gw2 since the beta days before gw2 came out and 1st off I'm used to some instances of gated progress since the hart of thrones days but this release is a bit crazy for it so far its been opening cutscene then your gated to do events around the map then new story part then your gated by having 150 of the maps currency to get a scroll (i know its not much i know) then new story part and then..... more do events around the map why? one is manageable and gets players to explore the map and do things they wanna do but this is a bit extreme it just slows down the lore and story for people like me that dont have that much time these days to do the story and then get blocked by oh now do this before anything i hope this isnt the way its gonna be from now on over then that i like SoTo alot
  3. my feedback on the map and feedback about this update 1st off the good things as a long time gw2 player (started playing since the last public beta before gw2 came out) the map is visually stunning i like this little things the devs have put in like sharks/fishes stuck and encased in jade the massive bones of massive fishes hanging up there by jade and the more and more warped areas the deeper u go down I'm noticing some Oreian stuff too like trees plant life at the bottom levels (i could be wrong it could be the same assets I'm not sure) and large too the npcs are cool to lission too as always make the map feel like a part of the world the over rewards are fine and nice the things i didnt like (sadly there alot) once again its a meta map (meaning do this one meta map shuts down restarts meta) kind of getting boring and tiering doing that for maps that are cool and stunning only to not to be able to explore the map because we are gated in terms of time and areas until the meta progresses can we stop doing these kind of meta's or at lest switch it up this is two in a row for EoD the last map and a year later its littery the same meta different map it feels off it feels "phoned in" it feels thought again the map design is grate it feels the devs just did the easiest and quickest thing to do for the map and not give it its own flair story content after a year of waiting (since season 1 got put back in and reworked) is the shortest bit of story telling ive seen in gw2 so far (having played all LW's and playing this in my slow style i do (e.g normally takes me 2 -3 hours to do the story stuff where most people take 1-2 hours) littery clocked in at 40 mins and suddenly just stops no indication no to be continued no mention of lets go think on this ill get back too u heck even the story mission says wait yes you could take gakis word and say yes we need a plan as "next story patch" but it seems like the story was just cut, stopped in its tracks for no reason the rewards are the worse I've seen in gw2 for this meta/map solo talking about the meta chest rewards NOT the vendor rewards why are we constantly getting gems/jewels from the chests when a there no point to me to slot them in my Armor because there a very small stat gain if anything and b 90% of the gems/jewels cant be sold on the marketplace so I'm stacking gems in my bank for littery nothing what is the point with this? the over rewards are fine and nice no books, logs, journals, no world flair, no exploring what happened to the here a paper an npc left for us to read what that person is experiencing/happening where the npc dialog that isn't tied to the meta (since dialog repeats when the map resets the meta) where are the little bits of things that make the map more like its meant to be there or has always been there it feels missing feels very strange so honestly what we got was a 40min to an hour story setup and an hour long meta that repeats I'm really disappointed maybe people where looking at this patch as the template of this is how things are gonna work and progress to stay interested in the game and the mmo but to me this patch is underwhelming short and not a positive outlook on things to come i hope this improves and quick if this is a sign of the way the new things are going to work and this "Mini-Exp" workload they announced and how things are going to be for the long term this Really needs to be put back on the drawing board and re-planed re-discussed I'm not expecting however a 12 hour story patch or a crazy map with 1,000s of things to do but this is even less then what a living world patch (since even that had at lest an hour -2 hours story content and a map that u could farm do and still find out new things logs/jornels lore and everything that makes gw2 grate) and after a year of waiting for new things and the continue of "now dragons are done what now" this seems like a major let-down i hope things get better
  4. im also tried of people saying this meta bad rng blar blar blar the issue is too me every person whos struggling is blameing it on everything and everyone and really cant be bothered to learn or put up with the mechanics of the fight the only thing i will say is the "green part of the fight" needs to be more forgiving because litterly one person and troll goof around or just fail it because there learning only for people to rage at them
  5. Yes please don't Anet I've been playing since the betas just before gw2 came out the only thing i missed was season 1 please don't make final meta weaker or watered down to the point where its just one more meta that isn't done or people don't wanna do because people cant be boughed to learn the mechanics some people want it handed on a plate to them and weaken the epic final boss that warps up a 10-12 year story line no thanks this is why i believe raids wont be back because to many people think there hard and wont try them i don't wanna see the end of this story watered down to the point of dragons stand where u don't have to think or act just whack things so "everyone's happy" (FYI I've failed this meta like 25 times so far) but i keep trying i keep learning i keep growing as a player all I'm hearing in map chat is the following " i tired of this meta" "its to RNG (bosses attacks)" "its to hard" "it pointless" the expac's only been out a week now do they want anet to make everything one shot kill or something stupid i hope anet if u read these give over people who don't wanna do the meta a route to get the turtle mount if that's why there complaining let us the players who want this hard to keep it hard maybe I'm a bit on the side of the game since I've played it for 12 so years now and new people are facing that massive wall but why play an mmo and not learn the mechanics not learn the systems not learn the story the lore of this amazing game
  6. so many people asked me how did i get the shattered dragon wings NOW they can YAY
  7. 1st of all i enjoyed the hole of season 4!!!! my questions are thisA. i know you can't talk about season 5 stuff (e.g what's gonna be in it and when etc) but since the ending had no leadoff or a hint of what we are doing next without going into detail why was this choice made ? (i like the fact we get no hint or anything i just would like to know the reasons behind it ) B. why wasn't zojia part of the episode since she had major ties to this storyline with kroktoric? C. this might be a bit of topic but since we are rolling into season 5 from 4 will people who got POF still be able to play in new raids etc ? since you had to buy HoT to play them ones and then PoF to play the latest ones the reason I'm asking is since Pof ark is over (I'm guessing) will we be able to play X new raid when it comes out ? a side note i don't mind the whole time gating issue i like having to work for X item or mount but one thing I will say is when a collection set up is to unlock a mount or an item that has collections that chain off each over its very confusing witch ties to X part i spend about 20-30 mins most times looking at the collections list going ok A connects to C but B connects to D and D connects back to B and A is there any way you can make them into a set e.g I click skyscale collection for e.g and it says the 1st step when I've done that step it adds the second step to the same collection and so on and on so its all contained in one page or one collection! anyway, thank you all for your hard work! can't wait to see what's next!
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