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Posts posted by kiroho.4738

  1. 1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    in the original guild wars you could have an entire secondary profession before even leaving the tutorial area, and there's thousands of skills to chose from instead of being locked into a few overpowered or underpowered weapons and abilities you're forced to take for every encounter.

    When you actually play GW1, you see that the problem there is even worse than in GW2.

    Yes you had thousands of skills to choose from on the first glimpse, but as soon as you play around with skills and builds, you will see that 95% of them are useless or simply worse versions of other skills.

    As soon as you want a somehow viable build (that gets you through the story), you will see that you are limited to only a small amount of skills.
    The large majority of skills is too bad or - as said - there are simply better version of them.

    Example: There is one skill that revives your pet ony absurdly short range. And there is one skill that revives your pet on very large range and heals it when alive. Also with much less cast time and cooldown. Plus latter skill qualifies you to take your pet. Former one needs a second skill to actually have your pet with you.
    And since you get the latter skill during any tutorial and the former one only at the mid of one campaign, there is no way anybody actually uses the former skill.


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  2. 3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    with all due respect, OP isn't offering any constructive critique, they're just bringing up redundant points about things that are already happening in game

    I mean, obviously what happens in game is not enough for OP?
    That's a valid opinion and as such constructive feedback.

    You (or me) not agreeing to their points, doesn't invalidates their point.


    3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    Reducing the amount of build variety, balancing, and "Bloating" per expansion from new elite specs and trait line - which Anet are doing by not making any new elite specs moving forward and instead giving us a Single new weapon this year

    As said, apparently that's not enough for OP.
    It's a valid opinion.

    You don't have to agree with it (I don't agree either), but you have to tolerate it. And you really shouldn't advice OP to stop playing just because you don't agree with that opinion..


    3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    And Producing more PvX content - Because 4 new maps, 2 strikes and a Fractal with CM, convergences (with CM), and rift events during SotO; and another 3 maps, a new Raid (with a convergence), new Fractal (with CM), new PvP game type, + all the other new features to come in JW clearly isn't new content

    That's actually not much for two years compared to previous releases.

    When you look at LS4, we got in less than 2 years:
    6 Maps
    3 Raid wings including challenge modes
    3 Fractals + Instability overhauls
    2 Mounts
    6 Legendary weapons
    A Legendary ring
    A Legendary accessoire
    New Bounty Hunts on 4 maps
    2 Stat combinations
    And more

    In other words: No, with the mini expansions Anet does not produce more pvx content. The release less content.
    I mean, that's the whole idea behind the mini expansions and Anet communicated it openly, so you shouldn't pretend it's not like that.



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  3. On 7/27/2024 at 2:01 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Versatility only works if the options to choose are somewhat equal in worth. Meanhwile, in GW2 90% of all gear/build options you can pick are complete trash. And i am very generous about that 90%.

    "Complete trash" for what?

    For Fractals, Strikes and Raids? Yes.
    For Story, Open World, Metas, World Bosses etc. -> 90% of the game? No, because literally everything is viable there.
    And I'm not at all generous about that 90%.


    On 7/27/2024 at 2:01 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    It's that versatility that results in the 10x gap in dps between average and top.

    Hardly disagree.
    I claim that even without all the "trash" stats, runes etc. -> with only meta stuff there won't be a big difference to now.

    The thing with GW2's combat is that equipment and even the build only plays a rather small role for the overall dmg.
    The personal skill -> what skills you use in what order, what attacks you dodge, which attacks you side step, when to use a block etc. etc. are so much more important.

    It's no secret that some people - even when 1:1 copying equip and build from meta sides and copying the rotation - reach only like 10 or 15k while the benchmark for that build is at 44k+.
    You can find posts on reddit from people having exactly that problem.
    Get rid of the meta rotation, and you rather easily get under 5k


    PS: The 10x gap you mention refers to open world events btw.
    This means the lower end are single players without a squad not knowing much about the game, getting downed regularly - and the top end are organized people with meta builds, 100% boon uptime, good to very good rotations that dodges all or most of the incoming attacks.


    On 7/27/2024 at 12:25 PM, Parasite.5389 said:

    y'know, if you don't like the game, you can play something else

    I never liked that argument. It's hella toxic and hurts the game if people follow it.

    I mean, people criticize the game, that's good (as long as it's not toxic). And OP is far away from a "this needs to be changed to the game is unplayable" statement.

    Just imagine OP would just leave the game instead of making this post. And every player not 100% liking the game would do the same. What would this lead to?
    1) Ofcourse it would lead to a very empty game. But more importanly
    2) it would lead to a game where the devs receive no negative feedback at all. No suggestions, no critique about anything.

    Devs would just do what they feel is the right thing and no player would say anything against it. Those who don't like it, would just leave.
    This wouldn't only kill the game very fast, it would also stop any improvements of the game.
    In the end it would be very similar to a game, where Devs simply not listening to the players at all. There are/were games where Devs doing exactly this and well, usually such games die relatively fast.


    In other words: No, don't play something else, just because you don't like a certain Part of the game OP. Share your Critique, even if @Parasite.5389, I myself or anybody else don't agree with you. Feedback is important, as long as it's not toxic/destructive.


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  4. On 7/27/2024 at 11:06 AM, vivienkid.7241 said:

    IMO, gw2 is a RPG first,  the design trying to make every class able to do healing and similar thing already break the RPG immersion

    So the game doesn't fit your idea of an RPG, okay. It's your opinion, but nothing bad objectively.


    On 7/27/2024 at 11:06 AM, vivienkid.7241 said:

    and weapon master again break the Elite spec lore.

    Would you mind to elaborate that?

    With Elite specs a class learns a new way to use their magic/abilities based on the region. The class learns new abilities and how to use a new weapon.

    With the weapon mastery a class learns how to use the weapon of each elite spec, but not the abilities. This completely makes sense with the Wizards Court in the background, who are watching all of Tyria from afar gatherin informations. It's plausible that someone (especially the commander) could be able to learn how to use a weapon unique to a certain region using that knowledge.
    Further with the second part the player does exactly that in Nayos. The player gathers information about weapon practices and based on that learn to use a new weapon.

    I don't see any lore problems here, so please elaborate.


    On 7/27/2024 at 11:06 AM, vivienkid.7241 said:

    Now here comes spear.

    Again, elaborate please.
    As far as we know Janthir Kodan use Spear for a long time. The player learns from them how to use it (on land).
    It's pretty similar to how the player learns an elite spec and elite weapon lore wise, except that it's not distiguished by classes. Kodan wield spear, we learn from them how to do so.


    On 7/27/2024 at 11:06 AM, vivienkid.7241 said:

    Gw2 is an MMO already with plenty variety since the first launch which indeed is its' highlight. Adding more and more variety in the game makes it redundant and bloating, not to say it makes it harder to balance it. More pvx content instead of more weapon variety is needed to attract players. My humble opinion is to redesign class or weapon when needed to add fresh air instead bloating weapons or elite, it's already too much.

    But... new weapons are pvx content...

    I would even say new weapons / especs are one of the main reason people buy an expansion.

    But yeah, I really don't see how you distinguish between Espec / new weapon and pvx content.


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  5. 2 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    I just remembered that the trailer presented the water and land spear as the same weapon!

    Except it did not.
    It just showed the same skin on both weapons (or the same weapon first on the one, then on the other slot).

    The teaser showed the player holding a spear underwater, then blended over to the player having a spear stowed while swiming and then blended over to show the player wielding a spear on land. Three different shots.
    The trailer never showed the player using the same weapon underwater and on land at the same time.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I would not be able to tell the names of events; just whatever popped up.

    Was it Ember Bay? There are not that many events on the map and most of them can/could spawn champions through scaling.


    5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    But, I had this thread in mind when doing the Dailies; so I noticed that there were, indeed, Champions spawning.

    If this includes Ember Bay (I restrict myself to this map because of my own experience there), it's interesting.

    This could mean that a) the bonus event or the amount of players indeed bugged the scaling somehow or b) Anet indeed nerfed the map(s) at some point before the bonus event.
    Latter wouldn't make sense imo though.

  7. 3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    less champion bags entering the economy that way.

    Not really.
    Ember Bay wasn't really a farm spot anyways. I never saw many people actively farming champs there, aside from our group.
    Also there are much better farm spots, so if people want to farm, they will choose the better ones anyways.

    And I really doubt Anet turned down the scaling just for the bonus event. Wouldn't make sense, as the impact to the economy wouldn't be noticable anyways.

  8. On 7/26/2024 at 9:52 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

    LS3 content does not function with full maps. It does not scale high enough.

    From what I have observed in Ember Bay, it seems like mobs doesn't scale as much as they used to in LS3/PoF times anymore.

    Back then we often farmed events in Ember Bay. We were like 15-20 people in total and did events such as the sloth and the skritt chains.
    15-20 people were enough to spawn champions at most spawn spots. Sometime even two per spawn.
    Also the wurm event inside the volcano used to spawn champions at 10-20 players.

    But when doing events for the bonus week, I noticed that not a single event scaled up to spawn even a single champion.
    We were like 30+ players scaling up the events, but nothing. Elite was the highest rank that spawned.
    Sloth chain, skritt chain, wurm chain, not a single champion spawned due to scaling.

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  9. 14 hours ago, notebene.3190 said:

    Okay, so in my case, if I was just dismantling and salvaging in my inventory, and was doing that for 5 min after something put me into and out of combat, I might all the sudden logout. Doubt I'd ever make it to 5 min doing nothing but that in that circumstance, but was just curious. Thx both.

    Not all the sudden. A minute before you get kicked, you will be spamed with a warning with the time until kick every 10 seconds.

    The warning will be shown on your screen as well as in your chat box. Similar to squad messages.

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  10. 15 hours ago, Daxia.1425 said:

    I dont see why AFK farming is suddenly an issue.

    It's not suddenly at all. Afk farmers started becoming a problem since around Bitterfrost release in November 2016.


    15 hours ago, Daxia.1425 said:

    Some guy made real elaborate youtubes about it, gave his data to Anet and nothing happenend for years.

    Oh, but there did. Since Bitterfrost.
    I myself had an alt account getting banned because of afk farming. Learning my lesson.

    And over the time Anet were more or less active in taking down afk farmers. The problem is simply the work it requires. It's not cheap to have even 1-2 people jumping around the maps whispering people, checking if they are afk farming.
    Also it's not easy to actually draw the line between unattended and attended gameplay, as there are people practically afk farming, but able to react within a few minutes.

    With the new timer, they generally get rid of all afk farmers who are completely afk. a) This is an automated solution -> no more ressources for someone checking everything manually and b) the remaining farmers who not get kicked are much easier to identify as botters.

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  11. 17 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    So because over powered classes exist you wanna nerf them to be more inline with every other class.

    Same energy.

    Nobody here ever talked about classes. It's about meta events. lol?...

    Not "same energy", you are literally trying to talk your way out of your own claims.

    Probably because after multiple comments you are still not able to answer my question -> how does any player benefit from popular metas becoming less popular?

    PS. I can tell you exactly how players benefit from OP classes getting nerfed, so again, not "same energy" 😉 

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  12. 8 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    The person that wrote that entry doesn't know what they are talking about then.  It *never* reaches zero. 

    And again what is your source?

    You say "this dude is wrong" and further say "It's like I say" but on what base?!...  "Trust me bro"?....

    You make a random claim without any base, without any sources, without any facts that supports it.
    In other words, your claim is totally worthless.

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  13. 2 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    It is never zero, so even if every 1 of 5 drops loot it still adds up. There are too many variables for them to have diminishing returns reach zero so AFK farming will always win.

    What's your source?

    Wiki clearly says it DR indeed increases to a point there are zero drops.

    "Once triggered, the impact of DR will increase until you won't get any loot at all anymore."

    Also there are not many variables for afk farming at all:
    "The more often a character loots from similar foes within an area, the more quickly DR triggers." - Similar foes, within an area, that's it.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Francois.4582 said:

    The criticism is not constructive unlike mine.

    And you don't bother to elabortate further for what exact reason?

    Because then you had to admit that you can't answer my question?

    Seriously, your literally just threw in a ton of claims without any base and pretend you talk for a group of people.

    Why are you not able to answer my simple questions and have to dismiss my whole comment as "not constructive" within a single sentence instead?

    My comment refutes all the nonesense you claim and the only thing you have to say is "that's not constructive"? No counter arguments, no explanations, nothing?

    Well, this shows perfectly how invalid your comments and all their claims are.


    And it actually strenghtens my suspicion that rage bait is the only reason you made this thread.


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  15. 3 minutes ago, Francois.4582 said:

    La critique n’est pas constructive contrairement à la mienne.

    Why did you translate my whole comment in french?
    And why do you answer in french in the english forum?

    If you want to tell me something, use the language of the forum please.

    Ich schreibe ja auch nicht plötzlich auf deutsch...

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  16. On 7/15/2024 at 10:00 PM, Quodaax.8370 said:

    Since I know that the subject of Race Change falls on deaf ears at ANet

    It doesn't fall on deaf ears at all. Anet did look into this potential feature years ago and decided it's not worth the work.
    There are too many systems bound to the race and the risks that one or some of them kitten up is too high. Plus changing everything to support a race change is - as said - too much work for the little gain.

    A very simple example:
    What happens if you wear cultural (race bound) armor and change the race? It would completely kitten up your character model.
    Okay, let's say race change is only available if no cultural armor is used -> what if a player simply unequip their armor and change the race? They can't equip it again and they can't change the skin (as a character have to wear it first).
    Exotic and lower armor are lost forever this way. Ascended armor requires a character or the old race in order to equip it and change the skin. Not everybody has a character of all races and all weights. Also not everybody has a free character slot to create a char for this purpose.
    And even if, it's an overall dirty solution.

    Racial skills and the personal story that has to be resetted are much more complicated problems.


    On 7/15/2024 at 10:00 PM, Quodaax.8370 said:

    We've been asking for Race Change for exactly the time GW2 launched until now, which has now been 4,342 days. It's really frustrating.

    And yet you haven't noticed Anet's answer to this request or simply ignored all their reasons?...

    And who is "we" btw? You are speaking for yourself, nobody else.


    On 7/15/2024 at 10:00 PM, Quodaax.8370 said:

    An NPC in the Wizard's Tower has a certain tonic that if consumed will change your appearance to any race you desire while keeping your original race a secret.

    That's literally combat tonics. We already have a bunch of them in the game. Including at least one for each race.

    Aside from playable races, combat tonics also include Watchknight, Kryptis, Kodan, Awakened, Shadow Warrior, Olmakhans' sand elemental and embiggening/miniatur transformations.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Heibi.4251 said:

    I think ANET needs to clarify the writeup better. It is a little confusing.


    "In open-world maps, the time remaining before a player who has not manually moved their character or performed any skill inputs is returned to character select is now reduced to 5 minutes if the player enters combat."

    What's confusing about that?


    2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    login early for TT to avoid a full map? Nah, gg...

    teq? Pfft, good luck next time...

    Chalk? Better hope nobody lures a mob while you wait for the useless wall to fall down...

    Tarir? You better found something to do for the next 30 minutes...

    recently slain TM? Gee, you better have the next10 minutes available...


    Just don't afk farm while waiting -> problem solved.

    It's not hard to not enter combat while being afk.

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  18. 20 hours ago, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

    Sidenote: I also play LOTRO and as a minstrel I can attack enemies by having a mainhand drum, flute, bassoon, theorbo, bagpipes, or even cowbell. There are more and it's weird at first but you get used to it. 

    But no warhorn! Case closed! /j

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