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Everything posted by Moogri.1935

  1. Being altruistic in a given situation is still a choice (as Feanor has been trying to point out multiple times). Wanting and choosing to be altruistic is all fine and dandy (I kinda see the angle Vesica is coming from in that some people/players just can't improve due to some sort of physical or mental limitation), but if someone isn't feeling up to it and chooses not to be? Going by maddoctors points in his potatoes post, and lets say that his option C of telling the underperforming players how to play better is not possible because of abovementioned hard limitation in the players themselves, and for a given situation that the highly performing player is not feeling altruistic, in a sense they will technically have the right to more compensation, do they not? So would you rather they:a) demand the rightly earned compensation from the underperforming playersb) expect not to get extra compensation, cut their losses, and leave. (don't feel like being altruistic and choose not to be)c) force themselves to be altruistic and expect the underperforming players compensate them with tips or something. (don't feel like being altruistic but choose to be) Option A is much more of a kitten move and no one in their right mind would do so.Option B is what most people do.Option C, forced altruism, can lead to resentment if they don't get compensated just leading to more toxicity. (Although, on the flip side, it's quite nice to want to and choose to be altruistic with no expectation of reward and receive a tip.)
  2. Simply just be a bit more specific on your lfg description. "T4s" are too vague. Add something like "chill run" and you'll drive away the kick happy elitists. People mentioning your off meta build might not be trying to be intentionally toxic though. Some could just wonder if you're inexperienced and desire to educate, or they might just be curious as to why you're running a certain build. You can just explain to them. Communication goes a long way.
  3. Yup I was using Unbound Logging Axe and still not respawning.
  4. I agree with OP in that a full raid composition isn't required for recs, and even for T4s and it is absurd to require one for recs. The time to make the party is not worth the effort on something that can be done so easily. But I don't agree with OP calling out people to stop being raid elitists in fractals. I think a distinction needs to be made between raid elitism and toxic raid elitism. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to play with likeminded people of similar skill level to clear things efficiently. There are ways to achieve this such as people advertising for the whole suite - CMs + T4s and maybe recs thrown in with LNHB or some similar requirement. The 100CM run being a "rite of passage" in a sense to determine if the group is of people of similar skill level with the expectation carried on to the rest of the fractals. The example OP gives is possibly one of toxic elitism of the type of requiring a requirement higher than that which is needed, which I'm inclined to think is due to some sort of failing in the person's part. Possibly they think that they are better skilled than they actually are, and even wanting to be carried.At the same time however, with the addition of progressively more difficult fractals like Observatory, Nightmare, and Twilight Oasis, even lower tier versions of them can be quite difficult. Even so, a raid comp isn't needed. Maybe a good dedicated healer for a party of squishy dps, otherwise a tanky party that can each individually self sustain will suffice. There is a flipside to elitism, however, and it's a lower skilled player running with a higher skilled party. If the party members are totally fine with carrying that member then then that's ok. But if someone decides to join a higher skilled party with the expectation of being carried, then there is a problem as this person is not pulling their weight. It's worse if it seems like they're not putting in any effort. It's even worse when that lower skilled player thinks that they're actually good and are acting all arrogant about it. It then becomes a different kind of toxic elitism. It's quite selfish, really.I've literally met people who are pulling less than 10% of the group dps as a dps class, and failing mechanics, scathingly complain about other party members, then when their dps is pointed out, they adamantly refused to believe it saying they were doing good dps just because they were seeing "big numbers" (which as we now know don't necessarily translate to high dps). I understand that there are high performing people who act like jerks too, but can you really blame them? If you're not up to their level, and they have an expectation, it's not fair if you're bringing them down. And often people are not just one dimensional. Perhaps they don't have much time and want to use it more efficiently. Maybe they want to get fractals out of the way so they can do a guild raid training run. Or help out others in some other way. Could it be that the legitimate kind of elitism - where legitimately good players are looking for other good players to clear content fast is causing the toxic kind of elitism? What can be done by the devs to address this and make things fair for everyone? I don't think they can do much and still keep things fair. It's up to us to discover and utilize solutions to get around this - as many others suggested make your own lfg (and make expectations clear in the description - food, pots, titles, or chill run, casual, everyone welcome), find and join a static, run with friends or guildmates. Whatever method you choose, just avoid or ignore the toxic people, they don't just come in the elite variety, there are toxic noobs too.
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