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Tom Hsiao.9705

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Posts posted by Tom Hsiao.9705

  1. I think ele just needs permanent pet/ summon.. especially skills with staff takes a long time to trigger damage. I don’t think elementalist should be face tanking mobs... it’s a mage class why can’t ANet make it strong enough that can kill monster before it reaches their face. If you make the damage not so strong then at least give elementalist a permanent pet to tank for them while they channel and cast whatever skill at back line.

    In GW1 you can play elementalist casting at back line without worries because you can always put a tank in your team to tank for you.. GW2 nope.. nothing tanking for elementalist so staff is literally useless if you solo. And they try to fix this problem by introducing the sword so elementalist can get even closer to mobs and melee lol.

    Please rework the staff to instant cast and instant damage if you don’t wanna give elementalist a permanent tank.I really want to enjoy elementalist with staff and have been waiting for years for ANet to do something about staff and pet..but guess it’s never gonna happen...

  2. @Darkwolf.6837 said:

    @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:With the mobile game community growing I was wondering if we are gonna get GW2 mobile???Would be nice to have GW2M... anyone have any info about this?


    Two questions:
    1. Why would you want a purposely cut-down version of the game? Mobile gaming inherently forces simpler mechanics, controls, and game design compared to the existing PC version.
    2. Why would Arenanet want to put the resources required to remake the entire game from ground up for said cut-down version? They were recently down-sized and are already dealing with the perception of having trouble putting out "enough" fulfilling content for the current game.

    I was simply suggesting that since BDO have mobile version available now and also D4 is coming on mobile device perhaps we can have GW3 on APP store (so you don’t have to worry about comparing with existing PC aversion). Hopefully ANet won’t make the same mistake like Riot that refuses to make mobile version until it’s too late. As far as I know nobody is complaining or comparing BDOM with BDO. Making a mobile version of the game simply allows the game to attract more types of players.

    As for your questions... Any smart company would know mobile market is where the money is now. Not everyone owns a computer nowadays but everyone have a smart phone. ;) and if they listen to this advice maybe they won’t hav to be downsized. Yes the mobile version may be cut down version of the game but players gets to play the games anywhere they want. Either on the subway on their way home or during their lunch break... etc. Instead of having to wait all day until they’re done with school or work to sit in front of computer to play for few hrs before bed time.

    @TheGrimm.5624 said:Thank you, no. Mobile gaming is all about the drug deal. Take the first hit is free. No mobile gaming is for the games that are truly out to get you 50 cent at a time. Its a replacement for the arcade where each game was 25 cents. I can see it as an addendum to the real game, but never as the full game. Any game that dumbs it self down to be mobile should never have any money spent on it.

    Do you have any idea how much money some of the top FREE games are making? We are talking about billions of dollars so please do some researches man...lol

  3. @TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

    @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:I have been waiting for new attribute combination with the new patches releasing but NOTHING so far.Would be very nice if we have proper stats for scourge like | major: condition damage + healing power | minor: toughness + vitality.Please make it happen... plaguedoctor and apothecary is just not good enough.I don’t even wanna talk about how much of a joke for physical damage scourge...Thanks B)

    That would be a nice combo. Not quite the same, but I've just started using a Trailblazer/Settler combo (in open world), which is a variant from a Lord Hizen build. Quite fun:

    Hizen's build (build link in description):

    Thanks for sharing your fabulous build. It’s quite different than mine but I like the scepter idea. Are you generating enough life force without using a staff tho? As for the stats I feel like using any piece that only gives 3 stats even for mix and match is a disadvantage because you’re losing a huge amount of stats points...

  4. @KidRoleplay.3615 said:As much as I would like to see a combination like that exist, and am more of the power fantasy type instead of a balance type, that one will probably never happen. Too overpowered.

    I think if they allow trailblazer to be available then what I suggest is really not that much stronger or OP... it just fits the scourge role much better...

    @LucianDK.8615 said:Expertise would be far more useful than toughness. At least forExpertise is quite useless for PvP that’s why I didn’t suggest that since I do quite a lot of PVP and WVW so I rather have a combination that can do WvW and PvE context so I don’t have to change gear or stats accordingly all the time... and necro without toughness in WvW is quite squishy...

  5. I have been waiting for new attribute combination with the new patches releasing but NOTHING so far.Would be very nice if we have proper stats for scourge like | major: condition damage + healing power | minor: toughness + vitality.Please make it happen... plaguedoctor and apothecary is just not good enough.I don’t even wanna talk about how much of a joke for physical damage scourge...Thanks B)

  6. I think elementalist should have new attendant on their F5Perhaps arcane or elemental summoningThe reason I suggest this is because majority of elementalist skills all have some sort of delay damage or slow cast time/channeling (especially the staff)For those skills to really do their damage elementalist literally have to stand still and get beat up so mobs will stay in position. However that is nearly impossible considering how fragile elementalist is... and if elementalist use some sort of tanky staff build the damage is almost like a joke.Elementalist staff skills are just not as smooth compare to necromancer or Mesmer.Fire is the only attunment that does damage... every other attunments literally serves no purpose. (Aside from water healing)

    I just thought perhaps if elementalist have some sort of permanent pet or summons could solve many issues elementalist currently have instead of keep making elementalist a close combat class with tempest channeling skills or sword weaver why not fix the real issue? I know I didn’t play a mage class to get in close combat and melee... please make staff elementalist viable to solo (I know many people are saying staff elementalist still have highest DPS) ya those dps only occurs if they have a party or someone to tank for them!!! I like to do a lot of solo contents and I don’t have a Zerg or party all the time when I’m playing... please rework staff skills or give elementalist a permanent summon/pet. Not everyone that plays this game always have a party or able to play on a time that majority of the players are playing...

    Thanks for reading... <3

  7. When can elementalist have permanent pets/summons???It’s been years and I’m still hoping they give elementalist the permanent summon...I think the summon shouldn’t expire after a period of time..it should have an option to either tape the summon button again to explode with some effect base on which type of element it is and if it’s not unsummon it will last until it dies!!

    It would make staff ele much easier to play on PVE.. it is so lame playing staff elementalist on the open world when most skills take forever to cast and while I’m channeling meteor shower and get beat up or cc by mobs...

    I’m praying the new elementalist class is some summoning class if they don’t make the elemental glyph summon permanent...,And I know there are a lot of people pwning with their S/D build but I just can’t do it with that 130 range.. I love the elemental animations and range on staff but please give me a tank that will distract mobs while I blow stuff up!!!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  8. @derd.6413 said:

    @"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
    • ppl who want to stick with what we know
    • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
    • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

    the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

    another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

    Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

    in what universe are elves a new or different idea? as far as i know elves are as old as the vikings

    I was referring to NEW to Tyria

  9. @"Ashabhi.1365" said:If there were "high elves" already in existence as a non-playable race, then I would say yes, but because they would literally be foreign to this game, I say no. If the developers were to entertain the idea of adding another playable race, it would most likely be:

    1. Tengu
    2. Jotun
    3. Hylek
    4. Hirathi (Centaur archtype)

    At least that would be the order in which I would try to make another race.

    What is the point to release new expansion and patches if they're not anything new? and only stick with old stuff? you might as well play some offline RPG that never gets any update..

  10. @"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

    • ppl who want to stick with what we know
    • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
    • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

    the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

    another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

    Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

  11. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

    I remember when GW2 first launched
    ANet was very firm about not having mounts
    because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!!
    We got mounts now!!
    Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

    To the best of my knowledge ANet never said anything about mounts, one way or another. If you have a quote you can put it down but otherwise it was the players making that argument.

    And no to Elves. They don’t fit the game.

    That you will have to google it on your own but I remember specifically when I first played gw2 and there was no mount and my spouse refuse to play the game simply because there was no mount. So I had to do some digging on why there were no mounts in GW2. I found out ANet refuse to have mount in gw2 because they believe WP is good enough and we never had mount in GW1 either. However that was years ago so Im not gonna spend hrs tracking some articles just to prof my point. If you wanna believe it so be it if not that’s fine by me, I did found something on reddit about people requesting mounts and asking why there were no mount and the response from the community were just as negative as they are with elf right now. You can see it for yourself but since mounts has been introduced I don’t see anyone who have the expansion choose to walk instead of hopping on their mounts. So I’m not sure why people are arguing for the sake of arguing and say stuff like “nah we are good” if that’s truely the case those players should not have the option to get any mount because they don’t deserve it.

    Here is the link from Reddit you can see it for yourself:

    While it’s possible that they said that the game doesn’t need mounts because of waypoints I have rarely seen them say they absolutely no to some feature so without a quote I’m going to say you misremembered it and turned “not needed” into “never”

    Players saying never, no matter how many threads you pull up, are irrelevant to this conversation.

    Ya it is irrelevant when we are trying to talk about elf but you insist on nip picking an example I pull up about mounts and request for me to find something that was posted years ago. If you want to know it that bad search it yourself instead of denying the fact.

  12. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

    I remember when GW2 first launched
    ANet was very firm about not having mounts
    because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!!
    We got mounts now!!
    Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

    To the best of my knowledge ANet never said anything about mounts, one way or another. If you have a quote you can put it down but otherwise it was the players making that argument.

    And no to Elves. They don’t fit the game.

    That you will have to google it on your own but I remember specifically when I first played gw2 and there was no mount and my spouse refuse to play the game simply because there was no mount. So I had to do some digging on why there were no mounts in GW2. I found out ANet refuse to have mount in gw2 because they believe WP is good enough and we never had mount in GW1 either. However that was years ago so Im not gonna spend hrs tracking some articles just to prof my point. If you wanna believe it so be it if not that’s fine by me, I did found something on reddit about people requesting mounts and asking why there were no mount and the response from the community were just as negative as they are with elf right now. You can see it for yourself but since mounts has been introduced I don’t see anyone who have the expansion choose to walk instead of hopping on their mounts. So I’m not sure why people are arguing for the sake of arguing and say stuff like “nah we are good” if that’s truely the case those players should not have the option to get any mount because they don’t deserve it.

    Here is the link from Reddit you can see it for yourself:https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3op6bk/why_are_there_no_mounts_on_gw2/

  13. @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said: Like you mentioned human are intruders to Tyria perhaps elves can intrude too and MAYBE they have been hidden in the ocean or whatever for a long time.

    Pointy-eared, aquatic, humanoid creatures already exist in GW2 (Largos).

    Oh yes thank you for pointing that out!!I'm not quite sure what's going on there with their face I'm hoping that's just part of the helmet or something. Perhaps they should make Largos a playable race I would love something like that

  14. @Dante.1763 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

    I remember when GW2 first launched ANet was very firm about not having mounts because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!!
    We got mounts now!!
    Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

    The only elder dragon we havent seen is the under water dragon, and they already made a humanoid race that lives down there, though i highly doubt well ever go and finally kill said underwater dragon.Elves do not make sense to this games lore at all. This world(Tyria) is unique, up to and including the fact that humans as a race are intruders. They /arent/ from the world of Tyria, while the other races we both play as, and encounter are.

    tbh I just want to have the ability to customize human's ear. ANet doesn't even have to introduce elf race lol! It's like if they can give people the option to have glowly eyes I don't see why not give people the option to have pointy ears?? But if they feel the need to intrude elf to make it happen I'm fine with it too either it make sense with the lore or not. Like you mentioned human are intruders to Tyria perhaps elves can intrude too and MAYBE they have been hidden in the ocean or whatever for a long time.

  15. Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

    I remember when GW2 first launched ANet was very firm about not having mounts because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!! We got mounts now!! Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

  16. @Diak Atoli.2085 said:Putting aside the fact I don't believe new races should be introduced, would anyone care to point out where High Elves (Or any elf, for that matter.) exists within Ttyrian lore?

    Well that is exactly why we have new expansions/patches along with new unexplored maps.This is RPG anything can be introduced at new map.

  17. @Mortymes.7139 said:So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all.

    yes I vote to have high elves too!! a lot of people try to brainwash others by saying freaking tree is elf! no it is NOTYou don't call a tree people elf just because they both live in the forest doesn't work that way!

    @derd.6413 said:because anet has made efforts to make sure it's universe isn't generic fantasy. why do you think dwarves are mostly extinct instead of playable?

    If that's the case then GW2 shouldn't have human to begin with because its too generic since EVERY game have human in it and should also be extincted alright. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be extincted.

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