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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. I want press F3 and get permanent stealth without any additional clicks. Skill reusable after 3-15 sec(can discuss).Can we also add this suggestion in this context?
  2. to get gift you should not think about gift. Target find some interested, roaming/squad/some achievement/get diamond chest/etc and play and not look on cycled gift track. After short time you will find 10+ gift in your bags.
  3. then I start play as thief I was sure that I can press 1 button and get non-breaked stealth all time. No, I get fail.You should not-stop spam skils refuge/blast/...etc .. Oh. Not for me.This is hard job for skilled players. Why we try steal this cake from them ?
  4. No new content - ? I want spit watch map also in ranked too.this is pvp - people a content. Any new some map some machnic can only distrub. balance patches a great, fun, some unpredictable. Also I have a rule - if I think that some class and build is overpowered - I play only wiht this class/build. In 100% have no luck(this eason is ended in silver) and again sure that balance is good. Toxicity - now game on screen I see only Guild chat. white/map/team chat a disabled. Don't see any Toxicity. Egotism and Manipulation - and this is normal last few thousend years. If you find for youself some parales in game - this is only shadow of life. Conclusion:wvw is great.
  5. so you need 1 vs 1 or check new class/new build/skills?for check something unknow and real dueling I us unranked.
  6. I not say that I absoliutly don't want changes, but I say that most suggested changes is fail or fake.For me good changes - get pips and same wvw progress on Edge of the Mist.
  7. have 10k playtime uptime, but still not have time play wiht Charr .. Where I can put checkbox "Anet, please don't do this?"
  8. have great idea - also add protect sand to warclaw. But i total disagree that wvw is bad
  9. we have dueling arena inside guild hall. You not ?
  10. this is in accessory part. Or next request - "I want change any ring stats in mf" ??
  11. It interesting that I read it now.Also is there some gw2 source where writed what achievement will be removed, for example where I can in yesterday day search info about 'Royal Flame Weapons' ?Also for 0.02% players is that AP points is saved from removed achievement ?or this is bug that this is removed ???
  12. if skill is low you can choose easy way:take any buildany class, may be except thief, but the main idea - is ANY classfind any non dead comm, and run WITH squad.
  13. And about map/ The people is main part of map.
  14. most skilled player who realy love play have ready prepared character for each part.Not some uniq thing that pve players have separate chars:condi raid warriorzerk raid warrior..and on air relog for swap
  15. No no , it is OKalso thanks for chrno reworking, I have chance to try other chars !
  16. choose squads with less than 10 people. It is easy.
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