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Everything posted by Laosduude.1690

  1. It's busted in WvW, so many unpredictable things you can do with it, it'll all get nerfed, so enjoy the bloopers for now. I like it a lot as Deadeye condi in casual pve, just unload a bunch of condis with axe/pistol and fractal relic, I dislike the forced shadowstep of dagger offhand, but will prolly have to use it on more stationary enemies.
  2. Enjoy it while it lasts, literally defy all balance and goes against all the thief haters. They go brrrrrrrrrr in wvw, the range is insane kuz u can plant the axes, walk away a little, and the wvw enemy is so focus on u running away supposedly, then u just recall the axes lol. But even if the hitting behind walls and recall axe power coefficient were nerfed/fixed/tuned, the stealth attack mechanically does some craziness on its own.
  3. Doing WvW, way too slow velocity, setting up the axes is cumbersome with how the terrain is and then if u move so far so fast, u have to set up the axes in the world again to think about pressing #3 lol, and legendary axes leave no spinning model in world, kinda meh. Drop axe entirely, should of gotten a sword offhand, greatsword, or like focus offhand.
  4. The improvements to staff are focused on Debilitating Arc and Dust Strike to give these skills a more unique identity and application. Pistol is also being tuned up to make it a more viable option for condition-focused builds in PvE. Vital Shot: Increased the bleeding duration from 4 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE only. Shadow Strike: Increased the torment stacks from 2 to 4 in PvE only. Increased the Repeater effect duration from 4 seconds to 10 seconds in PvE, and from 4 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased the Repeater effect stacks from 1 to 3 in PvE and from 1 to 2 in PvP and WvW. The effect now causes the Repeater skill to cost one less initiative, and one stack of the effect is consumed when using Repeater. Unload: Reduced the initiative cost from 5 to 3 PvE only. Bountiful Theft: This trait now grants additional might to allies when stealing from a target with no boons. Haste: Reduced the cooldown from 24 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE and from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW. Blinding Powder: Reduced the cooldown from 40 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only. Daredevil Punishing Strikes: This skill no longer reflects projectiles. Debilitating Arc: This skill now grants access to Helmet Breaker for a duration of time. Helmet Breaker: Leap at your foe, dealing damage and inflicting the dazed effect. Dust Strike: This skill now reflects projectiles and strikes foes in a circular area instead of in a frontal cone. Impact Strike: This skill now evades attacks. Increased the cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW. Specter Well of Gloom: Increased the base pulse healing from 336 to 520 in PvP and WvW. Well of Silence: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 PvP and WvW.
  5. Still summer time, lets go anet, southsun cove swimwear for all players :^)
  6. its happening to all players who abusing bug, someone in chat said herald traits 3/3/2 and camp chaotic release
  7. I personally dont care, i have it as well. Plus it's normal for long term health of mmorpgs that some old content becomes streamlined later down the line, so then newer or slow players are caught up to speed to newer content.
  8. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/combat-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/ We getting axe. Wonder what new skills and plays will be like now, more variety coming up. Tbh wish it was greatsword lol.
  9. Still waiting, the game already has everything except this 🙂
  10. Yes, more booba is key, swimsuit variations pl0x. The new loincloth stuff is nice, lets get some more vibes like that. Avid enjoyer of Korean games here, which has many booba outfits kuz its ez munny.
  11. Feels great with Deadeye WvW, more zipping around the area due to superspeed and good initiative gains. I don't use it at all for my full cele sc/p specter anymore, so I took deadly arts over SA, quite better actually because you condi bomb cheese with it.
  12. Wallet warrior or not, this is the reality of todays world of gaming. Something will be encouraged to be monetized, such as making it tradeable. If for example you think the first half of gen2 legendaries or legendary raid armor is significant enough to see it as worthy, there is contradiction for those. The other half of the gen2 legendaries that require precursor achievement grinding, can all be bought with gold from swiping because they're tradeable materials. Gatekeepers of raid content infest the LFG with selling runs, who's to say that there isn't someone out there right now, charging their credit card to convert into gold to buy first spot in the raid carries they need? The whole thing is just players worrying so much about their ego, when clearly a big portion of the game is heavily influenced by the usage of gold that can be swiped by anyone. That's just the nature of a game that pushes the cash shop interface whilst being buy to play, which isn't sustainable by itself.
  13. I'm still going to make it, but that also leaves us with 4 more months to see a result of this feedback to warrant it's own thread on such a big time sink or money sink game feature. Not only the swing animations, but the pistol shadow beam and dagger blue wind arc needs some touch up too. Throwing stones to heal friends seem logical :^)
  14. Weapon combo is fun, but it's clunky, slow, and very loud obnoxious sound effect. Sc/P #3 teleport to friend and teleport away from enemy feels like a hindrance, maybe remove the teleport function and apply a condition/boon if the skill lands then activate its 2nd chained skill. Sc/D #3 should just be one skill and instant velocity of projectile. For it being a support spec, if you get immobolized, the wells should remove the movement impairing effects baseline. Or maybe resist all movement impairing effects in shadow shroud because the entire feature is kinda useless and easily interruptable. Shroud skill #2 should be a larger circle, #3 should be a real dodge and fear for its entire animation of running, #4 and #5 are just completely shrug shoulders. Long cast times and melee range skills since you're a thief, squishy and scepter doesnt seem to bode well while being melee range for anything other than stacking with players. Make shadowstep to wells a 2nd button press, it's risky to put yourself in some situations when trying to be tactical with it.
  15. https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/1447990302971682819 Wonder if this means we can choose a "decent amount" of color choices to really match our looks. What are your thoughts that it should be?
  16. That artwork, lets goooooooooooo
  17. After all the recent stuff that is completely out of the Gw2 fantasy, release swimsuits now
  18. Imagine being disappointed at a system with no actual intent of balancing in the first place, just a simple design flaw of fair gameplay, which is subjective, but with the nature of Arenanet balancing over the last 9 years, you can kind of guess their reasonings.
  19. kitten, big brother in here when scepter news has been goin for a week+ we are probably going to get scepter 100% if they're suppressing all the new elite spec un-revealed weapons in the other 6 remaining classes.
  20. Id whale faster on swimsuits than anything else in game. Armor skin please, for transmute mixing
  21. Finally, my eyes are saved. No more needing to look into the light, always remain in darkness.
  22. Are we going to get more gear and build loadouts? Could surely use more quality of life due to new xpac and multiple games modes.
  23. kitten, keep this asap but lol, inb4 it's some code conflict with harbinger
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