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Posts posted by Kelly.7019

  1. On 9/21/2024 at 7:41 AM, quake.9023 said:

    should be able to remove ALL DECO ITEMS ON HOMESTEAD MAP. even the prefab house. and trees etc. that away u already saved another 100-300 deco item spots. winwin both for those who want to clear it and those who want more deco item capacity

    if you remove all the decs that come with the house it should bring the item count to zero.

    It's just some of the permamnet decs are still in the way (that bridge behind of the house, or you might want to build other stuff and the trees infrotn of the portal ar ein the way and the grasses you cant remove. i mean i get some things are perm but they should be in far away places not close by

  2. 4 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    About the weekly mats limits. Cannot understand why is there a limit on this. And, they are set too low at 800. I hardly started building stuff or decorate my home yet I always ran out of mats. 1500 ~ 2500 max limit would be good. As for the decor placing limit, I already hit 670/1000 and many of my favourite decorations is not even out yet (if ever) 😟

    i guess i was lucky i didn't have enough time to play the game for about 3 weeks after JW came out. all i had time for was refining mats and hoarding them. of coarse even with stockpiles when i got around to playing/ decorating they all vanished super fast 😞 

    it is a problem though because at the rate i want to decorate there really should not be any timegates on refined mats. it's just anets bad design of drip feeding content, pretending there's content. I'd have my own content happily designing things in homes like i use to  in guild halls. now i have to turn the game off and wait a week to refine more mats.

    devils advocate response:

    they could want you to leave yer homestead and play other parts of the game. so not having anything to do in the homestead because yer maxed at weekly refined mats and can't make anymore stuff u want, might accomplish that.

    Instead of having a full robost xpac(for someone that was an altoholic and liked exploring maps 4 new ones at launch was great!)but instead lets half it (once a year) and then spread that half content out over a year (not everything at once), even though it feels like it would have been better to get all the old decs first at launch then add new ones later... seems like old ones gunna come during festivals so they don't have to make as much new content??? so yea drip feeding content and recycling old content??, but we'll see....

    p.s. i'm someone who likes to plan things out(usually) and decorate for a holiday before that holiday month gets here 😞

    its not the worst. still better then EoD with only 2 decorations at launch!! lol

  3. Too much improvising is only true if yer a 1 and done decorator. making multiple designs or test designs is like sketching for some. Do a quick study or idea see how it goes, then improve upon it and try again. I prefer to decorate for now and then change things up and go again. Seasonal/ festival/ do different themes or styles, change your house setup, etc. but sometimes its just so much work put into 1 thing, you'd rather not destroy it. This all is easier when you have multiple homes then you can save yer beautifully crafted ones that you don't want to immediately destroy but can go  to another house and still continue to decorate and have fun.

    "Nothing beats the real thing." Actually thinking outside the box and innovating new ways to build something is what makes decorating super fun. instead of using the sink decoration they give us find ways to create your own sink! That's the next level up of decorating!

    I don't have enough decs yet and I have other projects in mind first but I have yet to see anyone transform their homestead into another world entirely! that's probably what the 3rd level up of decorating? 😄 

    its really too bad we can't place stuff right at the entry wp, but still i have seen some really cool things so far.

  4. 4 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    I would prefer they spend resources elsewhere.  Add more decorations and increase the limit, sure.  Tweak things a little, sure.  Otherwise I really spend most of my time out in the world, not aligning things symmetrically .   

    i do. 😛 or try to until i realize it's not possible. then give up. 🙂 it is what it is oh well.

  5. 16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    You sound like you don't mind wasting resources. 😉 In addition, knowining what decoration already exists and what you want to place where, makes it seem even more of a waste to craft something for temporary use as a placeholder only. No, thank you.

    actually if you want to max out her homestead (ever) you are going to want to be doing refined mats each week even if you aren't crafting any decs now. you also will want to set a bank tab aside just for refined mats and maybe get some storage expanders. I'm at 1500 and had an additional 2k refined fibers in bank and they are almost depleted now and I am stuck waiting on time gated mats for woods and metals now, which totally sucks! ANET!!! 😄 

    but yes i'm a temp builder, made a many a beelte tracks each month over the past years. Plus i built new homes inside the guild hall often, packed my stuff up and moved to a new location. There is also Seasonal and festival decorating we have to do! It's a must! 😄 



  6. On 9/24/2024 at 2:17 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    It wouldn't be an issue, if ANet had not made the decision to drip-feed this feature to us instead of fully releasing it at the start of JW.

    Who in their right mind is fine with waiting 3-9 months to be able to continue their work? By the time we will be able to finish what we have started, a new mini-expansion will be released, and who knows what will be drip-fed to us then.

    It is okay to release story and maps in 4 releases. But features? A total no-go. A feature is either fully released or not at all -- not half-baked.

    Therefore, asking for even more places that we cannot yet properly decorate as we want until JW is over is a bad idea in my book.

    Who knows if they'll expand the dec limit count? prolly not, but i'm already near full in my one house and without templates i don't really want to tear down all my hard work to build something else. I'd rather have multiple homes to do that! but because of their 250 limits per decorations i'm pretty confident they aren't going this route. It would suck tremendously to have decorations tied to a house and not transfer them between homes, which makes me think this is mostly a dream that won't ever happen, but hey, we can always suggest ideas who knows what they will consider.


    Yea this is the problem with anets model. drip feed content. instead they should have built an economy system around housing, they still could by the way with an update, but i fear its too time consuming for them on their short spit a new xpac out each year.

    What i would have done was drop a homestead at launch wait a month or 2 then sprinkle in different sized housing (my way) or just add gemstore purchaseable locations. (anet way) With different sized housing mode you could buy new locations for a gold sink or gems. (i don't know what the current gold to gems conversion is but i' assume it would cost more gold for gems then credit card gems?? idk anyways...) different sized housing  small - mid- large- mansion=(JW homestead) different locations, different themes, different costs, all the more so will spark creativity and give players more places to decorate. Which mean more farming mats to decorate homes, which means more people doing old content for those mats. which means more active maps maybe? 😄 I mean i'm in Jahai Bluffs now to farm mats for them kouran braizers so...

    • Confused 1
  7. 11 hours ago, quake.9023 said:

    1 each year is alot....we cant expect more

    we can it's not that hard to make an empty lot. Reuse old decorations. heck, i could make more homesteads locations! I'll do it anet!

    but did they do that ? no they made something new. They totally didn't have too. they coulda done themes around the 5 races. banked it, then drip feed that content over a year.

    • Confused 2
  8. one way to modify objects sunk into the ground (w/out the help of the devs) is to jump under the map and build a shelf down there to run around on like we did with guild halls. its a lot more cumbersome however, but probably works if you can locate the dec that is in that yellow glowy mess. haven't done it yet here.

    I much prefer the ESO decoration ui system. way more polished the gw2's attempt. Moving decs with the mouse and use number keys to rotate objects. hit a modifier but to slide them instead on the xyz axis, can link decs together and a lot more precision & fine tune movements. But yes, overall the new handiworker system is better then what came before in gw2.

    I just hope they are reading these forum suggestions and working on improvements to the system like any game mode. not just 1 improvement update then "we give up" and  nothing for a years.

    • Like 1
  9. More precise alignments are needed yes! There seem to not be a "level" position currently or the house isn't on it.

    Also sometimes its hard to rotate on the x axis from directly infront of the object i have to move to a 45 degree position to grab the handles , adjust it then move back to front to look at it  and can can't grab the handles again from that position. 😠 it's super frustrating!

    ADD A MODIFY BUTTON to the XRAY system. instead of just deleting objects, let us move them too!

    • Like 3
  10. On 7/7/2024 at 9:45 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Because there many are more players they want to attract than just staunch GW2 fans. And on top of that GW2 cannot go on forever like this. Even MMOs have their limits about what you can do with them and new players are already looking at a vast amount of content they need to do before they're caught up. That will only get worse over time and it's already a daunting task for new players.

    What do you need to do to get caught up? having a game that's been around for ever means there's a ton of fun content to do when you get bored! The only thing you really need to think about is max to 80 try ascended gear then if you choose the route of legendaries or not. What ever xpac you join on complete that one then go back and test out the others (if you want). gw2 is so casual chill there is no need to rush thru any content "to get caught up".

    12 hours ago, Nico.9361 said:

    WoW has been running since 2004, FF XIV since 2010.
    There's really no need to make a new game. Just make content for the current one and it will be fine.


    Now the only problem with this is the graphics engine / code design. Sometimes a game is so old it would benefit from an over haul (i believe wow overhauled their graphics capability within that game) or start over, but unless they are planning to go in a different direction like gw1 to gw2 yer probably right..





  11. First let's just say it would be wonderful to get more then 1 homestead! Then... please don't tie it to a once a xpac update like guildhalls. I noticed (if we get more) this is most likely to be the case as the decoration divisions in homsteads ties decorations to each xpac. There is so much more potential with multiple homes throughout the year. To go along with the possibilities for all, I could see the inital xpac launch and 1 more during the year and then 2 more thru gemstore purchases (4 total per year) Having multiple homesteads is one option and a fun way to give us different styles more quickly. Different designs amongst all our homes, which homestead works better with which season or festival to decorate. More places to decorate! And remember not all homesteads need houses in them! they could just be empty lots with floral or vegetation and trees that are removable! This brings the opportunity to showcase previous xpac related designs (sourcing old content) or give us the 5 races themed housing. There is so much potential here it just feels like a waste to limit it to only once a year.

    also to note there doesn't need to be a set cycle especially if you release more then 2 thru the gemstore. Every time you add new sales to the gemstore after (how ever long that is currently) you could feature a new homestead for purchase!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  12. On 9/17/2024 at 4:24 AM, Bowdidly.7401 said:

     I submitted a ticket for this exact issue too first week of Janthir patch and I even got a reply, not what I was expecting though, the reply said  "Go look through the forums for answers also members of the Dev team regularly read through the forums so making a tread on the issue may help"

      This issue, bug whatever it is as been in the game since Janthir launch and there has been zero response from ANET, they must be aware I'm sure there as been multiple threads concerning the issue each with 1000's of posts and reply's this is a big issue and it is being completely ignored !!!

    that means if not enough people have an issue with it (also most do not key bind) then they won't do anything about it. even though they know their code is messed up to start with. If you are talking about the warclaw skills messed up that is because of how they code, not Janthir specifically. Mounts have been messed up since Skyscale launched do to how they code. they code mount skills as weapon skills and other skills conflict with each other resulting in some skiff/ warclaw skills not working. It probably also relates to players keybinding because they didn't take that into consideration when they wrote the code. Their code doesn't allow for keybinds which is jacked up imo for a game that lets you keybind!!! 

    So the issues are several things keys conflict / mount skills as weapon skills / keybinding and bad code design

    *the ui bars shouldn't conflict: mounts - skiff - jadebot - bumblebee (decoration morph) - should all have 1) all their skills on the ui bars(1-9 and Fkeys default)and 2 keybinds shouldn't conflict because of binds for other modes. If you are in one of these modes the skills for that mode should be primary! and cancel out any other modes skills. however this isn't the case based on how they code.

    **I wonder how many separate ~ui bar layouts~ they have for every class/ elite/festival/musical instrument, etc. I would imagine they don't code it this way anyways because of the conflict they already have. But what i'm saying is the game would simply have to identify that you a : guardian - willbender - on a springer - and pressing the 2 button and the game would recognize that the mount ui bar for springer is primary, you're pressing the 2nd key and the action for that would be "rocket jump". All the "special mount abilities" would be on the ui bar for all mounts. then the game just has to recognize which ui bar is being used. Conflicts should not exist then.

    So one part of this is keybinding which they are not going to fix because they don't think there is anything wrong and another part has nothing to do with that which they are also ignoring.

    For instance some believe that the skyscale uses weapon skills for mount skills(which is bad if true). i wonder if my understanding of what they mean by weapon skills is wrong as i relate keys 1-9 and f keys just as the default layout for the main ui bars. The problem however currently is that anet decided to use special mount abilities separate from the mount ui bar. then some time later they added other mount abilities to the ui bar, which is confusing to say the least. All abilities should be seen on the main bar.

    skyscale mount ui bar should be : (1)Blast - (2)dash - (3)descend - (4)fireball (5)empty  but for w/e reason they didn't do it this way

    also to note if you do dumb things like keybinding 😞 (like i do) the special mount skills take priority over other skills on that ui bar which means to me they should have been the first added skills on the ui bar over whatever else has been added since, hence special mount ability 1 should be button 2 and special mount ability 3(if there is one ) should be button 3.

    So one part of that is keybinding which they are not going to fix because they think there is nothing wrong and the other part they are completely ignoring.

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/2/2024 at 8:45 PM, Zera.9435 said:

    Stuff to make castles!

    Hoard your leather!!! its needed to make stone! (probably) 😞

    Is this sarcasm or spot on accuracy? only time will tell and unfortunately i'm guessing it is.. from scribing mats, I mean why do bookshelves require leather and not refined wood?? I mean i get old scribing mats lists required it but when i think of bookshelves i think of wood. I still kinda hope its refined metal ore though. uhhgs

  14. look at all the homestead threads! all the active peeps that enjoy this content and wish it could improve!!

    with all the issues and wishlists, i wonder why they didn't beta test this with how many people use it. Some things are obvious and we still don't have - undo/redo buttons- can only assume there are coding issues, can't imagine how this was overlooked. There are other good ideas and some suggestions that would have been useful during a development stage. Since i live under a rock (social media inept) i don't really hear much from the devs on the topic, maybe its still newly released... so it might be kinda silent??? What is coming next is kinda unknown to me. Twitter/X maybe?? for info, i don't know where i should be listening- any hints???

    my guilds kinda dead so i try and keep and eye out on anything pertaining to homesteads on reddit  r/GW2Homestead and discords UAOT channel but those are mostly just player driven content about the pretty things they do in their homestead. 😄

    • Confused 4
  15. On 9/16/2024 at 5:35 PM, Listener Navi.1479 said:

    Please allow me to access my alt characters inventory via trading with them. Would be nice to eliminate the need of having to run to the bank to depo and go back to the homestead and then have to swap back over and run to the bank to have to pull it back out on the new character.

    we can't even trade with other players though. that would be the true no taxes tp feature! of course your way make more sense 🙂

  16. I really hope by the end of Janthir Wilds the time gated part of decorating will be gone!

    It kills your momentum and creativity if you have to wait a week to craft more decorations. Black market is too expensive for me at 6+gold per 1 decoration(not counting other mats-feels like guild hall decorating prices(and isn't the black market i had envisioned for gw2)). Really wished refined mats were 1 each not 24+. If you are looking to make decorations in mass say for track or architect stuff and are not just interior decorating in spaces(even still its bad) then you are going to blow thru your stock pile of 3k fibers on top of the 1500 in storage quite easily! My refined wood is already gone, fibers just about and metals i have more of. I know this is late and others have discovered this issue sooner, i've been busy with RL stuff last 3 weeks, but oh my... my stockpiles are depleated and I have to wait a week to continue? This is uninspiring to decorate.

    p.s. not all decos require 24 refined stuff, just most of what i'm crafting does.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 6
    • Sad 2
  17. On 9/15/2024 at 3:54 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

    It doesn't make sense to me why ANet would make player housing, then not let the player move key compnents themselves. Why do they have to be in a fixed location in the first place?

    I want to move that bridge behind the house!!! other decos sticking out of the house now interfere with it and had to waste decoration count to make new bridge. If i could just move original bridge and reposition it it would have been better. Same goes for trees behind the house.

  18. On 9/15/2024 at 6:23 PM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    I'd be highly surprised if they didn't, but they'll likely be on the gem store so prepare for greedy players to complain they want them for free.

    I just hope they don't do the obvious of giving us our guild hall halloween decs for halloween. Seems likely. EZ for them sad for us because it really feels like they chopped up what shoulda all just launched at start of xpac.


    all these past gemstore decorations should be available all the time, but that prolly wont happen. The homestead ecosystem they don't have is a problem.

    • Confused 1
  19. https://imgur.com/QamII1E

    Ummm... how am i suppose to find anything in this mess?

    maybe give us a list of what is here and how far from us it is (or add a modify button to the xray panel) to let us modify or move it by clicking on the name and then the handles appearing so we can grab it to modify it. 

    This yellow mess is just a light show and i can't see anything!

    I guess that decoration is permanetly just going to stay there until i redecorate this  brand new kitchen layout. 😞



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