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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. 5 minutes ago, yoguil.7320 said:

    Well, it's not a new topic, you know. The debate is going on for three weeks now. Everything is said. Just not by everybody. In particular not by Anet.

    Right now my impression ist exactly as I've written: Anet forces everybody into a certain type of gameplay in GW2. And they don't care about that part of the playerbase that avoided exactly this type of gameplay in the past. Since there is no explicit statement from Anet on this topic, from my point of view I'm implicitly told: bend down or look for some other game to play, you're no longer welcome here.

    Nothing different from requireing gift of battle from wvw for pve legendaries. Or pvpers needing world completion for gifts of exploration.  So no, the argument does not work.  I do not like wvw, but if wanting legendaries i had to do it.

    Infact this is far less of a time requirement compared to either above.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, dace.8019 said:

    I think the revamp of core Tyria is something ANet are trying to get in order before launching on Steam. That probably got kicked back by years about the time GW3 got axed and ANet lost a big % of its staff. Core Tyria is really dated and absolutely will not represent the game we know. I actually have a lot of confidence in ANet to bring it up to the standards of the expansions/LW - the only speculation I have is down to whether or not they mess with it beyond complexity/prettiness and squeeze in some new stuff pertaining to expansions we already have and maybe alluding to future content.

    Gw3 have never existed or been hinted at.

    • Sad 1
  3. Even SC recognizes the poor performance of Harbingers. From its build page:


    Condition Harbinger is a strong Condition Damage DPS class with a relatively simple rotation. Despite the high benchmark of Condition Harbinger it underperforms in high pressure fights due to the Blight mechanic reducing your health, in these scenarios you would want to play Condition Scourge due to its tankier nature.

    Condition Harbinger lacks the ability to swap any of the utility skills it has since they are all important for the build to function.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

    Go full plaguedoctors gear/weps/trinkets with rune of mercy, torement + bursting sigils. Scepter/torch + staff OR warhorn.


    You're a dps that spams out strong barriers, tons of might, and can teleport people with f4 to save them from bad siruations. Your healing is mostly pressing f on downed bodies.


    It's not a main healer. It's not meta or sought after. 

    I suspect scourge barrier bots was dropped by the meta slaves after snowcrows did.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    Just ran meta, I was commanding it. Failed at 1%.

    I am done with this meta for now. keep your meta and ask for more of these content and soon, you will all be playing together with Anet going bankrupt. I am not dropping single penny on this game until Anet changes some direction of game.

    Good luck. I am done with this meta until further change.

    Its a player problem. When strong teams can beat with it 5+ mins left on the time, what does that say about player skill?

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  6. 2 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

    Also how many people are repeating it, especially now. Because, anecdotally, I know no one who wants to do the meta again after beating it once just to see it done (or get the turtle pre-merchant). The only people I see running it repeatedly are people in hardcore guilds (who may or may not be getting paid to run it) and a handful of people on this forum who say they're doing so. Everyone else nopes out of there because it's not fun and/or feasible for most open world players.

    If content designed to be repeated often doesn't retain, say, 95% of people who do it that heavily implies there's a problem with the content. A 5% retention rate is horrible and retention of longer-term/invested players is just as important as new player retention.

    And that's not even getting into the social issues and toxicity this meta brings out.

    I am not hardcore, nor am I in a hardcore guild. Ive done DE a lot now in pugs, once getting into decent seeming groups with people capable of paying attention. And having contribution from the start with a map on all high.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    The problem is even other EoD proffessions are spiking harder with less counterplay. 

    Are we ignoring the fact harbinger has a vault which not only CC's but can 1 shot all inside a mobility skill?. 

    Or the fact Condi spectre can burst like a power DPS? 

    Virtuoso is not fine. Even against the other EoD proffessions. The only difference is, less of the EoD elites are viable in PvP enviroments to begin with. 

    Harbinger is effectively doing what virtuoso was susposed to be. With the mobility, front loaded damage and defensive options needed to make it work. 

    We are in the same boat as willbender is to herald almost at this point. Because they released a successful glass cannon next to a shoddy one. 

    The only sad news is virtuoso is actually more fun 🤦 which is rather annoying given the fact harbingers the choice to make, your team are quite likely to give up the moment you walk in with virtuoso 😂




    The Harbinger has no whatsoever defensive options in its new kit.

    • Confused 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Alec B.8905 said:

    I see where OP is coming from. Too many utility skills on engineer are reliant of their toolbelt counter part and without it the engineer is left with a very limited selection of utility skills to choose from. I myself play reside in the WvW game mode and within that all I do is roam whenever I am in the game. Mechanist has just created this weird class that feels so shackling  into choosing certain builds and nearly impossible to generate creative builds as the traits don't really allow for the engi to really do anything. It just feels that the problems this class creates outweighs the enjoyment of it. 


    Pretty much I believe that the mechanist does not bring enough to the table outside of raw damage to substitute for the utility of the toolbelt. We basically loose huge build potential this way and gain honestly nothing in return


    would you rather have to play piano with F1 to F12 if we had both at once?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    GW2 is not lacking more challenging content. It exists. Has existed since the start. And a majority of players has been actively avoiding it ever since dungeons and through every single iteration. From fractals over raids through strikes. The rewards have been significantly better than most of the things you can do in the open world and most of those players don't even attempt to optimize their playtime. 

    You're arguing not in favor of the community, of improving the game or even just securing its existence into the future. You're arguing that more people should be excluded from content.

    GW2 very evidently does not have good enough player feedback and tutorials to make people just learn it. 

    Simple really, get in with a group running DE regularilly and learning the means really. You have 5 guilds you can join at once. That is encouraging of community instead of just an online singleplayer game.

    • Confused 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

    There are no incentives for a strong public commander infrastructure and no proper tools to construct it. 

    The problem really isn't that players are intentionally playing badly but the large amount of newbie traps and exponential reward to min maxing through multiplicative modifiers. To an experienced player 15k dps are trivial to get and easy to execute. You can make literal afk builds where you don't need to press anything to reach that.

    To an inexperienced player without third party websites or addons or anything of the sorts it's extremely hard to ever reach it. 

    It's really not that the content has been too easy. Which is a very elitist point to make. What you're really saying here is "git gud or git out". A point that should never be made. Everyones enjoyment depends on as many people having a good experience as possible. The point should be "check out this part of the game first and then come back to enjoy it with us!". Which is not possible. You need hours worth of out of game guides and build preparation to become effective.

    It's that there isn't a good progression path from easy to challenging. Not the right tools, significant paywalls that deter experimentation and a generally non welcoming atmosphere when trying to branch out. Non welcoming in game that is. The community overall is very friendly and welcoming. But there is very little activity or even possibility when it comes to mentoring or helping players proactively and publicly. 

    There is absolutely nothing elitist in requiring more than a token effort from people. Elsewise they will never learn if all they know is easy mode.

    My personal pet peeve is simple: Pay attention to chat. So many does not do it.

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