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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. don'y have that mount, have expansions, sometimes play wvw, do daily, and etc.Don't feel any big or little problem.
  2. How I see we have enough and over cap races, professions, elites, and etc.I believe the next patch/update/ will be share ONLY new underground on old maps whit some additional attribute resistance system stats, and may be it have some wvw smell.Because now mostly who say "I need new elites skil for elem" was never create guard, or etc.
  3. may be I don't write why I ask on start, and I say my story:as for me - I don't want use arrcdps or other dps meter, and don't like than other use it, but we have raid const team..With that team we have meet Gorseval and can't kill him he make explosion before we make dps on 66%. On best result 73-75% we have BOOOOOM!! and all die. So very very strange that we have solid non avoided mechanical wipe based on DPS CHECK, and can't be sure that dps tool we can use to check and improve dps on air.I am very will be glad to power OFF thats dps checks on bosses, and close question about dps meters, but seems we should install UNKNOWN tools and investigate real dps mechanic to get that raid part of gw2 content.
  4. So how I understand ArcDps is have strange state - no one can say that this is legal no one can't say opposite opinion too. But that I know ArcDps is not overlay mode compatible, and still we not have solid answer from anet I don't like use that tool.Time to time I try search new tool and info about dps meters. And I find jaxnXI put some text from that they say:<<<What makes jaxnX legaljaxnX does not offend the Terms of Service of Guild Wars 2. It does not read from game memory.Instead it uses Computer Vision techniques to read out numbers presented in the combat log by taking screenshots of the chat block periodically, converting pixels of the image into numbers and using the converted numbers for dmg / dps calculation.http://www.gw2dmg-meter.de/<<<Any comments, news, "why and where" is welcome
  5. so if we will have "easy/normal/hard "this is can mean that some achievements and loot will be possible make only on get only on hard, so it it create some elitism again.We real need this?Do we need separate players more than now ?
  6. I don't have big worry to get that Vision, but I like this hype, and make 200+ gold from sell Rose powders on trading post.Don't see any issue if someone lazy to farm it few weeks. Always have for example way buy gems, transfer to gold, and buy my and other players rose powder Anyway this is LEGENDARY item, and the way to get it can be year, or two years, why not?Now then I see scary "I need farm week" - this is strange.Don't want ? so don't do. Take Istan wvw track, and go play. After 12 cycle tracks go and buy from TP powder and close that collection.Relax and play. ©Fractal God
  7. I have idea, may be possible reset deed3# whit some api commands ? And this is right?How to continue progress if sub achievement closed or not exist? I don't believe that only me have that issue.
  8. And if we have match manipulation - this is also good news. So someone realy worry about rank. Why not? Get him that part too. The big issue will ne if lose we get -0, and depend from rank have more and more high reward.
  9. It come more Popular becuse this is the one of popular way make 2/3 dayli anyway.So no matter this is hot, pof, raid player, or roleplay the one spvp per day we have.
  10. So don't worry about dps, think only abut boons. Someone don't like - leave and put on waiting hit all prev party! And open yours lfg. If ppl understand yours gameplay thay add you on friend list, if not like - they block.
  11. don't see that any new race is needed. Aslo don't need any new specialization.Better improve and more balance old. Especial warriors.
  12. Don't see any big problem.If I need some item - no matter it have rare or super rare drop rate I go to boss/event, try, not luck ? ok. relax and play.
  13. I was think, why not? It is bad, like dungeon leg armor, but idea.Imagine, that this bad idea anyway comes, we should add that and no way back.So how if we have that road only few comments:1)anyway items to craft that can be accessed only for fractal gods,2)one(1) piece should coast:250kp from cm100 (if you like fractals - your should do dayli cm100)250 mystic coins (it shoudl not bee free)250 integrated matrix (relic + gold or dropped destroyed armors and rings) something more ..You can ask why 250kp from cm100 .. So people who make fractals, main tops of then have now aprox 1000 .. so this is enough to make fist set in first day who a real fractal player.
  14. How I understand is still not fixed bug when sub achievement for Chasing Tales?Anyone have same bug and can't close : Wossaul the Giant ?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/844649#Comment_844649Any ideas?
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