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  1. it occured only in pvp match....in pve or heart of the mist it was runing falwlessly everytime till I enter the pvp match map.....I could understand maybe GPU running out of VRAM if it happened in fights but it happened a lot of times before map even started (that 1 min countdown before match starts) and yes as I said above i tried changing settings in game (lowering etc) I play gw2 from release never had this problem only on notebook and it was clear overheting back then....
  2. this is possible and I thought about it too......if he wont find anything i will buy better and new PSU at least......since i got that old 280W 350W should be okay and also power lines are like 5 years old because it was exchanged when I rebuilded my house.....but it could be that tbh ;-)
  3. thanks for your input guys but as I said mem test showed nothing wrong about my RAM memory. I got desktop my PC is Lenovo IdeaCentre H50-55 AMD Quad Core A10-7800, RAM 8GB DDR3, AMD Radeon R7 240 2GB, HDD 1TB 7200 , DVD, USB 3.0 windows 7 home premium. It is premade PC. And yes it restarts something like you just pressed restart button no bluescreen of death etc nothing.....as I said guy who tested my pc with every possible test (CPU, RAM, PSU, motherboard, GPU) he couldnt find anything wrong with HW.....we will see since he said to me he will try those tests for another 3 days and if it shows nothing again....he will try every part of my pc separately.
  4. Hello all, i got some complicated issue. My pc restarts while playing pvp mode in gw2 randomly it can happen just when pvp map loaded (BOK, LOF etc...) or after some time in game (20-40mins) things I tried. Fresh install of windows 7 with updates and updated my drivers - didnt helpcleaning dust from my pc and fans, downloaded speedfan to monitore temperatures - didnt help temperatures are okchanging settings in game - didnt help after that I gave it to company for diagnosis, today they called me they ran all tests (RAM, PSU, CPU, GPU, motherboard) and they couldnt find anything wrong or any damaged hardware.....they told me they will try to run it for next 3 days and they will see..... Anyone got any idea please? Iam out of options almost :D PS: sorry for my english.
  5. its garbage......just supports and they damage and cc you to death......this game has worst pvp ever since any day......That big balance patch that deleted fast builds and one shot builds hurted game and i think its last nail really.....nobody form my friends even hardcore gw2 fans dont even log in from time to time and it says something about the game.
  6. agree i cant play this game anymore worst patches ever you all wanted nerfs etc...but guess what its unfun to play nowadays iam done with gw2 till next powercreep and oneshot builds that are actually fun play with or against
  7. game is still trash not fun to play have a nice day gl everyone
  8. core ranger > soulbeast in any way be it dueler or dmg dealer.......druid needs either more stability and healing back or more dps options and rework of staff 2 4 5 skills (aoe root instead of slow line for skill4) etc.......verdant etching needs to go back to 2 condi cleanses so you dont have to run WS for condi cleanses and glyphs need rework anyway for pvp and pve. PS: state ranger is balanced cuz its one of the worst is joke.....scourge, mesmer, fb, condi mirage are stillll waaaaay over the top when i play my condi mirage i feel like a god.
  9. yep druid is dead soulbeast is average only good build for ranger is core with BM WS and MMS
  10. hammer........shaman with totems instead of pets.....ez
  11. Only then will you be strong and powerful like necro! man i logged yesterday on my necro and pple were dying like flies.....aoe spam is hard i know :D
  12. damn wars and necros were useless in pvp now they shine and my fellow mesmers, guards etc are complaining their classes cant no longer beats them easily like it was before..........necro with ds? well just kite till he comes out then burst him gg write him lol but you got second HP bar you are supposed to be OP........war vs mesmer I could beat wars with one hand only playing chrono sages now they are really magehunters (spellbreakers) I dont have problem with it since I really didnt meet war who could 1vs3 for more than 15s maybe (those were best)
  13. lol guys......you want probably necro and warrior to be unplayable again
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