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Everything posted by praqtos.9035

  1. dood. in what world should something do the same damage as something else, but with a powerful functionality on top of that? step back and think about this. comparing traits between two professions without looking at the big picture is not a persuasive argument. Every single evade trait like daredevil one is a strong trait with powerful functionality, lets nerf it to be on par with MemeCloak?Compared to any this trait is pure garbage, not even that, mirage cant even exist now without IH as I said before ambushes were gutted and ambush alone without clones is trash.Literally every evade on daredevil is better than this, on top provide unremovable unique buff.Even if you return unnerfed EM condi builds will never drop IH as without it they wont do any damage and only power oneshot builds would pick it just to run away freely if they fail. About "the bigger picture" not even one mesmer build is viable without IH and wouldnt be unless they drastically buff personal ambush and gut clone one, until then, its trash and the only one who is not seeing the bigger picture is you.Your the only "argument" BUT IT REMOVE STABILITY !11111 is weak and laughable.Certain trait on one class shouldnt be buffed/nerfed because similar trait belong to another class? Like Second skin on soulbeast had 33% condi damage reduction and scrapper barrier had 20% and it was nerfed to be equal on 20%, but then you should have been the first who would defend this screaming BUT SOULBEAST IS NOT SCRAPPER!11 Look its two different classes!How even we would know something is OP and something is not if we dont looking for similar traits and classes. What favoritism is when you let be one thing busted on one class and be clearly trash on another, thats favoritism and its clearly not in mesmer favor with all whine and mesmer haters like you
  2. Previously u had trait that granted chance for poison on dagger attack. Now u have constant poison application with any set, which is big buff for s/dAnother thing is the fact that power builds need power, prec and ferocity to do dmg, while condi needs only 2 stats - condi dmg, and expertise, which gives u more place for stats like vitality or toughness, boosting up survivability. On top of that, power builds need to be on target to actually do dmg, so u can trade the dmg, while s/d condi drd use sword 2, dodge and port out, which leaves very little counter play to itActually this constant poison application was big buff You could get constant poison application pre patch and with high stacks... Infack Before the patch I could get the stacks upto 47...granted it was on a pvp golem, but the point is the change really isn't as big as you think, it's just more accessible to get higher stacks for a casual thief...thats the biggest change. No, it's about consistency of applying condis, while staying safe. As I said ur main dmg is sword 2 + dodge which leaves very little counterplay Add to it DRD trait rework, now every evade applying WEAKNESS that make your attacks glance even if you try to burst them, most likely you wont get anything out of it and also deny your endurance regeneration, without vigor its almost stops. Basically sword 2 + dodge applying FIVE conditions + poison from trait (6 lul) (most skills that remove 3 conditions at best so they cant get to damaging ones that applied first). Degenerate gameplay It’s not “degenerate”Its pretty much pure "degenerate play" as aneD said about CI mirage before. Spammable immob on sw2, dodge, wow you died ! Most cleanses remove 1-3 condis but they apply FOUR with just single evade and cover poison which was applied first, the thread was deleted its called "cond drd in nutshell" for no reason, demonstrated that very well.There was Angels clip screaming, dropping keyboard at the moment cthief jumps at him (if you want, you can try to find it urself, I'm lazy)Anet promote degenerate play themselves thats what you are trying to tell me? Well, we have an answer why PvP is dead, well done Anet
  3. May be they can make it UNBLOCKABLE and steal THREE boons at least? Its really pathetic that minor adept trait does way more damage than grandmaster and also has unblockable fact
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Shards - 266(1) damage . Grandmaster elite spec traithttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reckless_Impact- 398(1.5) damage . Minor adept trait which is unblockableSo... question is: why Meme cloak is so trash being a grandmaster trait and outclassed by a minor adept trait ? :joy:
  5. Like I said in your thread, mesmer will be removed permanently once they tradeoff mirage.Why they officially cant state that they are going to delete mesmer from the game? This would save a lot of time and dont delude people with "hope in the better future" eksdee This tradeoff idea, I have no idea where they got that idea fromMate, even ... emmm... its clear and obvious. They did it to kill chrono oneshot build regardless of being meme tier and one trick pony and has no chances for disengage unlike deadeye, that doesnt need to unload the only disengage option for a burst.I did try to duel friends with "new" chrono, you know what is my feedback ?They could just delete all shatters, I wouldnt even notice a difference, its like I dont have them, clones dies before I can shatter, if I shatter they die before they can actually shatter and the most important, it doesnt affect pve, perfect solution KAPPAAAAAAAAA
  6. Like I said in your thread, mesmer will be removed permanently once they tradeoff mirage.Why they officially cant state that they are going to delete mesmer from the game? This would save a lot of time and dont delude people with "hope in the better future" eksdee
  7. If talk about QoL -> fix chrono bugs-> F5, SoI, power block.MAKE MIRAGE THRUST BEING ABLE TO LAND AS IT MISS 80% OF TIMES.Casts being rolled for full cooldown if your face target wrong, like they did with warrior gs4, why didnt do the same same with mesmer gs2,pistol5? Huh?
  8. Can you remember at least ONE example when they changed thier patchnotes ....? Because I dont. RIP Chrono. They are also forgot why IP became a baseline...
  9. I tried to report them but I have seen the same bots still botting with ~1500-3000 games previous season, it doesnt work, they are too busy with the real content in content-shop :)
  10. I'm not referring to good mesmers, who still continue to be good and are still doing just fine. I'm referring to those who actually tried to defend the class back when it would even win 1v1 against its supposed counter.You can find such people for every class regardless how broken it is, big surprise, I guess.You want to find them? Search the mesmer forums in 2018 then search the previous seasons leaderboards for the randoms claiming the class was fine during that year. Oh look, none of them are on it. Big surprise.Its not something I would like to spend time on, obviously. There is also probability they dont play anymore
  11. This is richer than the whitest, fattest, heaviest cream coming from a rev main.This one is a special snowflake, shows a video with jaw casts ATs, where nearly every team had double even triple revenants and said "calling rev OP would be wrong", I almost fell of my chair. If you are going to do a personal attack, at least say something that is actually true and actually happened.What need a nerf opinion from p1-p2 thread? Never happened?I've done exactly the opposite and stated that Rev damage is overtuned, power crept, and pretty much all the damage buffs the class has been given should be reverted and/or nerfed. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/943694/#Comment_943694What a change, well done ;)The fact is I was platinum and on LB with renegade during PoF launchExcuse me, even with all respect to your "achievement" but reaching platinum... You know...Never been hard ?while scrubs played condi mirage post phantasm rework during 2018 placed in gold and came here to claim it wasn't OP.I admit when a class I like is broken, these clowns do not.So who are these gold scrubs and clowns? Eh ? In fact MANY mesmer players admitted it was OP and suggested solutions that were ignored. Nice try !
  12. Yep, sometimes. Remember that if and when other things finally get nerfed. :)Just poke with it thief/ele/core guard, lets see their reaction
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