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lare.5129's Achievements

  1. relax, time for gold will be updated to 2:45 or 3:00 soon. It same as in HoT - give possibility top players feel top. But gw2 is chill game for ppl like us, so do not worry.
  2. t4+ rec, or cms+t4 is dayli rotation for many players. Now I prefer skip is from my dayli rotation. It was yesterday, it was today. How I see most players use same way. If me, as 160K ufe player skip 100 in any mode, it is real was delivered as untested and not measured. It is looks like TOF cm. I mean concept. What a point make something and name is "new content" where me and my mates come once, run, fail and 95%, and say, ok, let forget/skip that, and never more try it. I not understand for what reason make it in what way.
  3. new 100 fractal looks as fail this is t4, so you should take any 4 members from guild with 150 agony and complete it. It is not possible? So fractal design is fail. some cms+t4 party skip 100nm if it dayli. About cm .. what a point say about cm if nm already fail?
  4. I hope unlock the new combination will be not include cm content or something like that in future.
  5. for me clear what "Complete Mount Race event: None " but it looks like bug as for me.
  6. It is strange only for me, what after complete Mount Race no any progress in Weekly achievement? Interested, it is bug for some reason or someone forgot pattern, or etc? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/(Weekly)_Wintersday_Festivities
  7. may be more logical, if we keel spirit of GW2, make pvp/wvw track with essences and final track reward boh where included choose mose essence or skysclase/etc skin? I not say what it is "must have", but I say what is in gw2 flow. Concealed Unstable Kryptis Essence Coffer is not gw2 flow. Kryptis motivations and etc motivations is not gw2 flow .. And ppl just wonder, what happen 🙂
  8. same for me, I do not know how it works but click "other' pay metod, for both to test, Paysafecard and Trustly, and they redirect in same place. Same few days. Not sure and not know how they works, but after click I redirected again in 3 dlc variants choose. Looks nowadays no any valid pay method by this l;auncher for many people 😞
  9. On first week we get tons mail's what week one is started. On week 2 - no any mail or notification. And ofc most players lost that action... Or it is only me?
  10. the concept of this temp achiv is issue .. btw I still see it like can complete soon. In 2023.
  11. as we see cm strike content is dead for non kp people, and most players skip it nowadays if not start long time ago, Who not start it - chance to start is minimal. May be time ti rework eod strike achivments, and make possibility compete it from normal as summarize run. So if someone make cm - autocomplete whole, if normal, autocomplete 1/100 of it. Ir 1/250, or 1/1000. Nvm about number value. Talk only about concept. It will help make normal strike more attractive.
  12. as for me the current HT should be renamed as cm, current cm removed at all, and add normal ht with smile ball mechanic, and without poison.
  13. Posted May 12, 2021 I like that someone read my messages! thanks Anet! We all love you too!
  14. lates update - Challenge Mode for Strike Mission: Aetherblade Hideout is now available. For that? complete once some or all achiv and forget? It one more not long term 10x content .. IBS more popular that this .. Can't understand that.
  15. How I see the new 10x strike content is wrong way. And new CM make is more visible. May be it will be more valid is current strikes was equal as CM, and new was otherwise normal, and more valid for common guilds/lfg runs. I'm sad to see how Annette spends resources on something that is dead, and how declared new content, in fact, will not be accepted in a week. How the our community can help to fix it?
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