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  1. hello frands, former #1 engi NA and world first rank 80 here as we all know, pvp in this game died way back in 2015 when 30 10 0 20 10 builds went away in favor of 3 lines. here are some old clips from mostly before that time for your viewing pleasure. have a nice day and play lost ark. have a nice day friends
  2. Honestly I respect teapot's love and commitment to gw2, even if it is a terrible pvp experience managed by the worst people.
  3. this game died in 2015. now it's a greasy husk. anyone who still plays the game is a fool
  4. if you build any kind of sustain, you get banned. glass cannons only.
  5. For me, everything boils down to the game mode. Fighting over nodes is boring gameplay especially in mmo pvp. Every mmo pvp meta revolves around being the tankiest, most survivable you can be while still being able to burst someone down. Gw2 is no exception and its game mode just amplifies some of the worst, most unfun builds: hambow, cele, bunkers, scourges, etc. Conquest also requires you to know how to position yourself on the map on top of knowing everything else that you need to know about playing a pvp game. It's arguably a more important skill to have over being mechanically proficient. If you ever watch a good player stream, they constantly complain about people who shouldnt be where they are, and frankly why should those people bother to learn in this extremely casual game? Why should a new player coming into this game first learn rotations over actually being good? It's very unsatisfying. The game mode also makes for some major snowballs. Soon as a person dies, their team is at a big disadvantage. This disadvantage often perpetuates until the end of the game because the deaths and respawns are always staggered and it takes communication to regroup, something that just doesnt exist in most games. There's other reasons why the game is bad like matchmaking, population, but yeah the game mode is definitely the worst offender. A more traditional pvp mode like arenas would alleviate a lot of problems but it's unlikely and probably unfeasible to change the whole balance direction for a game mode that doesnt even have a lot of players to begin with. In short, the game is unsalvageable and we should all move on to greener pastures. Any future lost ark pvpers?
  6. don't move the goalposts. the op was complaining about being deleted with a true shot. the way the build works is you stack as many +damage% amplifiers as possible and then true shot, one of which (and the largest one) is being tethered to the target. if you get pulled, you're not getting smacked with a 16k true shot, which by the way, is an unbelievable amount of damage to be hit by. unbelievable as in not believable. the DH cannot restealth after hitting an F1 from stealth because of revealed. if he does, he loses a damage amp which weakens true shot. if the DH holds off on true shot to bait a dodge, that's a damage amp removed. also keep in mind this is an 11k hp no toughness build as well. something something get good.
  7. You dont need to dodge the f1. You need to dodge after the f1. True shot is the burst. F1 is the setup and omegaobvious when you have it on you.. Simple minded.
  8. Oh pve is worse by far. The only toxic people in pvp arent actually pvp players, rather wvwers or pvers who want achievement points or money.
  9. If you did get hit by a 16k true shot, you must've had chain on you. Wake up and dodge the most obvious setup in the history of the game.
  10. Pve players will always call pvp toxic and ignore the pve elitism and toxicity at low dps, low hps, off meta utilities, off meta gear, dummy parses, class composition, etc. The moral of the story is people are kitten everywhere, and also there is no need to make a forum post about how toxic people are. If you cant have a laugh at madtyping, then block.
  11. eod will bring about the condi engi meta. then all the good/veteran/og players will return to herald the golden age of gw2.
  12. Swiss matches teams who have the same score together. The first round is probably random, then all the 1-0s play each other, the 0-1s play each other, the 2-0s play each other, the 1-1s play each other, etc.
  13. AT isnt serious pvp. It's like 4-10 good players stacked on a team or two farming 500-50 games for mystic coins.
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