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  1. Yeah, very dissapointed, it feels like budget cuts everywhere. This was the comeback oportunity for arenanet. Very sad to see something that unfinished.
  2. Hey guys, i'm away on vacations and unable to play atm. Wanted to know if Any changes we're implemented to willbender from the last beta. Patchnotes Say nothing about new especs. Ty guys.
  3. I have thought about this many times. It would bring a Lot o life back to old weapons and builds. Weapons and builds are the backbone of gw2
  4. Yes! Thats the Best way to solve most of the problems
  5. Yeah, i also feel that the second Wave of elites are a Lot more interesting. From the First 3 elites probably only Harbinger is the closest to being a fun spec. Virtuoso is Nice but it also is very 1 dimensional
  6. It's true that there will be issues on every new class for the most part. This does not worry me to much as long as the idea/identity/theme is good and fun to play. The rest can be only number tweeks. This is actually what worries me for the willbender, i couldnt really see the identity of the class. It seems as it doesnt know if it wants to be assassin, bruiser, Mobile etc. They hype both swords, they are Even on the presentation. Yet willbender throws punches and kicks. Except for whirling light and the dash animations all the other animations look bad and unimpactful this includes willbender flames, F1 punch, elite skill and most phisical skills. I honestly think the espec was rushed. It seems like most of the skills we're going To go with a "whirlinglight" aesthetic but they didnt have time to implement it.
  7. The whole williwonka theme is Bad, it feels very rushed and with 0 complexity. I reallly hope they rework it. I have been playing guard since First betas and honestly, vindicator screams guardian.
  8. Hey guys, just wanted to know if there has been any confirmation on being able to use the willbender, virtuoso and Harbinger during this coming 2nd beta.
  9. I'm sorry bro, but you are wrong there. I get what you are saying and why your saying it. Firebrand in PVP is very underpowered. This being said, most of it's issues come from sustain and not really from it's lack of damage. Quickness in PVP is a huge diference in the amount of dmg u can deal. I have been trying a hybrid and another power based build and it rlly melts people super fast. This builds are a Lot of fun but the lack of sustain and escapes make it a meme build for playing at "plat" lvl.
  10. Just nerf necros and holo to a lesser extent and we are practically good to go
  11. I agree, it was a necrofiesta. At least 4 necros on oposing team each time. I only got to fight 3 matches. But that was enough.
  12. Read your post and then tell me im the lunátic, lol. How do You Even get to those conclusions? Everyone knows scourge is way way overpowered. Be it wvw, PVP or PvE. If You don't want to accept it, thats your problem. And in PVP necro is singlehandedly destroying the Game mode.
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