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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:fact their auto attack is beyond overpowered either.With 2000 range, aned furiously ignore that, somehow.

    And again, it's just like all other projectiles in the game.Post a proof that all projectiles has 2000 range or projectiles travel bonus 500 range upon reaching its maximum range, can you ?

    All arching projectiles in this game go further than the stated range. Ranger's longbow goes the furthest because it has the furthest baseline range too.

    Point being that it isn't exclusive to ranger, but everyone words it as if this is some unique ranger bug.Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus
    range and barely noticable, it noticable at all. They dont even track you at that range, meanwhile ranger LB does. Not even a single weapon has that absurd range(2000 rofl) and damage.I wouldnt even bat an eye if they hard cap every weapon at stated range.

    "Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus


    I told you how it works, and that it works like other projectiles, and why it goes further. I don't give a flying F about how mad you are about it.Neither I give a F how biased you are.Its need to be fixed along with all projectiles, especially ranger LB.@Blocki.4931 its the same o for 1-2-3 skills, not just autoattacking, all of them around 1900 to 2000 range, elevation matters.
  2. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    @Iozeph.5617 said:Just curious. Say they gutted holo tomorrow. Would any of you shut up? And if not, then what would be the next profession you'd beg for to be gutted, because by the tone of the threads in this sub forum whichever one becomes the top of the heap after holo is going to be the one most whinged over til it's also gutted.

    The guy in the professions forums had it right. Just give everyone a stick and have done.

    Holo, Condi thief, core ranger, spellbreaker, zeal fb. In that orderFire weaver and condi mirage are not in the list.. ?

    Condi mirage isn't overpowered anymore. Annoying? Yes. Boring to fight? Most definitely. But not overpowered.Weaver is kind of in the same boat, I also don't really think Condi thief is op per say. It's just a terrible spec to leave in the game. Much like every single PoF spec.I dont agree with you but its thread about holo afterall.
  3. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    @Iozeph.5617 said:Just curious. Say they gutted holo tomorrow. Would any of you shut up? And if not, then what would be the next profession you'd beg for to be gutted, because by the tone of the threads in this sub forum whichever one becomes the top of the heap after holo is going to be the one most whinged over til it's also gutted.

    The guy in the professions forums had it right. Just give everyone a stick and have done.

    Holo, Condi thief, core ranger, spellbreaker, zeal fb. In that orderFire weaver and condi mirage are not in the list.. ?

  4. @"Grimjack.8130" said:Condi Thief is only "strong" if you don't understand how conditions work. Conditions work in the last in first out method, last condition you got, first condition to get cleansed ALWAYSActually, thats you dont understand, condi evade throws 3 daggers with "cover conditions" right after they hop on you with a sword, guess which conditions were applied last?This "nerf" will give them more frequent poison access which means IF conditions were cleansed, he would have it up sooner than before. Oh ye, spamming 6 condis over and over its not strong and braindead, its just problem of "understanding"

  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Is it not already getting a nerf via DA trait? 2 stacks for 3 sec to now 1 stack for 5?

    that changes nothing you cleanse everything or you die. gotta remove torment,bleed,confusion,weakness,immob and poison. with poison having 20k dmgIts pointless to argue with him. "Logical fallacies? Owo whats that"The change is not nerf, its a buff, its gives them more frequent passive access to poison in case they cleansed previous.Because of such "X mains" game never becomes better but way more dumb and braindead and population decrease with astonishing speed

  6. @dDuff.3860 said:

    @dDuff.3860 said:Instead of addressing the actual issue, which is condi application rate for condition daredevil, you try to address sword2 which is vital for both power/condi builds, and one of the few defensive abilities thief exploit.But you are right, condi application is a problem, 5 condis every few seconds while immobilized shouldnt be a thing, a reason why CI was deleted entirely - immobilize, sword 2 is alrdy spammable teleport back and forth, immobilzie is an overkill on top of it.As I said, if you struggle against it, it is pretty much l2p. Unfun to play against — may be, overpowered — may be, overperforming — doubt so.You are pretty much being ridiculous, not being able to cleanse 5-6 conditions every few seconds isnt not l2p, its absurd

    Spammable = 5 initiative, + huge aftercasts where you nor evading, nor hard CCing.5 initiative = 1/3 of shared cooldown ability pool. WOOOO SPAMMABLE!Its 900 range no LoS shadowstep through walls and elevations without a cooldown and thief initiative regain 1 per second, pretty much spammable WOOOOO.Doesnt adress the rest, I take it as you agree with me :)
  7. @Engal.6359 said:It's very useful for certain matchups. I would make it also transfer one condi but w/e.Its just as good as papasomethingsomething claiming to be playing a really viable build (spoiler: its not)There is not even a single build that would take memecloak over IH, period.

  8. @dDuff.3860 said:Instead of addressing the actual issue, which is condi application rate for condition daredevil, you try to address sword2 which is vital for both power/condi builds, and one of the few defensive abilities thief exploit.But you are right, condi application is a problem, 5 condis every few seconds while immobilized shouldnt be a thing, a reason why CI was deleted entirely - immobilize, sword 2 is alrdy spammable teleport back and forth, immobilzie is an overkill on top of it.As I said, if you struggle against it, it is pretty much l2p. Unfun to play against — may be, overpowered — may be, overperforming — doubt so.You are pretty much being ridiculous, not being able to cleanse 5-6 conditions every few seconds isnt not l2p, its absurd

  9. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:fact their auto attack is beyond overpowered either.With 2000 range, aned furiously ignore that, somehow.

    And again, it's just like all other projectiles in the game.Post a proof that all projectiles has 2000 range or projectiles travel bonus 500 range upon reaching its maximum range, can you ?

    All arching projectiles in this game go further than the stated range. Ranger's longbow goes the furthest because it has the furthest baseline range too.

    Point being that it isn't exclusive to ranger, but everyone words it as if this is some unique ranger bug.Not even single projectile in this game doesnt have
    500 bonus
    range and barely noticable, it noticable at all. They dont even track you at that range, meanwhile ranger LB does. Not even a single weapon has that absurd range(2000 rofl) and damage.I wouldnt even bat an eye if they hard cap every weapon at stated range.
  10. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @"dDuff.3860" said:If you have troubles fighting condi thieves and winning games, this is completely l2p issue.It can be brought down, but not for much just to make up for tears.

    Thief players defend braindead builds, more news at 11. Not being able to cleanse 5 condis being immobilized 3-4 times is l2p issue, sure :joy:News at 11 a mirage player (of all classes ?) complaing about sw2.
    .Since you arent smartest thief main, let me educate you, sword2 does the same as CI did for condi mirage and claimed to be a degenerate build, condi daredevil does it at will and IT IS a degenere build. (you even said yourself about DA condi trait on top xD)Meanwhile mirages are stealth bursting people to 0 in a literal secIs that some kind of "whataboutism" ? I'm not really expert in logical fallacies tbh. But okay, thief easly does the same, how does it related to condi daredevil?
  11. @Vagrant.7206 said:

    But you can't claim that holosmith hasn't seen serious nerfs when it has. That's either cherrypicking or ignorance.Ignorance its to believe it had serious nerfs since the lay offs, it had only or 2 nerfs that I could call "serious", everything else is nothing worth mentioning/flag as "serious". I dont even understand why u clinging to it so hard, it was nerfed year ago so they should leave it alone for another year?

    You could apply the same thing you said to chrono, mirage, scourge, or firebrand nerfs. Still doesn't make it less cherry-picking or ignorance.Lost case... byebye
  12. @saerni.2584 said:

    @saerni.2584 said:Could always make Sword 2’s first teleport require LoS...That too, I have a clip where I approach a point on skyhammer and drd behind the wall jump on me,kitten with tons of conditions and 17 poisions and teleport back, I'm ofc ded xDBut this doesnt fix the issue with the amount of condi application coming from an evade or passives... especially WEAKNESS, the condition nullify ability to fight back with power spec completely.

    But have you tried running cleanse though?Of course not, who need cleanses when you face 1-2 condi daredevils /sI cant afford taking every single cleanse and dedicated traitline just because a single class (as I said there could be 1 or 2, vs 2 no amount of cleanses is going to save me) in enemy team (that could be staff or d/p thieves actually whine they are weak and have no diversity, heh).How on earth I'm even supposed to cleanse 5-6 condis each time he jumps on me with an immobilize? How someone can even defend this brain dead gameplay as SW2,dodge?
  13. @"Vagrant.7206" said:I literally agree with all of Chaith's proposed changes too. I just think you're being unreasonable about certain things.More than reasonable but whatever you think there, dont care.

    But you can't claim that holosmith hasn't seen serious nerfs when it has. That's either cherrypicking or ignorance.Ignorance its to believe it had serious nerfs since the lay offs, it had only or 2 nerfs that I could call "serious", everything else is nothing worth mentioning/flag as "serious". I dont even understand why u clinging to it so hard, it was nerfed year ago so they should leave it alone for another year?

  14. @saerni.2584 said:Could always make Sword 2’s first teleport require LoS...That too, I have a clip where I approach a point on skyhammer and drd behind the wall jump on me,sht with tons of conditions and 17 poisions and teleport back, I'm ofc ded xDBut this doesnt fix the issue with the amount of condi application coming from an evade or passives... especially WEAKNESS, the condition nullify ability to fight back with power spec completely.

  15. @Leledinn.2971 said:

    • Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to 60 seconds in WvW.
    • Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.
    • Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.
    • Impact Savant: Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180. Unfortunately it doesn't look likely we'll be able to get this trait to work with conditions for the next balance update, but we'll keep investigating other options.
    • Detection Pulse: This skill returns as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro, replacing Chemical Field. Its radius is reduced from 1200 to 900 and its targeting is improved for large group situations so it can't fail where there are many nearby enemies and stealthed foes are slightly further away.

    Everything except Impact Savant change looks ridiculous.LEAVE ENGI AS IT IS NOW. PLEASE. Focus on scourge. Engi is nerfed enough.Thank you.Dont nerf busted holo, leave it as it is, year ago it was nerfed, no more plx. - Ridiculous

  16. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:fact their auto attack is beyond overpowered either.With 2000 range, aned furiously ignore that, somehow.

    And again, it's just like all other projectiles in the game.Post a proof that all projectiles has 2000 range or projectiles travel bonus 500 range upon reaching its maximum range, can you ?@Lazze.9870 said:Over several patches they literrally gutted an entire elite spec's presence in pvp/wvw, which just happen to be a support spec. And then people say that ranger doesn't offer anything. Well, duh. Perhaps suggest revitalizing that dead spec.I know druid is dead way longer than chrono but we are now in the same boat. Both are just dead for pvp/wvw. And they arent planning to change it \o/
  17. @Delofasht.4231 said:I still disagree with the change to Mantra of Distraction, it was only overly strong when it could pair with the existing Chaotic Interruptions Immobilize effect. The latter element is already being changed, and would not create situations where it would be completely overpowered by any means... a semi reliable way to generate a lower cooldown.Agree with that.Mantra of pain could be a fast moving projectile and give less mights, like 6 and nerf the damage in pvp/wvw but not mantra of distraction. Both mantras always respected LoS, why its even mentioned all the time?I said in previous thread, its nothing but a dead trait (abit better than EM lol). They could at least leave the boons which previous trait had.

  18. Problem still here, who would guess. Idk what other ppl see but I see 3-4 thieves every single game, not even condi mesmers but thieves. Almost all of them are condi drd and very few had staff.Sword2 evade and back behind the wall, very fun,interactive and much counter play we have, especially weakness that shut down evades and power based specs.

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