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Everything posted by Warpriestheo.9348

  1. Bump, We still have spots and recruiting!We are now a Pvx guild and we are looking for active, friendly and social players :)Discord account is required to join our guild+ server! Content we do: Open world , PvP, Fractals, Guild Missions , (Raid Training Soon), Memes To join us leave a message here and we will invite you as soon as possible to the guild :)
  2. Drunken Dragons We are now a Pvx guild and we are looking for active, friendly and social players :)Discord account is required to join our guild+ server! Content: Open world , PvP, Fractals, Guild Missions , (Raid Training Soon), Memes A few basic rules we have : Representing is required(maybe not 100% but we do not looking for players who wont represent us at all). Participating in our guild events + runs + guild missions is what we would like to see from our new membersWe are an active guild and we are looking for active players after all, and we would like to play with you :) No Drama Be albe to Drink a lot :3 about us : We love memes (we have a whole discord channel for memes), drinking , chatting on discord, and playing together! We currently accept everyone who want to run or want to learn how to do and complete the content mentioned above!We are also looking for dedicated and experience players who are interested in creating and running events to join our Officer Ranks! =) To join leave a comment below and an invitation will be sent ! Or mail ingame :FelhoofSacred Demon BlueDumdadumdumRemus Darkblight
  3. Hi guys, we are rebuilding and we do all sort of content from Open world(explo,metas,achieves,bounties),Guild Missions, Fractals, we will be organizing PVP events ,and we wanna get back into raiding. We use Discord and its required to have at least to be able to listen to commands!We accept every kind of player 20yo+Additionally We are looking for Raid LeadersAnd Commanders to Join our Officer Ranks that are passionate with the game and they wanna create events (Open world, Guild Missions) -Leave a comment below or get in touch with me via In game Mail or /w Fel The HornyThank you :)
  4. Drunken Dragons Our Guild is looking for more active , social and friendly players to run various content with :)We were a raid training guild a few months back, and we planning to do that again in the near futureWe currently accept everyone kind of player!Discord account is required to join our guild+ server! Content:Meta events, exploration , PvP, Fractals, Guild Missions , (Raid Training will be back Soon) A few basic rules we have:must be 20 years old +Representing is required !Members who are inactive over 30 days are out of the guild (yes we check activity)No DramaDrink , a lot ! We currently accept everyone who want to run or want to learn how to do and complete the content mentioned above!We are also looking for dedicated and experience players who love to advice and lead a guild to join our Officer ranks You can /w or Mail in-game the following dragons or comment belowFelhoofSacred Demon BlueDumdadumdumRemus Darkblight thank you in advance :)
  5. We again have spots for our Guild Raiding Runs openWe raid 4 times per week , 1 day is for Beginners( easy bosses from different wings)Professions in need : Chronotanks,Chronoboon supports , Healers (druids if possible)Players who can play different professions(multiclass) are also welcomed!
  6. Hi guys, [DD]is creating a new Raid Training Group and We are looking for Commanders-Raid Leaders To lead that Group! We raid 3 times per week :Monday,Friday,Saturday!Discord is Required!Representing out of Raiding Time/Other Guild activities is not required.For more information,/w or sent in game mail to me ,or message me here.
  7. We are looking for more Druids, Chronotanks and Chronoboons to create more Raid Training Groups ! Currently we have lot of people who are playing cdps,dps and we lack those roles for our second and third Raid Training Groups! Those who play those Roles will definitely have a place in a Raid Training Group! PS : Our raid Training Groups are progressing fast through the wings with success!We are looking for more experienced people on Raiding who can Lead a Raid Training Group, and join the Ranks of our Raid leaders !We accept as well experienced players who don't mind raiding in a training group, aren't toxic or egoists! but love to raid often without wasting time on lfg! Leaders: Red Hairy Hodor, Aliena Blackwind ,Graperoot , Sacred Demon BlueRaid Leaders : Ssign, RazzyOfficers : Dumdadumdum, Remus Darkblight , Graperoot
  8. - We are looking for more people who like to join our Raid Training Groups!if you never done a raid before but u wanna start , our guild can provide you with guides and information to get you prepared(gear,builds,videos)etc. before you start raiding.We are looking for experienced raiders who still like to join our static groups and process while helping with their knowledge.We are looking for experienced raiders who can lead raid groups and would like to join our Raid Leader's Ranks so we can create more Raiding Groups, add more Raids on the calendar and have more fun!Leaders: Red Hairy Hodor, Aliena Blackwind ,Graperoot , Sacred Demon BlueRaid Leaders : Ssign, RazzyOfficers : Dumdadumdum, Remus Darkblight
  9. - We are looking for more people who like to join our Raid Training Groups!if you never done a raid before but u wanna start , our guild can provide you with guides and information to get you prepared(gear,builds,videos)etc. before you start raiding.We are looking for experienced raiders who still like to join our static groups and process while helping with their knowledge.We are looking for experienced raiders who can lead raid groups and would like to join our Raid Leader's Ranks so we can create more Raiding Groups, add more Raids on the calendar and have more fun!Leaders: Red Hairy Hodor, Aliena Blackwind ,Graperoot , Sacred Demon BlueRaid Leaders : Ssign, RazzyOfficers : Dumdadumdum, Remus Darkblight
  10. hi m8, thank you for applying! Your welcome to join and raid with us! ill invite you as soon as possible :)
  11. Hi guys We still accept new players who wanna join our guild runs!We run Raids at least twice a week , along with other contentwe hope to hear from u soon! :)
  12. Hi guys our guild information on first page has been modified so u can read and find out more about us, who we are and what we are doing in gw2! Looking forward to hear more from you and drink with you !https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37618/eu-drunken-dragons-pvx-guild-highly-active-and-newb-friendly/p1
  13. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 B U M P <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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