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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. relax, it will be correct this in the September 17 release.infro from https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/86804/glyph-of-reaping-reaper-s-mining-pick-and-other-items-temporarily-disabled#latest
  2. when all leg sets will be done, and all leg weapons crafted - why not?
  3. Ofc should algorithm help it, and this is very ok. Price should grow up.If I want buy leg weapon this is will coast about 100 euro may be 50 eu for wep can be better .. I think price ok. So gem price should UPSell it more cheaper ? 1 euro = 1 leg weapon or 1000 eu = 1 weapon?? We talk about that?
  4. so best what we can see in plans this is added spirit watch map to ranked ?
  5. scale for capture ?please no.if that no any point check and have strategy to split enemy.. just make blob and do it.
  6. Don't have any lag on wvw. Check yours settings, and internet connections.
  7. so some top some craft food came 2x cheaper to craft - may be it is ok, but people who craft that food and have stack+ now have nerfed food and loose from each stack 100g .. it ok, but is not so positive as should )
  8. anyway I see some fail, then 74 aquatic is so hard, that cms party sometimes skip that, or half party leave.WE have elites - ok, but why it have 3 less hp ? champs ? ok, but why the so hurt ?just feel something not good. If this is was done to prevent some ppl from farm - there is more softly ways.
  9. You should ANYWAY have druid for normal run - something not good. I was think that 5+ years. Time to change mind?
  10. need open world pvp ? - go wvw and play.need 3+ page hype ? - open ''new discussion about open world pvp'
  11. that changes you want??I am happy last patch, - I am out now of Chrno Jail from last few years, and make ready on hot swap 2 supp in my list: alacrev and hfb. Also do some test whit boon thief and supp scourge.
  12. How I understand the main idea of topic - living STORY is not RAID boss.Who want challenge go farm cm99 fractal wiht non skilled players, or go raid.Why people like me, who like ascalon dungeon and don't go raid should stuck on living STORY and 30 min dps boss?
  13. please don't try find any common from STORY boss and raids top content where I don't go.
  14. half year later .. may be someone find to avoid this issue? this is still uniq and only me have that ?
  15. Story about fun.I am live on not good street .. also I have neighbor/s who urinate on stairs. May be he have fun. But me and others not. This aviator box and some unkonw neighbor/s from my house have same fun parents.
  16. I play wvw sometimes, do some dayles on wvw, play solo or whit small groups, max 3 plyers. And don't feel any problem with mount if someone have it, and me not.I don't have mount yet. Now on track. May be will have it after 1-3 weeks.
  17. one more question on same dps meters //was get slightly toxic comment in party: "your a not dps! the dps is only 2k!.. "Can I hide or fake value for arcdps fo team?
  18. have a mesmer, and I very glad that this is out off meta ! Thanks !
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