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Everything posted by Dace.8173

  1. I dont understand this dogma that ranged weapons cannot be stronger than melee weapons. Especially in a game that has skill splitting for different game modes and on top of that is very oriented towards forcing people into short range stacking due to boon sharing and aoe nature of heals What would be the downside if Longbow had same dps output as greatsword in PvE only? It would actually give us some much needed refreshment in my opinion Higher melee damage is the reward for putting yourself in more direct danger than you would be at range. The underlying logic here applies even in PvE as melee combat is still putting you in more direct harm's way.
  2. You should be doing fine with it in PvE. Renegade's shortbow says HI. Indeed. Yeah, I think a handful of QoL improvements would make the weapon great. I love using it, much like I love using Renegade shortbow, it is just so sad that you take a hit to your overall efficiency to use something so fun. Really?
  3. It' kinda difficult to actually see the kind of armor your toon is wearing.
  4. Not sure where to make a request like this but please please please can we have the Fire-Breathing package with the Fire-Breathing Quiver and longbow back? Please? Pretty please?
  5. Yeah, it being a well-liked mechanic doesn't really have much relevance. It's part of the profession's theme and playstyle. I think folks not liking it is misguided as its one of the things that make Revenant so fun. Someone once said that folks like the profession's flavor but hate its mechanics and I think that bears out with how folks want to redo Revenant into a completely new profession. You can stay DPSing in Shiro if you want to. It requires you to manage your Energy accordingly. I really feel this is a L2P issue. Instead of figuring out how to manage your Energy in order to remain in the Legend you want longer you want to change the Legend system so you can camp in a profession that isn't built around that concept. Most people don't want to learn Revenant. Instead, they want it changed to allow them to do things they could already do if they managed their Energy better. Yeah, upkeeps aren't a major contribution to that. This is really only relevant for Power Herald that uses Glint/Shiro. Even then, Glint is meant to be brief, you drop in pop 1 to 3 upkeeps and then consume them for their extra effect. In most cases, you really only need two. Jalis, Mallyx, and Kalla don't really require you to be in their upkeeps to get the most out of their damage. Ventari isn't a DPS guy soooo. However, if you want to camp Kalla in PvE then manage your Energy better. I camp Kalla or Mallyx all the time in PvE with no issues related to having enough Energy to do what I need to do. In PvP I tend to spend more time in Glint than I do Shiro. Again, I work at managing my Energy. Hmmmmm, I don't play Ventari much either. However, I also don't have this whole timed clock thing either. I play very aggressive and I really don't have issues with not being able to do what I need to when I need to. I read these complaints about the Legend swap and it is simply not the experience I have. I find the transition to be very smooth. Requirement is a bit of a stretch there. You don't need to swap your weapon after a Legend swap. Power Herald, our only competitive PvP build, runs sword/sword and staff and at no point when I'm swapping between Glint and Shiro do I need to also swap my weapons. I only swap into staff when I actually need one of its support functions, IE I want to swiftly cleanse some conditions, reflect rifle fire from a Deadeye coming at me, or gap closing/evading. I run Kalla/Mallyx in PvE content and go with mace/axe and shortbow. When I'm swapping between Kalla and Mallyx I'm also not changing my weapons. I only change them when I actually want to move from ranged to melee or melee to range. It's not an automatic thing. Also, mindlessly activating upkeep skills? I don't know about you but I only need Impossible Odds when I'm actually attacking and it's not an automatic thing that when I switch into Shiro that's the first thing I need to do. I may need to evade back or shadowstep to someone but Impossible Odds is not just an automatic click. That's how you waste Energy. When I'm in Glint I don't mindlessly pop those upkeeps. I think about what I need and act accordingly. Do I need to heal or am I expecting a burst? Do I need to move between capture points? Do I need Fury and/or Might right now? Activing Glint upkeeps by rote is, again, how you find yourself wasting Energy. Everything I do when I swap Legends is worthwhile. You might have a point on upkeep if it wasn't for the fact that outside of Glint, you only have one upkeep you need to activate. You swap into Shiro and the only upkeep you are going to need to worry about is Impossible Odds. When I'm running with Kalla and Mallyx my upkeeps are typically not the first things I activate as in most situations I don't need them right away. Their upkeeps are elite skills and I use them as any other elite skill, when I will get the most out of them and not as an auto move. If you are pressing a lot of keys and not getting anything worthwhile out of it then the issue here is not Revenant. Revenant is not a "mash all the keys" profession and playing it like one will lead to all kinds of Energy problems. Never had this problem. Also, why are you activating all your upkeeps on Glint at once? This is why you are without Energy. You're just activating stuff, likely when you don't need to. Revenant isn't a "mash all the keys" profession. When you go into Glint you typically do not need to activate 3 to 4 upkeeps right away. Not really convinced of this, at least not in the way you are speaking of. The way you describe your issues it really comes off as you just aren't playing Revenant very well. You seem overreliant on weapon swaps (don't need them when you change Legends) and upkeep skills (activating all of them as one of the first things you do when you enter the Legend). If you didn't hit all your Utilities when you enter a new Legend you'd find you have a lot more Energy. Hell, Glint lets you run 3 upkeeps at once before taking a hit to your Energy from them and so it is insanely easy to camp Glint if you aren't trying to use all of her powers at once. However, not every Legend swap requires the activation of new upkeeps. Ignoring for the moment that it's only one skill in most cases you simply do not always need it on that swap. There is no logical reason for Impossible Odds to be the first thing you do when you enter Shiro unless you are already engaged in combat and need the pressure. However you can swap into Shiro and may need to roll backward first (not an upkeep), may need to heal first while maintaining pressure (not an upkeep), or shadowstep to an oppenent (not an upkeep). Revenant play simply does not require you to be using your upkeep skills as much as you seem to be indicating (Glint is the exception of course). QoL is questionable since most of your issues are easily solvable with better Energy management. I suspect that if ANet did as you wanted, making it possible to stay in a Legend longer, as an example, they would rebalance Energy costs. I'm willing to bet most people would not like the new Energy costs. This is something folks seem to forget, current Energy costs are balanced around current mechanics. You change things around so that you have more Energy overall or are able to camp a Legend longer and you'll see higher CDs on the powers that have them and an overall uptick in Energy cost to balance the extra Energy.
  6. It's a matter of practice, trial and error, and persistence. You are always going to want to be switching Legends. As mentioned, you don't need to rely on Shiro for damage. In PvE I run with Mallyx and Kalla and do just fine. In PvP/WvW I run with Glint/Shiro and I spend just as much time in Glint as I do Shiro. Overall, you don't have to spend a bunch of time in Shiro to do damage. It's more building a playstyle around optimizing your time in each Legend before the swap.
  7. This is my winter Tempest look. Really digging the new glider too!
  8. Two Scrapper looks, one for Power (red) and one for Condi (gold).
  9. Legend swapping is kinda the point. Folks always complain about Energy and needing to swap Legends but that's the mechanic. I don't find that the Energy mechanic doesn't work as intended. I think that folks don't really jive with the mechanic. For instance, you can stay in a Legend for more than 10 seconds and not lose DPS. You can swap Legends and not need to swap weapons. Just requires you to manage your Energy properly. The upkeep skill thing is a matter of managing your resources. It really isn't an issue. For starters, Shiro is really the only one you are going to spend a lot of time using the upkeep for DPS. Mallyx and Kalla upkeeps are elite skills and you are not as likely to depend on them for your DPS. Jalis upkeep is a defensive skill, as is Ventari. That leaves us with Glint. However, Glint's upkeeps are not meant to be camped for DPS effect. You pop into Glints upkeeps for the boons and then pop out for the additional effect it gives you. So not a big DPS drain there. They shouldn't be giving you a problem unless you are camping them. Revenant hurts folks who want to camp their skills and Legends. If you're not camping though these issues aren't as pronounced. Which is why I think the mechanic is less an issue and more that players would rather camp Legends and skills which isn't the design philosophy involved. Energy can be improved but trying to improve it so that you can stay in Legends and upkeeps longer would mean moving Revenant away from what they were creating. Also, too many key presses? This is really no different than making Engineer or Elementalist work. As always, I think most redesigns are less about keeping the profession that was created and more or less turning it into something you would rather play.
  10. This is my cowgirl design for my Deadeye
  11. Eh, dagger has great chasing like forward evades and leaps, but given the tremendous amount of teleports and leaps other professions have, it's still tough to keep up. Swapping to 900 range, or even 1200 if a conjure ever offered that, would be the missing link plenty of ele builds need. Ammo, kit, bundle, or whatever mechanic conjure goes under, it should be instant instead of the lagging swap it is now. I'm thinking of rock shield mostly, which grants invulnerability, a block, and barrier application. It's a great weapon, but impossible to use in sPvp given it's activation time. Not every weapon/skill needs to be useful in PvP so long as they have a use somewhere in the game. Dropping them for allies gives them a nice thematic feel and makes them more useful overall. However, using them in that way is really not for PUGing or PvP. It works best when you are playing with people you know, with whom you can coordinate attacks. Making them like a toolkit would still have the end result of their power being nerfed. I've been making heavy use of Conjure skills as of late on my sword Weaver build since Conjure Frost Bow and Conjure Flame Axe make great long range support for a melee build. I think one of three things would improve them: A. Keep the current recharge but turn them into an ammo skill, B. keep the skill itself the same but reduce the cooldown on it by half, C. keep everything else on it the same but increase the duration you can use it. As a weapon that doesn't have unlimited uses, they can be stronger than kits since they have a shorter life than the always-on possibility that kits provide. I think elementalist as a whole got nerfed to the ground aside from sword weaver. I speak on behalf of the staff users who heavily rely on our conjur weapons to keep us afloat in relevancy. Not sure what changes the ammo skill adds other then to drop more of them at different intervals, or if you just want to drop more for people to pick up. There are internal cooldowns on the conjur weapon skills and as of now the rotations are just fine with the cooldown when it comes to personal DPS, so making them an ammo skill is just redundant and fixes absolutely nothing about the bigger issue with the conjure weapons as a whole. Also increasing duration you can use it also fixes nothing, as we only use them for only 1 skill before swapping to maintain our dps, everything about the conjure weapon other then that 1 skill is not worth using. Having it as a tool kit fixes the issue of 1 being a clunky utility, and also being situational (like you said about pugging and or pvp) which if they were used as tool kits would possibly be used in pvp. I think the good elementalist can time the internal cooldowns mentally on when certain skills will be up on their conjure of choice, and to swap to that particular conjure when certain skills are required fixes the situational part of what the conjure weapons bring as a whole when it comes to utility. I tend to think ammo works better because it isn't as near constant as kit offers and I still see kit as problematic in terms of the power it offers the weapon set. Not every weapon/skill needs to be useful in PvP so long as they have a use somewhere in the game. I have yet to see conjure earth shield and conjure fiery axe having some use somewhere in the game. Yes Lightning hammer, frost bow and FGS somehow manage to be used for very specific content, often making a mojority of their skill pointless, but earth shield which could be a good defensive skillset and fiery axe just don't have any use anywhere. The conjuration of the earth shield hurt the skillset to it's very core while fiery axe never managed to provide skills interesting enough to see some use in any content. Fair. My overall point was that it didn't need to be a PvP so long as it has a use. If it has no use anywhere then clearly that needs to change. If they made them kits though you'd still have power issues. One of the problem Engineer kits faces is that some of them are underpowered due to the fact that you can stack more than one kit at a time and you can leave it on for as long as you need. It's one of the reasons why some of us feel that kits should have been worked in as a class mechanic that occupied the F5 slot so that it worked as a thematic selectable weapon swap. With fewer kits interacting indivudal kits would allowed to be powered up. All the issues Engineer faces with their kits Elementalist would face if their Conjure skills were kits as well. I don't see that as an improvement on the current situation. You'd like still have one or two good ones and one or two bad ones. I also don't see them improving Conjure skills just on the fact that they removed its ability to be useable by others. I really don't see that as what limits Conjure skills. I think one of the things that plague skills like these is the way they can interact with themselves and the fact that you can carry more than one at a time, thus giving you more weapon swaps than other people but also differing effects that no one else could theoretically compete with. In that regard, I think this mechanic type should have been worked in as a profession mechanic that rested on the F5 slot, giving you access to one but that one being stronger than it otherwise would have been. I just don't see them going that far though.
  12. Eh, dagger has great chasing like forward evades and leaps, but given the tremendous amount of teleports and leaps other professions have, it's still tough to keep up. Swapping to 900 range, or even 1200 if a conjure ever offered that, would be the missing link plenty of ele builds need. Ammo, kit, bundle, or whatever mechanic conjure goes under, it should be instant instead of the lagging swap it is now. I'm thinking of rock shield mostly, which grants invulnerability, a block, and barrier application. It's a great weapon, but impossible to use in sPvp given it's activation time. Not every weapon/skill needs to be useful in PvP so long as they have a use somewhere in the game. Dropping them for allies gives them a nice thematic feel and makes them more useful overall. However, using them in that way is really not for PUGing or PvP. It works best when you are playing with people you know, with whom you can coordinate attacks. Making them like a toolkit would still have the end result of their power being nerfed. I've been making heavy use of Conjure skills as of late on my sword Weaver build since Conjure Frost Bow and Conjure Flame Axe make great long range support for a melee build. I think one of three things would improve them: A. Keep the current recharge but turn them into an ammo skill, B. keep the skill itself the same but reduce the cooldown on it by half, C. keep everything else on it the same but increase the duration you can use it. As a weapon that doesn't have unlimited uses, they can be stronger than kits since they have a shorter life than the always-on possibility that kits provide.
  13. The Foefire stuff were available in the Gem Store around Halloween. Yeah so I was told, and at that time I had a break from GW2 playing MHW xDI honestly never understood the “limited” sales.Would it be too cluttered with all the items available?One could always have an option to hide the one you already got. Edit: sorry that was completely off-topic, and not suired for this topic.To make money. If you make something limited then it drives up demand for it so that people buy it while they still can as opposed to just putting it off. Disney perfected this method of doing sales and it makes a lot of money. In a game with a free to play model doing limited sales is a good way of making sure the servers stay on and new content keeps coming out.
  14. In this instance, we can declare right or wrong because we have mechanical proof. An opinion is for something that could go either way in which we don't know for certain what the facts are. We know the facts in this instance. A person can be wrong if they make a statement that goes against the evidence. If the evidence says that things work a specific way then they work that way and no one's opinion contrary to that would change the factual situation. We factually know that having access to kits lowers the overall power level of those kits. This isn't an opinion. This isn't a POV. This is how the game actually works. You're free to brainstorm but if a person ignores the evidence in favor of claiming this is a POV issue or an opinion then there is no real point in brainstorming as there is no factual basis from which to have a conversation on. Brainstorming falls apart of the facts of the situation are not acknowledged. We know how kits work and are balanced (it's not an opinion, go play Engineer and you will see how it is balanced), to ignore that means that you're invested in having your ideas praised as opposed to finding a real solution.
  15. I cannot see why it could not be buffed, just because you can carry more? I mean you lose utilities and all are on 60 sec CD.It should compliment your current weapon setup (melee for staff, or more range with bow, maybe extra defence from shield etc).And it would still grant the stats bonus, but maybe modified? (Depend on how much of an impact those small numbers really habe on the grand scale). But yeah if the same person making engineers kit balance have to convert conjured weapon, then I see the problem:) Because they are weapon skills and you are effectively carrying another weapon for every kit you have. So if all of my utilities and my elite were kits I would effectively have 4 extra weapons on top of what I already have. That gives you a lot of power, more than anyone else would be able to carry. So to compensate for the fact that you can carry so many weapons the individual kits are a bit lower power than your standard weapons. The potential to be broken or OP is very high when you can carry that many weapons. It's made worse by the fact that Elementalist is already carrying a huge arsenal of weapon skills via attunements. I think I disagree with you on this one.Yes all the weapon would grant you lot of play room, and stuff to throw at your enemies, but I also feel the complexity will balance it out.I mean elementalist already suffer from the jack-of-all-trade view, and imo would be better of having role trait, rather than elemental traits. So yeah we got four attunements, but only room to focus on two-three, and then changing inbetween takes skills with macromanaging the CD.Throwing down the weapons and going back could put it on its 60 sec CD. But I do not think it ever gonna be a kit anyway, cause if that what they wanted, they would do so.I just wish we were a bit more versitile in combat and not just on paper :)You're free to disagree but you are still wrong. We already see how kits work in play and the power level they grant. We already see how kits are actually balanced. There isn't anything you can say about how you think the balance could be compensated that supersedes the fact that we have proof via Engineer what having kits actually looks like for a profession in play. The evidence on the issue stands against you.
  16. I cannot see why it could not be buffed, just because you can carry more? I mean you lose utilities and all are on 60 sec CD.It should compliment your current weapon setup (melee for staff, or more range with bow, maybe extra defence from shield etc).And it would still grant the stats bonus, but maybe modified? (Depend on how much of an impact those small numbers really habe on the grand scale). But yeah if the same person making engineers kit balance have to convert conjured weapon, then I see the problem:) Because they are weapon skills and you are effectively carrying another weapon for every kit you have. So if all of my utilities and my elite were kits I would effectively have 4 extra weapons on top of what I already have. That gives you a lot of power, more than anyone else would be able to carry. So to compensate for the fact that you can carry so many weapons the individual kits are a bit lower power than your standard weapons. The potential to be broken or OP is very high when you can carry that many weapons. It's made worse by the fact that Elementalist is already carrying a huge arsenal of weapon skills via attunements.
  17. Making them more like kits or bundles really wouldn't improve them as they would face the same problem that Engineer kits face, being underpowered due to the fact that more than one can be carried.
  18. There are no problems with the class mechanic, it works like a charm, it's great thematically (which your "solution" isn't) and I strongly disagree with your assessment of it. I fail to see how it is a "burden". It's versatility. You don't use it all the time - duh! - you use it when the situation is right and you need it. This is a big part of what makes ele feel so great. You're "solving" non-issues, introducing real ones. Like, weapon swap, really? You realize most weapons will have to be gutted for that to happen, don't you? Since this thread seems to be ongoing I'd have to say that I agree with you that the class mechanic isn't the real problem. Honestly, I find most redesigns to be taking bits and pieces from other professions that people like or an attempt to make the profession play more like the other professions. I get the impression from all these redesign threads that there is a segment (how big it is, is beyond me as I maintain the forums is a lousy way of determining overall game agreement on issues) of the player base that really wishes that the professions all played the same for the most part with a few thematic choices here and there that separates them. I find the professions that are the most unique in the game are the ones that are the most frequently redesigned so my general impression is that this segment really doesn't want ANet to actually explore different professions concepts, i.e. Elementalist, Engineer, and Revenant seem to be popular professions to redesign. Granted, that's what makes them so much fun, their uniqueness and the way that they actually play differently from everything else. I also tend to see that professions that are hard to master are redesigned to be easier and the professions that require micromanagement are redesigned so that they don't.
  19. I've created a new look for my Weaver build. I'm happy that I've finally been able to make the Weaver Antipodes work. I also love that I was able to get the Elemental sword so that the sword matches the gloves. Silence of 1000 Years is also great as the core changes color in a way that mimics changing elements.
  20. You are right about a few things, but I don't believe that a playstyle around current conjure utilities would be similar to a potential conjurer elite spec playstyle at all except for their theme. Even if current conjures allowed you to make a strong playstyle around them, you would still equip a conjure, fire it's skills and get rid of it. If you have permanent access to a conjure in place of your attunement, that changes the way that you would use the conjure to be much more similar to how core ele uses attunements. You can potentially swap to it every 10 seconds. This also resolves the complaint that some people have about ele not being able to have different weapons with different ranges. Also, I would expect the weapon skills of the conjures to get a revamp if they were to become an elite spec, so they do not have to be functionally similar to what we already have. Admittedly the theme would be exactly the same as current conjures, with the weapons also looking the same. However, at the very least core ele would be getting a brand new set of utilities, which does provide something else to play with. It would also be similar to how core ele swaps attunements with no extra skills in combat like overloads or dual attacks, which does sound rather disappointing. However, this would not be the first profession that has an elite spec like that. Both of necromancer's elite specs replace its death shroud skills. However, there is an alternative option for conjures that I believe has no chance to get implemented. Anet could make the current conjure weapon utilities replace attunements instead in some way. But I think that implementing this would be more difficult than simply making it a profession mechanic. You are just basically changing how people interact with Conjure skills, not the inherent playstyle itself. Even in the example of having permanent access to Conjure instead of Attunement the same basic playstyle is being done. You might change how that playstyle manifests but it is still a similar overall experience to what they offer now, just more focused. Also, a new set of Utilities is not the same thing as an actual new way of playing the profession. It creates new builds but it is still the same basic experience. Necromancer is a poor comparison. Reaper changes the skills of Death Shroud but not the act of Death Shroud. Meanwhile, Desert Shroud actually changes the way you play Necromancer, in a fashion that some players will argue is better than the Death/Reaper Shroud mechanic.
  21. Also, I know Tomes were once a pair of Elite skills for Guardian but Tomes then are different from Tomes now. Elite skill Tomes were not a playstyle. They enhanced your play but you weren't exactly building entire builds around them. They had no interplay between them. You picked your one Tome and you couldn't change it out until the end of combat. As the Firebrand Tomes became an actual playstyle. There was interplay between the Tomes. You could switch Tomes as the situation demanded. This allowed your character to easily change job functions on the fly, from DPS to Healer to Control in a fashion that went well beyond anything that Tomes as an elite skill offered. Conjure would be different. You can already create a playstyle around them. It's just that such a playstyle would be weak all things considered. As an Elite spec it may streamline things, improve upon them, and even give it a few unique tricks you can't currently do. However, the play experience would roughly be the same. You're just fixing a broken set of skills. Thus while the other professions would be getting something new that actually introduces a new way to play the profession Conjure as an Elite spec would offer you the same experience you can get now, just maybe better. I say maybe as there is nothing to guarantee that even as an Elite spec Conjure would be a worthwhile thing. If it turns out bad then people will feel robbed of getting something new and fun. Could ANet do this? Yes, of course. They can pretty much do anything they want and it is within the realm of possibility. Should they do it? No, I think having a new and unique way to play Elementalist is a far better prospect than making use of Conjuring skills. All things considered, Elementalist already has an insane number of skills to begin with and all Conjuring does is give you even more skills possibilities. Functionally though, they are similar to what is done already.
  22. I feel like a Conjure Elite would be a wasted opportunity. That would be like fixing turrets on Engineer by turning it into an Elite. Elites are a chance to get something new to play with. It would be very unsatisfying to have a Conjure Elite while other professions are getting completely new toys. Sure one could argue that you are getting a new take or use on Conjure skills but that isn't the same thing as actually having something new and different from what people have played before.
  23. I could have sworn there was a much longer Necromancer thread as I could have sworn I posted my look there. At any rate, here is my Scourge build I call Desert Warlock. I really like the Shifting Sands weapons as it works really well for a Scourge, what with their theme around sand and all, and also reminds animes in which someone carries around their own sand to use as a weapon. The Desert Warlock is an old look though. This one I created this week after dusting off my Necromancer to prove that Reaper can PvP and the person who was complaining just wasn't good with the Elite. I also really loved the new Mad Realm weapon skins so I figured it was time for a dedicated look for my Reaper. I also really love the black trail that you get when swinging the weapon. I also really love the look of the focus being a big spooky book. I didn't really think I'd use the Reaper hood because I generally didn't like the inky black darkness. I think it has something to do with seeing far too many Reapers who use the hood in just a parade of all black. However, the hood does pair well with Vestments of the Lich chest so that you have this black phantom face and this black phantom chest.
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