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Everything posted by Kelly.7019

  1. look at what they showed in the video. some things are hidden and i sure they didnt share anything big but also based on what scribes already use to craft stuff, one would think similar things would be needed. i don't they'd erase everything and start new. They might remove some tabs of course to simplify.
  2. ahhhh i missed this earlier, i bet that's true. that makes sense, unlocking crafting is one thing but we still have to acquire recipes or at least recipes other then basic ones. that's a good idea, i hope its true. Well i hope the recipes we find in the world then aren't account bound and tradable so if there rare drops on release you can sell them , then later grind to acquire them again(if thats possible)
  3. "We don't know if they'll sell us recipes through holiday vendors or just by handling things the way that guild halls do." dont give them ideas heh "The gem store bit implies that we are able to learn recipes separately from the mastery system. That is why I think it is important to mention it." I woulda hoped we'd be able to collect recipes too, so we could sell them if we dont want them or if they are rare drops and you can acquire them again.
  4. oh i thought this was ingame. well i hope they make those merchant stands outside hoelbrek bank become vendors so we can buy the "wallart" / paintings there! on a side note you could probablly add these to all cap cities if you wanted or specific "wall art" to each city. 😄
  5. Sunken Anchor This is the 3rd collection for the legendary spear (gen 1) - looking for an item called "sunken anchor" Anyone have a clue exactly where these are suppose to drop? i realize a million people are doing the collection now, but for reference, i'm not even sure i'm looking in the right spots. (I'll upload pics in a bit) but i'm not even sure what it looks like. Yes an anchor, but is it highlighted in yellow? is it glowing? or dull? the only bundles i've seen are driftwood, conch and sometmes starfish in those areas mentioned on the wiki. NEVER an anchor. there aren't even any pics to get an idea of what it is i'm looking for. I was just on a closing map all the way down to 1 second and never found any anchors. (the map seemed pretty dead around 20 mins left too btw) pics https://imgur.com/bSFk87mhttps://imgur.com/bSFk87m Slightly southwest of Thunderhead Waypoint — [&BPACAAA=]. https://imgur.com/l1fU0ED North of Dire Shoal Waypoint — [&BOUGAAA=] on the top deck of the Ship of Sorrows. https://imgur.com/nYhTlnQ Southeast of the Royal Forum Waypoint — [&BPMCAAA=], almost exactly south and east between the nearby Hero Challenges. I'm not even sure if i'm close to where i need to be looking Update: Welp this is a huge waste of time. about 2.5 hours to find 1 of these. I know others found them sooner according to map chat, but uhhgs. mainly i wasn't sure i was even close to the right areas, but looks its just a long spawn and everyone and there mother is looking for them now. Definitely if you see a bundle (driftwood, conch, starfish) pick it up and drop it to force a faster respawn. What I found on this spot was that the Conch spawned twice and took forever to spawn about 20 mins and the starfish spawned 10-20 times before 1 anchor spawned in this location. (I don' t know if i was unlucky or this was normal, you might experience it differently, but i hope this info helps you.) htt ps://imgur.com/lhKVkhS (it was kinda half buried in the ground) before this i wasted an hour over at the ship of Sorrows only finding driftwood bundles and moving around between spots which on a busy map, maybe you shouldn't do, but ya knwo what ever works for you. Now what is the next stumbling block in this collection, let's see...
  6. they are all super tall great for beetle tracks, some have more invisible walls then others though. IoR is a nightmare with that. plus if you're new to exploring Gilded Hollow here is a video of some "secret" places to explore : btw way @ 1:04 you can get into the vault area beneath the floor there if you know how 🙂 @ 7:21 is the hard way of getting to that 3rd floor patio area I mentioned above.(Before skyscale, back when I liked making jp sorta ladders 🙂 ) For me the "nooks" and "crannies" of gilded Hollow are what make exploring that place great! They didn't do that as much with the other halls though. The best you get is exploring outside the invisible border walls with Djinn portals. (Go to the edge of a invisible wall place down horizontal platform(just in case) then place down a djinn portal entrance go thru to other side and turnaround and place a Djinn portal exit. Easy access to that area from then on.) With IoR there was so much potential for interior decorating with the lil houses, they have there or so i thought, but their mind set was not that at all as shown by locking off these obvious locations and not making them functional. Even just making them livable but hidden would have been better then this disappointment. You finally sneak inside and still walls in your face 😞 sometimes. Though if your looking for little homes to decorate Lost Precipice is prolly your best bet for that. It has many unfinished house areas easy to access you can decorate.
  7. on the roof where no one goes- on the 3rd floor patio there's a giant sky light over there if you go east of the AB exit all the way to the corner then fly up.. you can stick it under the guild missions area if you know how to glitch thru the walls 😄 heck with the right angle you might even be able to "accidentally" sink it deep to the ocean floor
  8. pic of issue achievement tracker for Suffused armor world boss kills says 6 world bosses completed, but cheevo panel still shows not finished. Exiting out of game fully and relogging does not solve problem. plus it seems every time i change maps or reload i get 2 more wbs added to my buff while still saying not completed. edit: there's something wrong with the achievement not displaying the right number of kills you made and its staying up after i've completed it. pic
  9. I keep looking down at Cantha and it seems like its gotten bigger, but can't be. I mean maybe those battle isles are new but i thought they were added a while back. hrmm Anyways I was thinking since usually once an xpac is done that's it, but there are so many places i thought we'd get to visit only to find out it was over before i thought it would be, unless... They have celebrations of previous xpacs a year or two after they released. 😄 I just would really love to see what Great turtle highlands, Drowned Kaineng or Kirin peak looks like. Plus of course the jade sea would have made an excellent beetle race park 😄 of course something like that could always happen later.
  10. I wonder if getting the same boss rotates per day or is suppose to be random per encounter. I had that boss that cloned himself 4 times in a row and today got the Wyvern.
  11. Could anyone explain the new boss fight in convergences to everyone? 3 times now today I have entered public squads just to watch hands full of people go down during the final boss fight, no one heals Zojja presumably because half the squad is in the downstate and then the entire instance fails. This ain't fun. Is there a written guide somewhere for people to read or do i just have the worst luck? 😄 (yes, it will prolly just take time for peeps to get use to but everyone that goes in according to chat thinks its easy then the whole instance fails, so...) No one? okay. maybe its just horrible luck. On the day its 1/4 wins. idk feels terrible for randos but its new, fine. Suggestions: bring self heals, or have several good healers in group(which for pugs aint reliable), stun breaks or stab cause knockdowns are a thing here and you don't want to be sitting in yuck taking damage, cc and deeps. and remember keep an eye on Zojjas bar- that thing drops below?what 60%? odds arent good for your group. From what i've seen usually what happens is around the time you collect orbs to heal Zojja half the squad goes into the downstate, so self heals before that happens is important and move out of the yuck.
  12. i've done it twice today, that prolly was a bug, idk haven't seen that, but there needs er well.. i'd like to see a shorter run back when everyone gets murdered. 😄 the personal waypoint isn't enough. or at least a portal from the west meta waypoint to the mid point fight on either side on both sides 😄 or just directly back, something similar to amnytas portals would be nice. doesn't have to be a full short cut, just a shorter run.
  13. dc'd twice in 5 minutes after the recent update @ 9:29 pm had no dc problems for the 6 hours i played earlier, now east and new meta crashing me 😞 after hot fix update i don't normally have dc issues in prime time if that's what you thinking. edit: didn't crash again after that 2nd time, not sure what was going on with the server though.
  14. When i do this adventure i keep collecting essence and it shows up on the right side of my screen 16/19 then when the adventure is over the score board keeps saying 0 ??? Did it twice, same result. Just too early i guess, just 40mins after patch day 😄 First broken thing i found, do i win anything! 1st pic 2nd pic edit: something weird just happened i'm in story now and i paused to come make this bug report and when i went back to game my chests finally arrived 13 mins later(12:53pm). I didn't get them at all initially from the adventure. Makes me wonder if when i go back to the adventure, my score will show up now? guess i'll find out when i'm done with this story instance. double edit: nope nothing shows up on score board, still empty but i got silver chests 😞 3rd pic - shows chests and no score just did a 3rd time too- no score. I hope there aren't any achievements tied to this.
  15. springer (think we already have though) would have fit better with sab, jus sayin 😄
  16. what does the red crystal do? edit- ah just looks purdy i guess, does nothing. maybe for jps? pics red crystal : https://i.imgur.com/zV91Gr3.jpeg gate : https://i.imgur.com/3N7S106.jpeg owl : is teeny tiny (pumpkin for size reference) : (1) owl front https://i.imgur.com/qte1TUe.jpeg (2) owl back https://i.imgur.com/18AXnSA.jpeg
  17. when you enter your guild hall the banners with your guild logo isn't being dispalyed only a checkered box geometric pattern appears. I think i've noticed this sometimes in wvw as well on claimed things. example 1 example 2 example 3
  18. upon completing my 4rth daily the chest greyed out and went to the open state but i never looted it. it just went from 3/4 to 4/4 and open chest with no chest rewards. 😞
  19. to the person who is confused on my other comment above and new people to this comment 😄 yea, i'm confused about how people are confused, about what an edit post with the right information - what that means?
  20. As a devils advocate maybe they didn't know any of the cheat modes and actually ran it the original way. (which i can easily see happening) not everyone has friends that play this game but they probs weren't new to the game since they did it before originally - so yea tags- good point. The reality is though almost always they won't give credit because they have no way of knowing if you did it or not because their tracking method was broken. Now if they had another way to track your progress and it wasn't a massive time sink to code it to give everyone credit then yeah - i would think they woulda done it, but since they didn't well you know... Now i'm not a coder and don't know how easy it would be with their engine/database/ spaghetti code/ whatever... but i imagine its a cost/capability kind of thing as to why people weren't given retroactive credit. again this is nothing new with anet, so you shouldn't be shocked, but annoyed i understand fully!!!
  21. i see you guys don't understand what i said. i posted the edit to show i found the answer (and linked it for others just in case). I wasn't saying the info wasn't there, that's how pages work you scroll down them. ??? In my first comment I meant in this specific thread there was no update. I usually have a hard time finding things on this forum as their search in the past wasn't always great, but also usually they update threads with info, not this time. Again my "edit" showed a correction about that information - that i was looking for, not an example of what was wrong, (because it wasn't). That's what edits usually mean. Someone posts a first comment then instead of deleting that original (and so others can follow along in the conversation) you post an edit to your original comment which sometimes is an addition or correction to the original comment. In this case it was a correction.
  22. As for "dev tracker" ahhh yeah had no idea what that was. i just went back to the main page and looked again for where they may have posted the info. Someone above my comment posted the update but no link to it officially and on a 2nd time around i just looked at game up date notes "scrolled down" and there it was so i made an edit to my originally comment because you can't delete them (that i'm aware of) hence updating my own message with my answer that i was looking for originally. 😄
  23. yea that's why i posted the edit. ??? I meant originally nothing was posted in this thread where everyone was talking about it.
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