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Posts posted by Rozalina.3196

  1. Thank you for making the Janthir Wilds expansion I've been enjoying the Kodan story a bunch. Thank you for adding the homesteads especially the gather all home node collection boxes that is such an amazing feature. The homestead instance is so pretty too. It has been fun playing with the spear on land with all their cool effects. The wizard vault continues to be such a great feature thank you again for making it and thank you for continuing to make such a great game. You all ROCK! :D

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  2. These are things I would like to see added to the material storage:

    Mystic Forge Stone: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge_Stone

    Shard of Crystallized Blood of Jormag: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Blood_of_Jormag

    Super Adventure Box Stuff:

    Continue Coin: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Continue_Coin

    Bauble: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble

    Bauble Bubble: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble_Bubble

    Agony we get from rewards like:

    +3 Agony Infusion: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/3_Agony_Infusion

    +6 Agony Infusion: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/6_Agony_Infusion

    +9 Agony Infusion: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/9_Agony_Infusion

    Essence of Luck:

    Essence of Luck (Fine): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(fine)

    Essence of Luck (Masterwork): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(masterwork)

    Essence of Luck (Rare): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(rare)

    Essence of Luck (Exotic): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(exotic)

    Essence of Luck (Legendary): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Luck_(legendary)

    These are things I would like to see added to the wallet:

    Battle for Lion's Arch Currency:

    Found Heirloom: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Found_Heirloom

    Found Belonging: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Found_Belonging

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  3. It would great if there was a mystic forge recipe that was added that combines Mawdrey II, Star of Gratitude, Princess, and Herta together. I was happy to see that you guys made it so we could convert a full stack a day now instead of it being random. That was such an amazing surprise thank you so much for that. I noticed that now there was a popup window when we use Mawdrey II and the others. That is when I thought it would be great if we could have all of them listed together in that window and that is where that mystic forge recipe would come in. 

    Combine in the Mystic Forge:

    Mawdrey II :https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mawdrey_II

    Star of Gratitude: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Star_of_Gratitude

    Princess: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Princess

    Herta: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Herta

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  4. It would be great if all the orr temples (Temple of Balthazar, Cathedral of Eternal Radiance [Lyssa], Cathedral of Zephyrs [Dwayna], Temple of Melandru, and Temple of Grenth) and Gates of Arah were all put on a set timer like all the other meta events because then we would know when exactly we could do them. Especially since there are many things people are working on that lead us back to those areas. Having them all on a set timer would be a huge quality of life update.

     Temple of Balthazar: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Balthazar

    Cathedral of Eternal Radiance [Lyssa]: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cathedral_of_Eternal_Radiance_(meta_event)

    Cathedral of Zephyrs [Dwayna]: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cathedral_of_Zephyrs_(meta_event)

    Temple of Melandru: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Melandru

    Temple of Grenth: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Grenth

    Gates of Arah: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gates_of_Arah

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  5. Thank you Anet for the new expansion Secrets of the Obscure :D. I have been having so much fun exploring the beautiful maps you have created for us and the new story has been fun. I can't wait to see what else you guys have planned for us. I wasn't sure how the new daily system was going to be, but now getting to play and seeing it in action you guys did an excellent job on it. The Astral Rewards in the wizard's vault have been awesome! Thank you for all the hard work you all put into this game and for continually adding new things that make it even more great than it was.   

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  6. Maybe at that time they weren't ready to do it, but it doesn't mean it can't happen. I'm fine with that. They have worked hard to bring us this amazing game they have created and I know there is a bunch that they deal with behind the scenes that we will never know the full extent of what they go through to make the game. I'm grateful for everything they do have in the game already. I don't know if they even said NO that is why I said OR not at this time Linken. I'm just going off an earlier comment.  

  7. Yes, I know there is a search and many other posts about adding playable races. I'm just stating like my topic of my post something I would like to see added to the game. That's the point ya in the past they have said no or not at this time for many things like mounts, fishing, and so on but now we have them. I'm just saying it would be great if we could have a new playable race like Tengu there is so much history with them from gw1 which would make a great addition to the game. I know that means a whoooole bunch of work on their end but I think it would great. This is what the forums are for starting a conversation which I did. I know you guys are joking around but what would you actually like to see in the game what's something that you've been wanting to see? O that reminded me I have always wanted to be able to use the rifle with the ranger that would be cool to have aswell. 

    • Confused 2
  8. Thank you Anet for always trying to make the game even more better than it is already like adding the refill button to the mystic forge. That button is AMAZING lol. Making it so that we have unending guild enhancements or letting us put the skins of endless gathering tools in wardrobes. I think it is so great you guys have been adding a replayable version of Season 1 Living Story because now all the new players that weren't there will now get to experience it and all us veteran players will get to enjoy playing it again. Adding the Legendary Armory now that was FANTASTIC. You guys deserve a big hug for that one because being able to just use the legendaries on all the characters at once is so AMAZING. The End of Dragons Legendary Weapon Set is so AWESOME because instead of just getting one legendary weapon you're giving us seven if people go for all the collections that unlocks the alternate skins. I think that was such a cool idea. Not only did you guys let us do that but you let us earn a precursor and a legendary amulet through achievements which is so AWESOME. I just wanted to share my gratitude because YOU GUYS ROCK. Keep up the fantastic work :D.

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  9. Ooo ok ya I'm sure whatever Anet comes out with concerning alliances will be great. I was just putting an Idea out there relating back to past experiences I have had. I just don't like drama and try to avoid it if I can lol. I think that idea of not having an alliance leader is neat because it makes it more like a group of guilds working together which is fine with me lol. I'm just SUPER EXCITED we're getting alliances because they're a blast I lived in Alliance Battles in GW1 lol. You guys don't see it but I'm doing a happy dance lol.

  10. It would be cool if we could have up to 5 different alliances like how we can be in 5 different guilds including chats for each one as well. What I mean by this is a guild can make an alliance either by being the leader of the alliance or joining into one. 1 full alliance would be at most 10 guilds (or whatever anet thinks is best). Every guild can create an alliance emblem which will be represented when they are the leader of an alliance. This way you have a little bit more freedom with who you want to be allied with instead of being trapped in one alliance with 1 guild you like and the rest of the guilds having problems between each other. I remember that happening in gw1 when we were apart of the top luxon alliance where drama started between some of the guilds in it which spoils the fun lol. All I'm getting at is this way makes it so you can choose exactly who you want to be allied with instead of being stuck in one that not everyone gets along with each other.

    Example on what I'm trying to say:possible guild tag: [bOOM] (picture your tribe)

    Alliance 1: (A1 chat)Alliance Leader: [bOOM] (your tribe) (Represents [bOOM]'s alliance emblem)Allies:

    1. [bOMB]

    Alliance 2: (A2 chat)Alliance Leader: [FROG] (Represents [FROG]'s alliance emblem)Allies:

    1. {BOOM] (your tribe)
    2. [DIP]
    3. [TACO]
    4. [bAT]
    5. [sOUL]
    6. [bAM]
    7. [DASH]
    8. [ZOOM]
    9. [ZIP]
    10. [DIVE]

    Alliance 3: (A3 chat)Alliance Leader: [bOOM] (your tribe) (Represents [bOOM]'s alliance emblem)

    1. [TACO] (same from alliance 2)
    2. [TAPE]
    3. [sUN]
    4. [MOON]
    5. [DISH]

    Alliance 4: (A4 chat)Alliance Leader: [sEEK] (Represents [sEEK]'s alliance emblem)

    1. [bOOM] (your tribe)
    2. [sOUR]

    Alliance 5: (A5 chat)Alliance Leader: [bOOM] (your tribe) (Represents [bOOM]'s alliance emblem)

    1. [NAIL]
    2. [sTAR]
    3. [bOLT]
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