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Everything posted by Gandalf.1537

  1. Yeah if any of the staff could comment that would be appreciated.
  2. Hello I have a question. For my birthday I was sent several gift cards from friends. I would like to use those for the next upcoming dlc / expansion that comes out. Can you add funds or when you buy something you can use all the cards that total to the price of what your buying? Example. Lets say a expansion is 60.00 but I have 3 20.00 gift cards. Can you add all 3 to the same purchase? Thanks.....
  3. Should have stated free in terms of if you own the expansions. Still free. No monthly subscription like a lot of MMOs. Ton of content though. Makes it even more fun.
  4. Could strike be something like what was introduced to Destiny series? Hmmmm
  5. I love charr and norm. Neat to see it coming from the roots of eye of the North from gw1 that whole area was amazing. Seeing it come to gw2 makes it more exciting. Didn't they say new playable race? Also a plus having the gear / spell template like gw1 had. Makes it a huge plus for me. Like I said these developers the designers they put all their heart into it. We don't even know how much they get paid and yet to release it for free is awesome itself.
  6. If its one thing is the ability to save my gear / skill templates. Its great. I hated to restatmy stuff for different modes.
  7. With all the negative comments. I am super excited for the new content. I've been playing this for 7 years and still love it. I play PvE, PvP, and WvW. I simply love it. People should be happy that Anet gives free content. Maybe their not perfect but they put a lot into their art work and designing of worlds and content and they do deserve a pat on the back. Its not easy designing something like this and put their heart and soul into the story and do the best they can. Too make it free to everyone that's a plus. Thank you Anet for the wonderful best MMO out there and the awesome content. People are always going to not like something but for me I like it all. Please keep this positive posts. I hate seeing all the negative comments all the time and thought I would give Anet a pat on the shoulders for another great free LS.
  8. I like to idea of the way anet is headed. This should have been done a long time ago. One of the reasons I liked GW1 because of factions and alliance, it was a lot of fun. Nice to see Anet is going to due this. The only concern I do have is getting those pug(s) / groups to join TS and to be a part of the community, and I would hope that people wouldn't get discouraged from playing GW2 and not paying at all and loosing that community number base. While I do agree some don't like social stuff but again that kind of goes with this gametype. Hence MMO WvW. It's hard to command when over half the squad isn't in TS / Discord. But have to make due.
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