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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Considering that even my fairly short, mostly casual friend list has at least 12 people on it raiding weekly with different raid groups/communities (EU only) I challenge your assumption as wildly innacurate. I do however see that many of them semi-pug by asking around among friends (considering how often I as a person not regularly raiding get asked to fill in with this or that raid group) rather than putting their run on lfg if they are a few people short, so I'm definitely not convinced that few groups on lfg (which could also just mean that the groups that do go up on lfg are filled quickly) mean few people raiding.
  2. Q: why do players do world bosses?A: I don't I do join in events I stumble upon during normal play, and very rarely this includes a world boss, but it could just as well be any other event on the map.
  3. Making exclusive and account-bound chest items tradeable player to player is not likely to happen, as that would directly contradict the account-bound status. Sure "giving them as gift" sounds great at first, but essentially that would create a market for exclusive items that can only be traded outside of the trading post. I'll "gift" this blc exclusive skin to you if you "gift" me 10k gold ... I don't think anyone of us wants to go there, least of all ANet. Suddenly you have a market of highly sought-after goods without any of the securities the trading post offers, either to the buyer/seller or to the in-game economy as a whole.
  4. Oh, and thanks for motivating me to look these up (I only had a very faint memory of a guild emblem back item skin). I just realized there's also a backpack that would go well with one of my characters (who is also using the guild chest piece), I need to go and get that one :) .
  5. If displaying your guild emblem is what you are after, there is guild armor ( light medium heavy ) that displays the emblem on the chest piece.
  6. Despite being a veteran of several MMOs, he had to ask me if this was a usual occurance in this game and if he had anything to fear for being reported (for killing mobs near an afk player ;) ).
  7. For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment. Seems fair enough to me. (That's why I checked the bar.) I've been in situations where I am close to a dirt nap yet too busy to say "A little help here?" to someone who passes by whom I see out of the corner of my eye. I sorta go with the flow -- join in or not, as you wish. Of course, a res is always appreciated if you don't. ;) How about this as a suggestion: Have an indicator that could be a keybind toggle that would give a visual indication that help is needed and would be appreciated. It would be quicker (maybe) than putting "help" in chat...it would take only one keystroke and would go some towards giving a clue that help is/is not wanted.How about doing it the other way around? If I'm in deep trouble I don't want to have to remember what keybind I put my "help please" on, nor hope that the people that pass by even read chat and/or have chat bubbles turned on. The person that wants to solo will have much more time to ask others to leave them alone than the person that wants (and needs) help.Helping people should be the norm, not the exception, so putting an extra "help me please" indicator in game not only requires people to move a sliver of their concentration away from the fight at hand (which when worst comes to worst they can't afford as missing one red circle or not reacting quite as quickly as they should could be the end of them) but also sends out the message that helping isn't the norm, which this game doesn't need.
  8. Some of us are more heavily oriented towards being completionists than others. My own goal is to complete every single map on every single one of my characters. I couldn't even tell you why, other than I just want to. {Shrug}.You still have the story option if meta isn't your thing, and you can do that entirely solo.
  9. As was said above, you get that point more or less automatically while playing the story of the associated living world episode. I don't think I've done the meta event even once (I just don't enjoy meta events), but have full Istan map completion on several characters, all of whom picked up the poi while playing through the story.
  10. One of the things I feel GW2 has always been great at is providing an environment where people of different interests and skills play and cooperate together. Over the years it's become even better at doing this, from megaservers to lfg to multi guild guildchat and so on. This had led to me dipping my toes into a lot of different content, including wvw and pvp, something I've rarely done in previous games. In WvW especially I enjoy the fact that I can come in and play at my own schedule, but there are a lot of people around I've gotten to know over the last 5 or so years that I very much enjoy playing with or alongside. We've got a server-wide voice comm installed that I like to use whenever I want to play with others in WvW, and active admins that make it possible for players from linked servers to get on there, too. I know which public commanders I like running with and which ones I'd rather stay away from. I never saw the need to join a wvw guild, since the way I play wvw doesn't really mesh with the more rigid requirements many of the wvw guilds have. Instead I have a lot of friends, some in my main guild (which can't really be classified as PvAnything as its main point is being a community of individuals who like to play their own way, including those that don't dare set foot in wvw as well as those that practically live there and have several thousands of wvw ranks to show for it), some in other guilds that I like to join when playing wvw. Being "forced" to choose one main wvw guild/alliance doesn't really sit well with me. It is in a way just a smaller pool of people to regularly play with (where our current server, despite the linking, was and is a decently larger pool), but it also forces a choice not only on me but also on a lot of those I like to play with. Some of my friends are in more "serious" wvw groups that play guild raids several times a week. They'll be forced to choose between guild raids and wvw with their more casual friends. Some of my friends tend to avoid each other. Right now I can jump onto this or that borderland depending on who I want to play with. If this proposal is put into action, then they will definitely not be associating with each other through guild or alliance, so I will have to choose one over the other. I am not playing this game for loot, or for fights, or for ap, or for being competitive in any aspect. I am playing this game for fun, and the large, diverse community as well as the ease to choose at any moment to play with this or that part of the large pool is a major part of that fun. This proposal will very likely limit the pool of familiar faces I will be able to casually roam or zerg around in wvw with in the future. Being not in a large guild nor in any guild that is primarily wvw focussed, I will have to choose a few faces out of the many I like to play with as guaranteed team members, while most of the rest of the team/world/whatever has a very real chance to be total (or mostly) strangers. Besides affecting me and other wvw casuals that don't want to or can't commit to a serious wvw guild (since most of those guilds expect much higher commitment than the more casual pvx players are willing to give to any one game mode), what effect will this change have on communication and conflict within the future worlds? Right now people have a chance to switch servers if the general communication or the kind of play the server generally enjoys isn't to their liking. In the future more casual communities will be mixed right in with the more competitive ones, opening a whole bag of possible conflicts. While I see this concept has got a lot of thought behind it, I've got a very uneasy feeling. I rarely enjoy sPvP because of the random teams and the different levels of expectation and cooperation you are forced to deal with unless you go in with a full team (which, considering my pool of friends, I rarely get the chance to do). Will wvw be similarly "mixed up" once this change goes through, simply because I am not part of a large alliance of familar faces, seeing how wvw is not my primary game mode?
  11. Btw, in my (casual) guild there is an age difference of 53 years between the oldest and youngest member ;) .
  12. Yes please. I rarely care about the bags of loot or whatever. As long as I get whatever unlocks (sometimes the treasure is worth it, but usually it is 2 blues and a green), like waypoints, I am happy. Spotting purple gems in a purple forcefield with a purple background with purple lights all around is not worth a few pieces of silver.But the unlocks (especially waypoints and map access) are part of the rewards, and a much more substantial part than the two blues and a green you get from the loot bags. As others said before in this thread, this is a game, not an interactive movie. Getting places and unlocking content is a major part of the reward scheme. That said, this game already offers you a variety of ways to reach your goals and get access to maps, waypoints and more: you can play the game, figure out the fight mechanics and winyou can adjust your equipment, traits, and utility skills to overcome fights easieryou can party up with 1-4 other players to make the fight easierWhat you can't do (at least not everywhere) is go into the story instances any old way and progress through them with just running around randomly and press whatever button appeals to you at the moment. Admittedly that's a exaggerated, but if you really want all story instance fights to be winnable in a short amount of time by just any player in any equipment, any trait setup , any utility setup, and making use of their skills in any way, then that's basically what ANet would have to do, design the fights so you could win with a totally random setup and skill usage. First round through the instance in question took a while for me, too. I am among those who missed the markers on the minimap in the first spinning ball phase, and it took me a round or two following the spinning balls to realize I wasn't getting anywhere and check the rest of my ui for clues on how to proceed. The fight itself seemed a bit long, too, but then I was on a healing druid that isn't really build for max damage output, so that's to be expected ;) . I later joined a couple of guildies for the same instance on my assassin chrono and the final fight went by so quickly that you couldn't even see all the mechanics Scruffy brought to the table.
  13. When playing story missions by myself I usually witness a delay in going out of bounds and being kicked, but for non-opener party members this interval seems to be severely shortened in some circumstances. Plus if you happen to be on a moving mount (e.g. during a chase) you'll be out of bounds much quicker but can react slower due to mount deceleration and turning animations.
  14. You don't even have to travel through the Desolation to get to the Crystal Oasis from Vabbi. Once you teleport onto any of the new maps by any way (including guild hall exit and spearmaster's plea), you will automatically unlock the first waypoint on that same map, so you're just a few steps away from the next map. Basically you use whatever method to get to Vabbi, teleport to the (auto-unlocked) waypoint in the northwest of the map, step through the portal to the Desolation, teleport to the northern-most Desolation waypoint, step through the portal, teleport to the northern waypoint, step through the portal and teleport to the then-unlocked waypoint in Amnoon. Takes a couple of waypoint fees to get there, but nothing that should seriously inconvenience anybody. If the few silver and couple of minutes this takes it too much, there's still the story option to get to Amnoon "for free".
  15. You can right-click the guaranteed wardrobe unlock to see a list of the unlocks available to you. Beware though, the list is long ;) . I guess you can compare the unlock to the minis you get as birthday presents in GW1. There's always the chance for something cool, but at the same time also for something not-so-cool. Personally I enjoy the birthday gifts very much. I think ANet is doing a pretty good job at giving something for everyone. Some people aren't keen on experience scrolls, while others love them. I know several players who have played since beta but are mostly into content that doesn't give tomes. They love those scrolls for they are regularly starting new characters. Whether it's wardrobe unlock, dye kit or experience scroll, I'm sure you'll find people underwhelmed by each of these. But there's something for (almost) everyone in the mix, and if not, it's a gift. Be happy you get one (or five or however many characters you have).
  16. Depends on what you look for in a character. My own characters all have their own personality, and depending on what mood I am in, I might enjoy playing my glittery pink asura ranger one day and my huge serious charr ranger the other day. It's also more convenient to have one chrono in full damage fractal gear for higher level fractals and another in yolo open world pve gear to fool around in the countryside, so I don't have to change traits and equipment all the time. If you're just wondering how to use your level 80 boost, you can use it on a character that already is level 80 to just grab the goodies that come with it. Or use it on a keyrunner and pick up the keys in the HoT story as well as living world season 2 (chapter 6 I think) while you are at it.
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