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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. @Vagrant.7206 said:

    @H a z Z y.1762 said:In comparison to other classes:

    I think holographic shockwave is on too low of a cd. I also think elixer U gives too many seconds of quickness and stability.

    Edit: perhaps a fair nerf would be to decrease the cooldown on elixer u but also decrease the quickness and stab time.

    That would be a buff, mate. Elixir U is also a stunbreak. Doing the opposite would actually be a nerf.

    Hyperbole, AWAYYYYY.

    Seriously though, every time the subject of holo comes up, you chime in. Then I chime in. Then we circle around the same tired old arguments. You claim that holo hasn't seen any major nerfs. I point out several substantial nerfs to damage and sustain. You claim healing turret is the best heal in the game. I point out that Heat Therapy is the problem. You claim that "There's too much stability" and almost everyone points out that you can just avoid corona burst to prevent the majority of stability holo has access to (don't even need to dodge, just range or kite).

    Can we just stop circling around the same tired arguments?You only pretend*.Its kinda ridiculous "we shouldnt nerf holo because year ago it had some nerfs", I had a good laugh.HT isnt the main issue, its part of it. HT alone wont stop them from spamming forge with low cds carelessly, the amount of passives to help them as well.I get that you want such nerf that wont affect real issues so it be OP still, pretty obvious, talking with such people is pointless, so I wont.

    This is what we call "
    ." I pointed out several places where your anger was misguidedYou clearly took your points out of nowhere and pretend I "claimed" something that I didnt (but its common complaints and problems of holo), help me out, how does it called and which logicall fallacy it is ?I pointed out that "HT" nerf alone wont change almost anything, you are not worth to argue with, clearly biased, I'd rather talk to Chaith, he is aware that holo is broken and suggested really good changes. I'm done with you.
  2. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @"Shao.7236" said:Look, I'm not even gonna try to justify, explain my reasoning or lack of struggle against it anymore. Not in all of my years playing this game have I had issues against a mesmer even when they could stun and that's just my final thoughts on it, call me bad or just unable to play against anyone competent because it seems no one is ever good enough, that's all I ever hear and with that I say that nerfing them anymore would pretty much ruin the profession altogether.

    I'd have many answers as to why this hopeless situation might have turned differently for her, but overall. Just one evade was available and that's all it would have taken to avoid it, being aware is much easier to anticipate and nothing shows that the mes didn't cloak right in plain sight behind her before he came. Whenever there is one that "exists" it's the thing I always look out for with both my eyes and ears, period. Have a good day.

    Explain what Zeromis (the best mesmer in the game) could've done differently in this situation.

    Do you think it's fine that he insta died from full health, completely nullifying all of his years of practice and experience, because there are builds that can stealth from so far away that you can't even see them coming, then land a completely frontloaded burst with no cast times on at least half of the skills, that can do 20k worth of damage in under a fifth of a second?

    Chrono is completely dead, oops.You kill fast and get killed just as fast with no means to escapes.He used torch 4 right at the top of the ramp where purple smoke(or sound from it) from torch 4 would be visible for Zeromis if he would actually look there.Look at this epic 1x1 with a holo (10-40) who had following utilities : holo wall, UTILITY GOGGLES, RIFLE TURRET? That was the best part of the video xD

  3. @Delofasht.4231 said:Ambush damage and condition application removed from clones, player ambush attacks now scale with number of clones out (when traited with IH). Animations remain for clone ambushes, but they are just for show.I see someone sharing my view (not sure about empowering user ambush depends on the clones this would be harder to implement, AneD need something simple as static numbers)Pretty much agree with your post.

  4. @Vagrant.7206 said:


    Hyperbole, AWAYYYYY.

    Seriously though, every time the subject of holo comes up, you chime in. Then I chime in. Then we circle around the same tired old arguments. You claim that holo hasn't seen any major nerfs. I point out several substantial nerfs to damage and sustain. You claim healing turret is the best heal in the game. I point out that Heat Therapy is the problem. You claim that "There's too much stability" and almost everyone points out that you can just avoid corona burst to prevent the majority of stability holo has access to (don't even need to dodge, just range or kite).

    Can we just stop circling around the same tired arguments?You only pretend*.Its kinda ridiculous "we shouldnt nerf holo because year ago it had some nerfs", I had a good laugh.HT isnt the main issue, its part of it. HT alone wont stop them from spamming forge with low cds carelessly, the amount of passives to help them as well.I get that you want such nerf that wont affect real issues so it be OP still, pretty obvious, talking with such people is pointless, so I wont.

  5. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @Alatar.7364 said:I meant this impossible -> conditions you set wouldnt be met, you can CC people right after evade without a problem, especially when they dont expect nor see that enemy actually used a shield bash or BC or whatnot, clearly can get booped. Its far away from the thread anyway

    Wait what conditions did I set? I thought we were talking simply about stopping a chained evade
    (CCing/Bursting in between two dodges in case the enemy was literally smashing the dodge button perpetually)
    This I guess ? At least I thought about it. (so much misunderstanding over nothing, can we stop?)He/she is asking about avoiding the Weakness from minor trait that cames
    the dodge, meaning you are not immobilized nor weakened nor is the question concerning condi from DA or Trickery, so ye easy CC
    (if you got CC)
    or burst or anything else from the list I mentioned.Anyway, I'm off to bed
  6. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @Alatar.7364 said:He/she is asking about avoiding the Weakness from minor trait that cames
    the dodge, meaning you are not immobilized nor weakened nor is the question concerning condi from DA or Trickery, so ye easy CC
    (if you got CC)
    or burst or anything else from the list I mentioned.I see no reason to argue about something that will never ever happen. On top of that daredevil has super special dodges? It cant be chained?

    Indeed it can't be chained, there is cca 0.5 secI did 2 in a row without any sign of the problem as soon its ended (exactly as every other class, including mirage). The only one who can confirm that daredevil evade is special and has prolonged "aftercast" is only devs themselves otherwise I see absolutely no difference. Evade skills working normal as wellSince your case of not running anything you mentioned never happen, thats pretty impossible to do, especially wasting a burst into weakness...
  7. @Alatar.7364 said:He/she is asking about avoiding the Weakness from minor trait that cames after the dodge, meaning you are not immobilized nor weakened nor is the question concerning condi from DA or Trickery, so ye easy CC (if you got CC) or burst or anything else from the list I mentioned.I see no reason to argue about something that will never ever happen. On top of that daredevil has super special dodges? It cant be chained? It has higher delay before you can use ur regular skills to use evade skill ? To think about it, even mirage unable to double evade in a row perfectly, every class can die in the blink of the eye then and its ultimate counter,instadestroy it after evade (but dont be surprised if they use invul/evade/breakstun and you die instead few moments later)

  8. @"Crab Fear.1624" said:I think many mesmer mains are mad about the word degenerate and took it the wrong way, perhaps as a noun, like they were being called scoundrels or something like that.but, i am pretty sure the meaning of degenerate gameplay in this case was "having declined or become less specialized in nature or intent".Of course not, I'm not mad. I used it to describe condi daredevil we have now as they described CI mirage. ^-^

  9. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @Alatar.7364 said:in practical environment it makes all the difference if you know what's happening

    What difference does it make? I want a specific example instead of "all the difference"

    Easy CC during the locked frames after the dodge or a burst if you're burst profession
    (almost a death sentence for thief, at least with stunbreak on CD)
    , easy cleanse before thieves next attack
    (gets weakness applied but removes damaging condis)
    , resistance, block or dodge.You can do all this
    (based on your professions access to any of those)
    , quite a few workarounds, especially Warrior with his CC will completely shut this down due to unavoidable locked-frames after Thief evade, but that's far too specific example.Note I don't like Condi DrD too, but this simply is not the real issue.Easy cc? To cc something your char must turn in front of something you want to CC and being immobilized he wont do that.Then "BURST WITH WEAKNESS ON" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."easy cleanse" ye, easly cleanse of 6-8 conditons, very easy, everyone can do that every few seconds, piece of cake.I dont even know... Quadriple facepalm wont be enough to express my feelings
  10. @saerni.2584 said:I mean we can argue semantics. I’d argue that warrior’s reckless dodge “comes with the dodge” even if it is a separate attack.

    The AoE daggers from Lotus are probably triggering Weakening Strikes. I’d need to test it to be sure.Indeed, you gain weakening strikes after dodge ends, yet, does it change that first burst dont need it and procs from steal(or deadly ambition)->poison->weakness and then every dodge is literally applies 4 ?:DLike literally, even if u miss steal, your any hit applies poison(lotus training for an example) from the deadly ambition and it becomes weakness, next any evade gives 4 condis from daredevil alone.Lol.I would love to see how you can play without cleanses against 1-2 condi drd without being blown instant if you didnt random dodge their sword engage.Again, I think this is a lot a hot air over nothing.Thats what this mad Alatar is doing much hot air over nothing

  11. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @praqtos.9035 said:That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).
    And this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.

    As was mentioned, LT applies 3 condis, not 4
    (and one of the Condi is only 1.5 sec non-dmg duration so essentially applies 2 even with Deadshot amulet the 1.5s duration becomes nothing)
    , I couldn't care less if Condi DrD gets gutted again, but it would be nice if you could at least study the issue properly so it can be addressed constructively rather than becoming yet another clueless clown fiesta.Before accusing me in anything, learn to read first, then talk about "cluelessness"

    That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is
    weakness from minor trait
    that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).

    HmmDouble "Hmm"

    That is exactly why I told you that you need to study the issue properly before attacking it, so since I am tired of your passive aggresigity let me hand it to you:
    .And before you even attempt it; spare me of your excuses, you mentioned exactly and specifically LT, no steal, no spider venom, no nothing, your post was not mentioning any other circumstancional effects.Thats you attacking me with your cluelessness, not me. Its simple fact that on one evade you apply 4 condis overall, drd dont have to trait for it, its alrdy there set in stone as minor trait. I dont care how mad you are there or how hard you try to "correct" me :)

    Read.Show me where is the Poison in that
    "simple evade"
    that triggers the Weakness trait.Never said "poison"? I said weakness from the minor trait, memory loss?
  12. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @praqtos.9035 said:That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).
    And this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.

    As was mentioned, LT applies 3 condis, not 4
    (and one of the Condi is only 1.5 sec non-dmg duration so essentially applies 2 even with Deadshot amulet the 1.5s duration becomes nothing)
    , I couldn't care less if Condi DrD gets gutted again, but it would be nice if you could at least study the issue properly so it can be addressed constructively rather than becoming yet another clueless clown fiesta.Before accusing me in anything, learn to read first, then talk about "cluelessness"

    That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is
    weakness from minor trait
    that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).

    HmmDouble "Hmm"

    That is exactly why I told you that you need to study the issue properly before attacking it, so since I am tired of your passive aggresigity let me hand it to you:
    .And before you even attempt it; spare me of your excuses, you mentioned exactly and specifically LT, no steal, no spider venom, no nothing, your post was not mentioning any other circumstancional effects.Thats you attacking me with your cluelessness, not me. Its simple fact that on one evade you apply 4 condis overall, drd dont have to trait for it, its alrdy there set in stone as minor trait. I dont care how mad you are there or how hard you try to "correct" me :)(oh thats very cute by the way, caught you on not knowing your own main, I'm glad you knew something new today from me, I can be very kind and link that trait if you would ask me politely)
  13. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @praqtos.9035 said:That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).
    And this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.

    As was mentioned, LT applies 3 condis, not 4
    (and one of the Condi is only 1.5 sec non-dmg duration so essentially applies 2 even with Deadshot amulet the 1.5s duration becomes nothing)
    , I couldn't care less if Condi DrD gets gutted again, but it would be nice if you could at least study the issue properly so it can be addressed constructively rather than becoming yet another clueless clown fiesta.Before accusing me in anything, learn to read first, then talk about "cluelessness"

    @praqtos.9035 said:That traitis the exact problem, simple
    evade applies FOUR cover conditions
    that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake
    one of them
    weakness from minor trait
    that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).

    HmmDouble "Hmm"
  14. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @"praqtos.9035" said:That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).
    And this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.

    As was mentioned, LT applies 3 condis, not 4
    (and one of the Condi is only 1.5 sec non-dmg duration so essentially applies 2 even with Deadshot amulet the 1.5s duration becomes nothing)
    , I couldn't care less if Condi DrD gets gutted again, but it would be nice if you could at least study the issue properly so it can be addressed constructively rather than becoming yet another clueless clown fiesta.Before accusing me in anything, learn to read first, then talk about "cluelessness"

  15. @Crab Fear.1624 said:

    @"praqtos.9035" said:That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).
    And this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.snipWhy would you correct me if I written 1 of them is from minor, idk.Even if they wouldnt be able lock you down with immob spam, they instantly apply tons of conditions and the only saving grace is full cleanes that is limited to few classes, packing everything into condi cleanses means u will get erased by another not less stupid builds -> any kind of holo,spellbreakers, revs.Condi mirage doesnt instant bombard you with tons of conditions over and over while immobing you, CI let you do that and hit all the ambushes.May be confusion trait isnt too much of a problem but iirc that does like 2.2k damage on use of anything, failing to cleanse (and you will fail as incoming condition will cover it), inability to cleanse everything will punish you harsh.I like to play some condi builds, but I don't play s/d condi on principle as I believe it to be (too degenerate).At least we agree somewhere, for the same reason I dont play condi mirage. Its boring, its stupid, its unfun for both sides, whole mirage concept DODGE ONEEEEEEEE is stupid, worst thing that happened to mesmer, after chrono death of course.

  16. That traitis the exact problem, simple evade applies FOUR cover conditions that he doesnt care about to be cleansed, on top of the cake one of them is weakness from minor trait that destroy your endurance gain and makes your hits glance, basically dont let you fight back even if you would catch it with counter burst (lets imagine).MgK8nPS.jpgAnd this repeat itself until I die, amazing, much counterplay, much fun, clearly want to play against double condi drd, double holo +something comps more and more. I see only 1 counter to such comps, altf4.

  17. We "fixed" CI mirage, time to "fix" another degenerate build - condition daredevil.Its time to disable https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lotus_Training and come up with a better solution than "4 conditions on a single evade".I'm tired to play against that degenerate (not insulting the players but the build) condi daredevils that applies tons of conditions with single evade and I cant even evade, even If I would, I cant cleanse 5+ conditions every 2 seconds.

  18. @kasoki.5180 said:

    @kasoki.5180 said:Now, fractal actually requires your attention, group coordination, proper gear and potential build modification (depending on profession)Why should anyone invest in this crappy underwater gear just for ONE fractal encounter ??????????????????????????TF underwater kitten is doing in "high end" pve content ? Had enough of this in pve/story.Inb4 they make underwater expansion and raid bosses, LOL.

    You don't have to. But then don't complain if you cant do the content that "requires" better gear than the one you have. Also, saying that you need to "invest" into underwater gear is way to much of an overstatement. You need to get literally two items (which shouldn't be a problem if you are doing T4 anyhow) + one rune to complete your rune set

    Boy, what a investment. How dares an MMORPG demand that i get better gear if I want to do content /sThat wasnt the main point(that you ignored, I love such people /s) that I dont want to waste any gold for badly designed crap like this underwater fractal(and underwater combat in general).Underwater combat present only during core part of the game and its the worst part of it, many skills are disabled underwater. High quality content /s
  19. @"kasoki.5180" said:Now, fractal actually requires your attention, group coordination, proper gear and potential build modification (depending on profession)Why should anyone invest in this crappy underwater gear just for ONE fractal encounter ??????????????????????????TF underwater crap is doing in "high end" pve content ? Had enough of this in pve/story.Inb4 they make underwater expansion and raid bosses, LOL.

  20. @Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    @Azure The Heartless.3261 said:Hes not right about MB being 17k on one malice though. it takes 7 and Assassin signet to hit that.???????????????When I'll be on my laptop surely I will upload a screenshot I'v took from no malice backstab, no worries. He was fullzerk full dps for sure.I think I have on this PC 14k from SHADOW ARTS that has no damage, imagine now DPS traitline instead. (just tell me if you dont believe in that as well, I can upload :D)

    Lmao was it from a charr named Cheshire? You sure it was nomalice?Shadow arts I believe, I've gotten those numbers myself on mara and SA. usually requires Mal7 and signet as stated though.I'm not on NA (assuming you are there), there is some absolutely obnoxious trolls in FFA. And I'm more than sure I had no malice as it happened many times and I barely stay alive after first hit, without even binding shadow lol.

    kitten. I wish I could take credit for that backstab.Can confirm you don't need binding shadow to 14k backstab. I am just suuuper wary of claiming you only need one malice to do it.You need the boon buff from premeditation and mal7 unless you're hitting someone that's ultraglass and you are also ultraglass. Maybe theres some kind of interaction with quick or be killed that can do it too, I'll have to double check. But during my time before I moved back to DD I was absolutely able to peg people for 17-18k on dps amulets after malice was full.

    Problem is that wouldnt translate well to pvp conquest because it wastes a hell of a lot of time in stealth losing the point, but in FFA absolutely.

    That's also kind of my point. If you want to play power thief in pvp conquest(through deadeye) you're actively losing point capture in any engagement, so its strong but unviable.

    Unless this 1mal thing turns out to be true, then Idunno.Well, how he possibly could prestack malice without attacking me or me noticing I was marked billion times ? I was afk'ing on the side of the arena as papersmer and some my fanboy stacked stealth at the corner with shadow refuge and stabbed me for 17k and then with position rewinder and zoidberg noises teleported away. (I'm not saying he was running marauder, I'm more than sure he is pure berserk pve style traits, just as other 14k shadow arts/berserk amulet)
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