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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @Aza.2105 said:

    @"Kumouta.4985" said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

    Power has weakness.

    And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

    Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

    Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

    Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

    Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

    And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.

    No amount of cleanse gear choices, trait choices, utility choices should make any build a guaranteed win against condition builds. The number 1 counter to condition builds is the same as power builds: Use active mitigation to avoid getting hit in the first place. Yeah, cleanses should be important. Yes, they should give you an out. But people like you talk about condi like "OMG. I run a cleanse utility and condition builds can still damage me kitten"People like me are like "OMG, I just cleansed 3, then another 3 and then another 2 and no more left but still I have 4 condis on that tick for 4k, wtf?"The problem isn't stuff like mesmer staff auto attack. It's literally just a 700-900 damage 1200 unit poke. Engineer rifle is a 1500 poke that pierces 5 targets. The problem is individual traits and skills like Steal being able to be traited into an instant cast animation free 7,500 damage attack.Engineer rifle 1500 range? You what?Of course its a problem with a traits, we wont ever have viable condi builds that wouldnt vomit conditions 24/7 as current ones does. The only way to solve it to review condi application and cleanses, which aneD wont ever do.
  2. @apharma.3741 said:

    @Aza.2105 said:

    @Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

    Power has weakness.

    And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

    Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

    Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

    Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

    Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

    And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.

    His point is that condition cleanses only make the build trash because we are in fact not in a condition meta so for the vast majority of the time they're not helpful against power builds so aren't useful.

    Condition mesmer and likely necro you can stall it for a while then leave. Condi thief is dumb if you don't have a big cleanse but that's more an issue with front loading of conditions and it being very low skill floor.Dedicated cleanse utility is trash in power meta indeed, but there is no such a thing as power meta right now, its mix of power and condi builds.But there are classes that have a lot of condi cleanses via weapons/traits/utilities/healing skills that not only cleanse condis but do something on top like warrior/guardian fullcleanse(convert) breakstun in one.Dont be mistaken, condi mirage can melt you pretty fast if you wont evade duelist and then every single ambush ;)
  3. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @Aza.2105 said:

    @Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

    Power has weakness.

    And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

    Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

    Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

    Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

    Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

    And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.
  4. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @Aza.2105 said:

    @Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

    Power has weakness.

    And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

    Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

    Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

    Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)
  5. @Ysmir.4986 said:Oh kitten! I know this one! Give me a sec...

    Because this is a casual game and it allows all the cat ladies that suck at this game to still be able to kill something and feel good about themselves.Half true.Power build =/= skill. If some class/build is power based doesnt mean it takes more skill to play, for an example our loved holo :)With other hand we have condi mirage/condi thief that takes no skill whatsoever and allow you to outperform most of ppl who put way more effort than you

  6. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @Aza.2105 said:

    @Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

    Power has weakness.

    And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif
  7. I feel like : chrono was deleted and had only 2 good traits left for pvp/wvw (competitive modes), ouhnet noticed that and deleted the only good traits. Not like without self shatter its alrdy was trash and having 105s cd on CS when FC/forge whatnot is on roughly on 10s cd .Tldr - great, looking for another game, I hope destiny 2 will be a good replacement :)

  8. @DavyMcB.1603 said:I'm really salty for the CI removal. It was the bread and butter for my power chrono rupt build for a long time. CI and Power Block + chrono were the things that finally made rupt build a thing. And it got obliterated after being abused for a few weeks by the CONDI idiotic Mirage.

    I never paid too much mind with anet's balancing because I can accept that it can't be perfect. But this CI solutionwas completely idiotic.Dude. Look at it from that angle - chrono removed from the game, then more the only good traits for competitive game modes were deleted even if it was alrdy trash.From being the most versatile and class with the highest build diversity it was grounded to all other classes to be trash and have only 1 build - condi mirage. \o/But hey, condi bs is da wae now, except for scourge being given chrono treatment, a bit of it :)

  9. @Eugchriss.2046 said:Does that justify the fact to bypass stab???It doesnt bypass stab but with revocation it can remove it and CC you through, like on all stuns including bullcharge,boulder, FC or whatever, remove stab with revocation and screw you over, best solution to remove revocation entirely but thats up to ouhno-net, not me

  10. @Hoodie.1045 said:

    @mortrialus.3062 said:I said before that I think the smartest and best change Anet can make to Holosmith is to lock them out of their utilities and toolbelt skills while in forge just like how Death and Reaper Shroud and other transforms lock necromancer out of it's utilities.

    Either that or they can just remove the entire toolbelt from holosmith and have only Photon Forge as their F1. This will reduce any sustain that the toolbelt provides for holosmiths especially with regenerating mist and toss elixir s. I know not everyone is going to agree with my opinion, but holosmith is after all a glass cannon specialization that is easier to play than core engineer, but it is nowhere near as fragile as a glass cannon should be.Just put 105s cd on forge like CS on chrono :)

  11. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @bluri.2653 said:I dont know if this was meant to prove how terrible core mantra mes is, all i see is you downstate at least 6 times vs a non thief/rev comp lol

    It's just like how you ask for nerfs to Deadeye and Condition Thief at every opportunity.

    the fact that you try to compare de/condi thief to this is beyond laughable lmao

    Condi thief is definitely a couple tiers above power mesmer right now. But DE is a perfect example since similar to power mesmer maybe four people played it at a plat2 level or higher on EU and NA but that doesn't stop the play style from being fundamentally noxious.You mean the fact that DE can do oneshot level damage as power mesmer? Ignoring that DE is better than mesmer literally at everything but instead we have a rant about core mesmer BECAUSE two best NA mesmers can get top10 with it :)I have a friend who plays NA/EU, regulary placed top25 on EU every time he could play enough games (coincidence ranger main too), I was curious what if they are super talented pros where bronze players ezpz oneshot "le best players in the game" and what I'v got ? (As you can guess, I asked him twice, he was top32 at the moment I asked)
  12. @bluri.2653 said:

    @bluri.2653 said:I dont know if this was meant to prove how terrible core mantra mes is, all i see is you downstate at least 6 times vs a non thief/rev comp lol

    It's just like how you ask for nerfs to Deadeye and Condition Thief at every opportunity.

    the fact that you try to compare de/condi thief to this is beyond laughable lmaoYou forgot one thing, he is from NA like OP, are you still surprised ?
  13. @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:good, good...I see people who actually quit the game...Anet thinks their game is the best for some reasons... no, I only played it to have fun with my friend then it grew to be an addiction (WvW), by removing the Chrono from competitive gameplays they removed that addiction.. well thanks Anet, you will probably get fewer players to play your game until bankrupt takes place.If you didnt notice all changed are focused to make quit more players - chrono was deleted, druid was deleted but I never missed that abomination from the entire long HoT era, scourge getting deleted in pvp (hope), berserker rework didnt change it status in pvp at least, in wvw due to different stats/mounts/bad players it may be ok there, scrapper was busted after rework(bias shows who is in charge of balance playing facerolgineer), then too nerfed,then buffed again (even tho even when nerfed it still was meta in zerg if trust meta battle) but chrono is still dead and nerfed even more.Almost all people I ever knew alrdy quit the game a long time ago. Good job I say. (inb4 they delete this post too because "NeGaTiVe FeEdBaCk Is NoT WeLcOmEd")

  14. @NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

    @SeikeNz.3526 said:lol what? axe is the strongest weapon right now, the only problem is that u need to be melee and going to die if something hit you

    Does mesmer still have a weapon that hasn't been nerf?The axe is bad, but the other weapons are worse.The axe should at least be able to attack the target behind it.

    Doesn't this go directly against core game values and design?You seems to be new to the GW2, right? Many skills can be casted while not looking at your target
  15. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @"praqtos.9035" said:And NA has stalwart mesmer hater that cant l2p against mesmers(one trick pony lol)... L2p memes.Dont remember good mesmers playing double mantra ever, otherwise they would be farmed and stay in gold/p1. Do we even have any power mesmer left actually ?

    I actually have played mesmer almost exclusively this season and am currently 1622, top 30 NA on a build (glass cannon
    mesmer) that I have very little experience on. My win ratio on mesmer is also higher than what I get on my ranger.

    I find mesmer very fun to play because of how easy it is coupled with the low-risk, high-reward balancing approach Anet has taken with the class. I have never had easier games or an easier time farming ranked. Either way, I can recognize when certain aspects of the class are broken. I have also petitioned for nerfs to Sic Em ranger and bunker Boonbeast so this applies to my own class as well.

    Again, Mur has been in the top 10 consistently on mantra mesmer nearly every single season. He's way better than I am at the build so it's been proven that it works at a high level (because it can insta kill the best players in the game without giving them a chance to fight back) as well as how incredibly easy it is to pick up and be effective for a relatively inexperienced mesmer player.Did you said yourself tht mesmer is one of your most played classes? "Relativy inexperienced mesmer player".How you cant see that your thread looks like : "Omygod, certain player is good with certain build, just delete it please". (but its about mantras that nobody use and not being that good as you describe)I have told also that greatsword need a full rework to go away from a being a niche oneshot weapon . On EU if I would actually play vs best players that left, I would be on the respawn for the entire game most certainly.The only time it did work well on oneshotting everyone was unranked vs potatos, the rest didnt well that and nowhere near the god mode you described, add to it "relatively inexperineced mesmer player" and he wont get any results.I dont even play it myself, if they remove PU or delete MoP it wouldnt even affect me. I dont like PU/stealth spam builds myself, I would like also to see them gutted/reworked. Berserk amulet can be deleted too, if you think that helps, anyway only troll/oneshot builds use it. So tldr: I agree that oneshot builds shouldnt be a thing.

  16. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @Erzian.5218 said:I think we need more clips of dying thieves, Mesmers and other squishy builds. Perhaps a fresh air ele.Fortunately, the majority of players (EU) doesn’t suffer from from the dominance of the invincible mantra because players are more honorable, thus fair and balanced builds like holosmith are popular instead. :)

    One of the stalwart mesmer defendants on the forums also seems to struggle very hard against condi thieves on EU. So, there seems to be more of a L2P issue on EU than NA.And NA has stalwart mesmer hater that cant l2p against mesmers(one trick pony lol)... L2p memes.
    • EU doesn't have a mantra mesmers because we know how to fight against them.So, there seems to be more of a L2P issue for them.
    • EU doesn't have any good mantra mesmers because none of them know how to play it effectively.Dont remember good mesmers playing double mantra ever, otherwise they would be farmed and stay in gold/p1. Do we even have any power mesmer left actually ?

  17. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:fact their auto attack is beyond overpowered either.With 2000 range, aned furiously ignore that, somehow.

    And again, it's just like all other projectiles in the game.Post a proof that all projectiles has 2000 range or projectiles travel bonus 500 range upon reaching its maximum range, can you ?

    All arching projectiles in this game go further than the stated range. Ranger's longbow goes the furthest because it has the furthest baseline range too.

    Point being that it isn't exclusive to ranger, but everyone words it as if this is some unique ranger bug.Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus
    range and barely noticable, it noticable at all. They dont even track you at that range, meanwhile ranger LB does. Not even a single weapon has that absurd range(2000 rofl) and damage.I wouldnt even bat an eye if they hard cap every weapon at stated range.

    "Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus


    I told you how it works, and that it works like other projectiles, and why it goes further. I don't give a flying F about how mad you are about it.

    Every projectile does it, but NONE OF THEM ARE AT THE LEVEL OF LONGBOW 1. Most projectiles end around 1600 to 1700, Longbow does at 2000. That's just plain unfair and unintended. At least bring it in line.

    AND NONE OTHER ARCHING PROJECTILES HAVE THE STATED RANGE OF THE LONGBOW EITHER. Most projectiles in this game are stated as 1200 at most, ranger longbow is 1500. If they're gonna "bring it in line", that's essentially nerfing one of the unique advantages that weapon has.So mad, wow. Unfair advantage doesnt mean unique advantage.FYI deadeye rifle is 1500 range, its projectiles doesnt go to ~2000 range.

    Bullets don't arch in this game.

    Compare warrior rifle to the warrior bow.Make all projectiles behave like bullets and disappear at intended range-> problem solved.I see you are an edit God there. Enjoying unfair advantage and spamming 1 for 4-6k damage from 2000 range is "intented uniquness" not unfair advantage, lmao.Biased ranger main isnt a waste of time /s
  18. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:fact their auto attack is beyond overpowered either.With 2000 range, aned furiously ignore that, somehow.

    And again, it's just like all other projectiles in the game.Post a proof that all projectiles has 2000 range or projectiles travel bonus 500 range upon reaching its maximum range, can you ?

    All arching projectiles in this game go further than the stated range. Ranger's longbow goes the furthest because it has the furthest baseline range too.

    Point being that it isn't exclusive to ranger, but everyone words it as if this is some unique ranger bug.Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus
    range and barely noticable, it noticable at all. They dont even track you at that range, meanwhile ranger LB does. Not even a single weapon has that absurd range(2000 rofl) and damage.I wouldnt even bat an eye if they hard cap every weapon at stated range.

    "Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus


    I told you how it works, and that it works like other projectiles, and why it goes further. I don't give a flying F about how mad you are about it.

    Every projectile does it, but NONE OF THEM ARE AT THE LEVEL OF LONGBOW 1. Most projectiles end around 1600 to 1700, Longbow does at 2000. That's just plain unfair and unintended. At least bring it in line.

    AND NONE OTHER ARCHING PROJECTILES HAVE THE STATED RANGE OF THE LONGBOW EITHER. Most projectiles in this game are stated as 1200 at most, ranger longbow is 1500. If they're gonna "bring it in line", that's essentially nerfing one of the unique advantages that weapon has.So mad, wow. Unfair advantage doesnt mean unique advantage.FYI deadeye rifle is 1500 range, its projectiles doesnt go to ~2000 range.
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