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Posts posted by Kjudoon.2915

  1. Solo mode required. Some of us don't play with other people rendering the main guns of this mount worthless. Co pilot should be a non-essential option, but if you have someone you want to play "Halo Warthog" mode in, it should be an option.

    Control is frustratingly slippery too and so slow, I don't know when I'd bother to use it unless the story mode forced me to. Especially when traveling along.

    Remember, never force co-op play in the open world.

    Otherwise, this isn't a bad idea and can see where it may be fun.

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  2. I want to like this elite spec so much more but I came away feeling disappointed. I don't play a thief to be the group healer, which in it's current state is more the case than playing a guardian which should be as close to a healing class as we have.  Out of all the new elites, this one seems to have lost it's way the most in what it's supposed to be.

    The good.

    You get a lot of skills/effects to help allies. I love the scepter, and it's a relatively quick attack as it should be. I think this is a good compliment.


    The meh.
    Targeting allies to give them bonus health/armor/protection is a neat touch, but unfortunately, that means I have to choose between participating directly in the battle with DPS vs being the healer. That kinda doesn't fit with a Thief concept IMHO. Also, it's also difficult to STOP aiding allies instead of shifting to attack an enemy. Several times I'm trying to shoot the critter killing me and it keeps focusing on someone and dumping aid into them.


    Shadow Shroud combat skills were confusing and difficult to tell if/what they were doing.  Too much helping an ally and too little helping yourself or damaging the enemy.


    The bad.
    I'm not happy that the Scepter is only main hand. It needs to be like the dagger and pistol and usable in both hands. I want a duel scepter layout with some better oomph in it's attack in slots 4 and 5. Not more healing. More firepower or more special conditions like the pistol and daggers get.


    The Siphon I don't think is working as advertised. I don't steal anything. It doesn't seem to do anything when I siphon an ally either. What happened to anything stolen?


    The elite skills seem to be aimed specifically at stacking torment or barrier. There's not much more to it than that.

    Ultimately, as much as great potential that lies in this elite class, it's way too much philanthropy and far too little larceny.

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  3. Took me a little bit to figure this out, but once I got the hang of it it's overall fun enough it's the first elite spec I'd use on a ranger.  As for the rough patches that I'd love to see some changes to would be this:

    1. At least one of the hammer attacks allowing me to either attack at a range greater than 320, or leap me into the fray instead of being required to use a utility skill. Similar to the greatsword's leap attack. (like 3-Overbearing Smash or 4-Savage shockwave getting an extra 300-600 range leap to the target as a good opening attack) Otherwise, the hammer is pretty fun.

    2. Having your pet unleashed eliminates the special abilities of that pet making all pets essentially the same. It would be nice if the pet could at least keep it's special attack when unleashed.

    3. When the ranger is unleashed you have to manually control all your pets special attacks which normally are done well enough automatically. That adds a lot more clicking and splitting of focus.

    There could be some more explanation on the utility skills "Nature's Binding". I understand "Entangle" but the wording of the new skill leaves me confused and I couldn't really figure out what was happening from the animations. 

    Just my thoughts on some rough edges that I felt could be made a little better for gameplay.

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