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Posts posted by kiroho.4738

  1. 16 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    The amount of skills and the efficiency of added things doesn't matter here.

    Except they do. Why would anyone complain about a class getting "new skills" if they are not new at all or even useless?


    16 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Releasing ranger pets from an elite spec expansion is okay because of the elite spec that becomes the new ranger spec.

    Why? That's a simple question, you refuse to answer.
    HoT -> everyone gets especs + Ranger gets new pets on top.
    Soto -> everyone gets weapons + Ranger gets new pets on top.
    There is no difference. Pets are not tied to especs. You are simply making up an argument out of hot air.


    17 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    I am 100% sure if revenant would exclusively get a new legend with a weapon expansion you'd be here complaining about it.

    Have you even read my previous comment? You know, the one you quoted.
    I already talked about the differences between rev legends and ranger pets. Didn't you understand that part?

    Again -> A new Rev legend add a lot to the class. 5 new utility skills plus a bunch of trait effects.
    What Ranger pets add is 99% flavor and 1%  new stuff.

    Think about a way you can add the same amount of flavor with the same tiny amount of new stuff to Rev and we can talk about that argument seriously.
    But since you haven't even read my previous comment before answering, I highly doubt wou will do that.

    I think you just want to cry about Ranger pets for no reason. No points, no arguments could make you stop.
    You don't even want to hear arguments, do you?

    PS: What about Ele now? You know, the class that gets 4 times the weapon skills any other class gets.
    You refused to answer that as well.
    Compared to Ranger pets this must be extremely unfair for you.

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  2. 58 minutes ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    It doesn't matter if what is added has a high impact or not, something has been exclusively added.

    So you are not mad about what Ranger gets, but just about the point that Ranger gets something, no matter how useless it is?

    Sorry, but that sounds like an envy children. Kinda reminds me of Dudley Dursley from the first Harry Potter book where he is mad that he got one birthday present less than the year before, no matter what the presents were.


    58 minutes ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Pet is a ranger class mechanic so how would you expand the other specs mechanics?

    Not at all. You can't really add small flavor stuff with little to no impact to other class mechanics. At least not without huge changes to the class system.

    I mean, you could add another mech, but that's it. Even a copy of Rev legends would have too much impact as you then would be able to run shiro/shiro for example.


    59 minutes ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    adding a new f skills that you can pick for every class could be an option for example.

    If it's really about "but Ranger get one more skill pet pet", why don't we talk about Ele then?

    With the new spear Ele gets 4 times more skills than other classes. Why don't you take that into account?

    Do you see how your logic is lacking?


    58 minutes ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Previously when rangers have been getting new pets it has been part of the elite specialization releases that are now absent and replaced by weapon releases that everyone gets but the pets are not tied to the new weapons and are available on every ranger spec regardless of the weapons in use.

    New pets never were bound to elite specs at all.

    But if you want to argue that way -> with elite specs every class got new class mechanics. But Ranger got the new pets on top of it's new class mechanic.

    Well, this actually shows that your complain comes extremely late. Why didn't you complain about new pets in HoT already?
    What was the difference? Elite specs definitely are not the reason. Getting an espec, a new weapon or nothing, new pets always are on top of that.

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  3. 2 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Apparently ranger is getting multiple new pets in the expansion.

    Because new pets are a) rather easy to implement, b) are a selling point and c) actually do not add as much to Ranger's class mechanic as you might think.

    When you look at Soto pets, from the 3 new pets only the last one with boon corruption adds something new to Ranger. Everything else was already covered by other pets before.
    And even the boon corruption is already available for Untamed.
    So there was no real new mechanic added with Soto.

    In EoD the turtle bubble is "new", while Ranger always could reflect with axe5.

    PoF pets didn't bring new utilities, just the Iboga with slightly higher dmg (and later an etheral field).

    And HoT gave access to an smoke field.

    Both combo fields are new and nice, but in the end very very niche.


    2 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Where is my expansion legends on revenant or expansion attunements on ele?

    Both are big gameplay additions.
    While a new pet mostly only add new flavor with maybe one new mechanic, a new Rev legend would add 4 new utility skills and expand a bunch of traits. An ele attunement would do the same but for weapon skills.

    Your question is like asking why your brother get new shoes, but you don't get a new car.


    2 hours ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    Is this what happens when you have a competitive ranger main on the balance team when other classes lack those devs?

    No. Ranger always get new pets with every exansion. Since HoT.

    As for balancing you might want to check Ranger pet's dps, there is no big difference between them.
    And as for utilities, as said, there are only very minor additions.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Sinister.5792 said:

    It is crazy this  game is giving you "WINGS" skins... but you cant even fly... 

    its a crazy gimmick for aesthetics to have wings and you cant even use it except glide... 

    what is the point... 

    You can buy wing back pieces in RL as well, you know?

    And guess what, you can't use them to fly....

    You can't even glide with them.....

    What's the point? Fashion of course.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

    This is pure cheating on your part, I could learn to play the game well in 5 minutes? And people haven't learned in 14 years? Is this supposed to be a joke?

    It's called a hyperbole, It's a typical rhetorical stylistic device (I hope that word is translated correctly).
    It's an exaggeration used to show the importance of something.

    The other user is right, you indeed spent much time arguing here. And they are also right with the point that you could have improved your gameplay significantly, if you spent your time learning about the game instead of arguing here.

    People don't learn the game for the 12 years it exists. Most things are learned during leveling and once you reached lvl 80, it's only reading and understanding skills/traits.
    It's not done in 5 minutes, but it doesn't take more than like an hour of testing skills and traits to know which one is good for what cases.
    Most of the time reading them already is enough.

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  6. 13 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

    I don't want to repeat myself, but I have to, maybe such combat is one of the problems, but the main problem is that the game is too difficult, mobs and bosses deal too much damage, and you get a hit or two and you're dead. Bosses have too much life and you have too little. The difficulty level is frustrating, so I am asking the developers to make it an easy difficulty level (at least optional) for all story missions.

    I don't want to repeat myself neither, but apparently I have to.
    The game is not too difficult, especially no the story. GW2 is even known as the "casual game" among the top MMOs, because of the easy difficulty.
    Even raids are said to be very easy compared to raids in FFXIV or WoW.

    In other words, the problem is not the game's difficulty, it's rather you.
    I already gave you some advises for how you can improve yourself to deal more dmg and get more self-sustain.
    But apparently you seem to have ignored them completely.

    • Like 6
  7. 22 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

    In my opinion, this is completely untrue, the game is not getting easier

    May I ask for how long you play the game?

    You say you are at LS2, so I guess you don't play for that long yet?

    Just asking, because power creep is a thing that happens over a longer period of time (hence the name).

    This means you won't see a difference between now and 2 months ago for example.

    However, story actually is designed to be fully playable alone, even at launch.

    From what I read you seem to have more problems with story and other content than most players.
    It could help to check your equipment and build. Exotic armor + weapons are very cheap and the right stats/traits can have a big impact at the beginning.
    I know "learn to play" is not helpful at this point, but what can help is to know all your traits and skills. Knowing them and understanding in which situation they can help you, which utility skill can help you and in what situations you have problems, can increase your gameplay.


    22 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

    I mention that in other games such as SWTOR, Eso or FFXIV I have no problems with completing the story, only in GW2.

    I can only guess, but maybe the different combat system could be the problem.

    GW2 is a little bit of a mix between traditional MMO and 3rd person game. Positioning and dodging/evading attacks can heavily affect the combat. While some bosses can kill you with 3 hits for example, you can avoid all that dmg by taking a step to the side.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    However, if the home system is what people want, why is it not a castle or a palace worthy of a hero, but a cabin in the wood?

    For some pretty simple reasons.
    1) The hunting log -ish house fits the overall style of the expansion. A castle would be detached from everything else.
    2) To give more freedom. The upcoming homestead has a a cozy home, a few other neat buildings and most importantly much much open space. The more space, the more freedom you have to design the map as you like. A giant castle would take away a good chunk of that freedom and urged you into including that castle.

    With the space the got I bet you should be able to build your own castle, if you want to.


    1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    Secondly, why is Anet wasting resources and time on creating another raid that will only be played by a handful of the community, and a raid integrated into the main story? The development team itself admitted that only a handful of people play raids, that this content has never been very popular and that creating it is time-consuming and expensive. I do not understand this.

    They don't use all resources for raid exclusively anymore, that's the key point.

    The problem with raids was that they a) required too many resources but b) too few players played them.

    That's why they introduced strikes (to get more people into raiding) and stayed with that concept.

    What also happened is that much more people got into 10-man instanced content due to strikes.
    You can see a chard about it here (the last picture).
    You can see that Soto strikes are about the same level as Raid wing4, even though soto is less than a year old, while W4 is more than 7 years old.

    This means point b) -> to few players - is no issue anymore.

    Additionally Anet uses a very similar concept for the new raid.
    While Strikes uses the same bosses as the story, the new raid will share their bosses with the new convergence.
    Both concepts allow them to release more content for less work, so point a) isn't a problem anymore as well.


    1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    The alternative is also not very encouraging. 50-player Convergence will again be a problem for me if I want to play this expansion, say in a year or later.

    I don't know how long you play or if you ever noticed it, but unlike many other MMOs GW2 does a pretty good job at keeping their old content relevant.

    HoT is 9 years old now and their metas are still one of the most popular ones.

    I know it's not the case for all events, but even unpopular events/maps like Kourna have their "time to shine" due to daily achievements. WV weeklies also doing their part keeping older content alive.

    Another point for the convergence is, that you always can start a privat squad. This means communities, guilds etc. can start these events on their own. Actually even you can start it yourself and gather people via lfg.


    1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    Third, did players really expect to use spears on land?

    I don't know how many players expected spears on land, I personally did not.

    But tons of players wanted spears on land for over a decade now. Including me.

    So that's really a positive feature of JW. Probably a better choice than any other weapon.


    1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    Will using spears on land be optional? I can't find this information anywhere.

    Of course it will.

    The game never required you to take a specific weapon to play the game. That's not how the game is designed.

    Spear will be a new weapon option, just like the new weapons from soto were.
    You can use it or not. Your choice.


    1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

    First of all, please make the game easier for the solo player. I am asking the developers, please, please make the game easier for the single player, and above all, make all expansions and living worlds easier to complete for the story.

    This already happens automatically due to power creep.

    Classes get stronger and stronger, but released content stay the same.

    While you needed a full and at least semi organized group to do the SW meta succesfully on release, 5-10 players are enough nowadays.



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  9. 23 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I was under the impression that the door persist when you go to your homestead.

    It's the exact opposite for me.
    Why should the door persist once you left the map? There is no reason for that.


    23 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    Why make a door at all if it doesn't? Seems completely pointless.

    I addition to what already was said by other users:

    Players not in your group can send you a party invite with the door. You on the other hand can visibly offer your homestead this way.
    It's a different way of communication than writing in chat.

  10. 18 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    I guess asking ANet to release a piece of content that is playable on release is spreading hatred ya'll. Not to mention every piece of 5-10man content was (most still is) bugged for months, including the very successful strikes. Asking you why are you not doing the very successful strikes is on-topic. It is within the realm of possibility that playerbase that actually enjoys instanced content wants it to be bug free. 

    So your argument switch to "there are bugs" now?
    With the way you argue, it seems like it's your first MMORPG.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

    Devs always abandon content that is successful.

    That's indeed something that happens rather often in GW2.

    Dungeons, Pof bounties, DRMs; Anet (in GW2) is known for trying out new stuff rather than developing existing ones.
    IIrc they even mentioned exactly this in their Soto retrospective blog post.

    So yeah, joke is on you. 😉 

    • Like 1
  12. 55 minutes ago, Aaron Forestman.4758 said:

    Silent Surf fractal was actually made as a strike before it was (not-so-hastily) patched to be a fractal.

    Scrapping ideas and reusing them at other occasions is absolutely normal in the gaming industry.
    You wouldn't have a lot of content in any game, if that wasn't the case.

    The rest of your comment is whataboutism.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    I don't know in what world is that a win for a consumer. Devs are reusing assets, creating half-(insert kitten here)ed mechanics and making zero effort in quality assurance.

    You can spread hate as much as you want, it doesn't change th reality. 🙂


    4 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    Why are you not doing strike CMs? Are they not good enough for you?

    Who says I don't do them? Why do you even care?
    Why are you getting offtopic more and more?


    4 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    You literally have more achievements in raids than strikes.

    I mean, Raids have 27 encounterss. Strikes have only 14.
    That's about the half, ofcourse there are less achievements.

    What's your point? And what does that have to do with the actual topic?...

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  14. 17 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    Yes, everybody was infatuated with CO CM and LCM for TOFCM was definitely intended and the strike was not bugged at all.

    I mean, due to that bug we have a new challenge mode now for hardcore players. 🤷‍♀️
    Plus Strikes are more than the two CMs you mentioned. 😉 


    17 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    And new 100CM is in wonderful shape right now. Great quality, very high quality control. 

    Because Fractals suddenly are Strikes suddenly? 😂


    17 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    Bonus meme

    And Story and Dungeons are Strikes too? 😂

    Sorry, your arguments missed the topic.
    But if you look at the last picture of your "meme", the graph proves pretty clear that Strikes are by far mor popular than Raids.
    Sounds like a success to me.

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  15. On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    Imagine you are a new player to Guild Wars 2. 

    Okay, I'm a new player. I know nothing about the game, I start fresh. Go on.


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    You've just spent time creating your character, and you are now ready to bring your Human female into Tyria. You do the tutorial mission and are now fully prepared for a new adventure in a new world. 

    Okay, I finished the tutorial and am ready to start into the world. Bring it on!


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    Then you load into Queensdale for the first time and the only thing you see is doors. Dozens and dozens of doors.

    Okay, I see dozens of doors. I wonder what are they and why are they there.


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    First of all, there NEEDS to be a series of options for these, and either #1 or #2 should be the default:  
    - Hide all Homestead Doors.
    - Only show Homestead Doors of party members. 
    - Show all Homestead Doors

    Okay, but I'm a new player.
    I just finished the tutorial, so I haven't set/checked any option at all.
    I will see these doors anyway because I simply don't know that there is an option to hide them.
    I don't even know that such doors even exist until I see them the first time.

    So how exactly should these options "safe" me from seeing a bunch of doors when leaving the tutorial. This makes no sense.



    Back to veteran view: Seriously, why should "dozens and dozens" of people gather up in Queensdale and spawn their doors for no reason?

    I mean, think about it.
    JW is freshly released, people want to play it. Also people have to play the story to some degree and farm xp to level their homestead mastery in order to even aquire the door.
    And now you tell me "dozens and dozens" of people do that and gather up at the same time in Queensdale to spawn doors and... be afk (because if you leave your door vanishes)?
    For what reason again?


    Just look at the past, people said exactly the same about the turtle before EoD launch.
    "It will block the view", "people will use it for trolling", "it will ruin new player's experience if there are dozens of them on the start maps" and so on.
    And? Nothing. Such problems simply never appeared.
    So tell me, what's the reason it will be different with JW's doors?

    Your concerns simply are not happening in practice.


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    Another issue that is easily foreseeable if there are not 'hide options' is the issue of performance issues, and trolls amongst the playerbase. 

    What makes you think so?

    There are hundreds of placable, droppable and interactable items you can place in the world since release.
    The door is not different, the bigger size doesn't require more performance.

    A single player can drop 100+ interactale items to the ground with no impact to the maps' performance.
    There is absolutely no base for your concern.


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    What is going to happen in every single meta event, expansion zones, and starter areas? They're going to be flooded with doors. 

    Just like every city will be flooded with turtles that block bank NPCs etc.?
    That's what people were concerned about before EoD launch.
    And, noting happened.

    Again, take a look at the past. There are hundreds of items and skills you can use to troll people and how often do you see them in reality?
    Aside from TD and AB literally nowhere. And AB and TD are limited to portals and maybe merchants. Nothing about all the other hundreds of items.
    You concern is purely theoretically. It simply doesn't happen in practice.


    On 8/3/2024 at 11:25 AM, Pyre.2467 said:

    Doors are going to look awful. That's it. 

    That's your personal taste, no argument.


    None of your arguments have a valid base. They are purely theoretical but never apply in practice.
    However, I do agree that an option to hide other player's portals would make sense.
    But not because any of your arguments. Simply because some players might not want to see these doors. That's it and that's reason enough.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    Okay if it gets easier: Not okay if certain phases are needed to get achievements (which I think is the case here) - and they start to appear more rare or not at all anymore. Then achievement changes migh be necessary or fixed phases for the boss. (At a certain percentage of health him triggering a mechanic going in invuln. until it is done. Not randomyl after some time where you can kill it before the mechanic starts.)

    For Tequatl they added a portal after the fight for the treasure diving achievement., because the phase where the original portals spawn during the fight never happen anymore because of too much dmg.

  17. 3 hours ago, Jin.8501 said:

    Pitfall every long running game falls in to and eventually dies to. Unless you throw lot of money to fix the problem and silence the NEETs wanting quick farms

    Not at all. Powercreep actually keep older content alive.

    With the time content get less popular.
    SW at release required a full, semi organized map to be successful.
    When you look at the population of SW nowadays, there wouldn't be nearly enough players for a successful event on the same difficulty as at release.
    Thanks to power creep people are able to do the meta even if they are only 5 or 6 players.

    It's the same for all older content. Dungeons for example. Back then you had to have 5 people for a proper run.
    Exploration mode on minimum level was almost impossible, Arah was extremely hard.
    Doing a dungeon with only 4 or 3 players was inconveicable. Doing a dungeon solo, almost impossible (aside from glitch abusers).
    Nowadays dungeons are much less popular and it can take a long time until you find people. But thanks to the power creep it's not that hard to do dungeons alone anymore.
    With two players it's easier than with a full group back then.

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  18. 33 minutes ago, Anov.4237 said:

    Have the meta in SW been nerfed? the bosses in lane 1-3 dont even reach phase 2.

    No nerfs, no. But the Map has been released almost 10 years ago and was balanced around classes with much less dmg (like 1/5 the dmg we have now), without elite specs, without certain stats, mounts, masteries and so on. Not even heal or boon support builds existed back then. It wasn't even possible to keep up boons alone and alacrity didn't existed.

    In other words: 10 years of power creep happened.

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  19. On 8/1/2024 at 1:14 PM, Gehenna.3625 said:

    It would seem strikes weren't as successful as they hoped.

    That's a weird supposion and doesn't fit what we can see in the game and what Anet said at all.

    I mean, originally Strikes were introduced as a ramp between open world / dungeons and raids. To get more people into raids as they are so unpopular.

    After IBS it turned out that Strikes actually are much more popular than Raids, so instead of builing the ramp for Raids, Anet practically replaced Raids with Strikes. Both EoD and Soto strikes are pretty popular, especially since all of them have a challenge mode.

    To think Strikes not being popular is the reason Raids return, doesn't really fit.


    However, what changed now is that Anet learned from Strikes.
    Before they put many ressources into Raids. They created whole maps, new bosses with new mechanics, new stories etc. Literally everything in a Raid was new.
    Now with Strikes Anet got rid of a huge portion of this work by reusing story bosses.
    They could focus on mechanics, while almost everything else was already done.

    And with the upcoming raid, they do this too. Or at least to some degree.
    They don't put the work into the Raid alone, but use it for Convergence as well.
    The effect is similar, more content for less work. And more players who actually see/play what the devs created. Unlike old Raids where the difficulty kept most players away.

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