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Everything posted by Warpriestheo.9348

  1. We are still looking for more people that can use discord, and participate in Guild Missions and other Events we run!/w Felhoof, Sacred Demon Blue, Graperoot, or Tiwtch
  2. B U M P ! We still have a few spots for new members to join us! we 'd love to have new players and returning to help them out ,as well as vet's !
  3. Hi guys , join us and lets have fun on Friday Night 06:00 server time on our Guild Mission Run !
  4. We will be running Guild Missions tonight at 6:00 pm server time to have fun and obtain our Guild Hall !Join the Fun! :love:
  5. EU| Drunken Dragons | DD | are recruiting*Hi everyone! We look forward to start a new journey in gw2 , meet New Players and most importantly have a good time! Requirements-Discord is essential for communication and to participate in guild runs and events that we will be organizing ![speaking is not required, but being able to listen to us it is.]-Representing is not required Be respectful, Patient , Active and Social Our Goals Fun : It is our ultimate goal, and it should be yours too!Socialize : We hope that our new discord server will be a good asset in helping us connect , play together , laugh , help, share and learn new things with each other!We want our members to feel safe and stress free so we are doing our best to provide as much help as we can!PvE Content : We would like to get back to Raids (training and clearings) ,do Fractals, Strikes and other PvE content as a guild again, without stressing or become toxic elitists. While our main Goal is to have Fun we also care about understanding mechanics,classes, learn from mistakes, and become better !Current Guild Status We are Currently rebuilding, means that our numbers is not what it used to be ! We are a small guild atm, but this gives you the opportunity to get to know each other easier while we work on recruiting we will work hard to make this guild great once more !We' were always excited to give the opportunity to players who care about the guild to join the leadership, and work towards improving the [DD] with the rest of the team!Our Guild hall is maxed out, free for WvW use , Free Guild enhancement buffs , daily gathering to everyone ! Always available to hear suggestions and eager to adjust or make changes if possible Everyone is welcomed to join !How To JoinYou can send and apply with an In-Game Mail to this dragon : Warpriestheo.9348Leave a message and apply on this post and an invitation will be send as soon as possible
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