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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. The golem from golemancer runes works underwater lol
  2. I would probably use holosmith if the holoforge was customizable in some way, but as it is, it's just a kit with extra mechanics. I'm not compelled. Every kit could have something like that, even flamethrower would be very similar having to vent heat but doing more damage near max temp. Then you vent it like Mass Effect 1 weapons. Instead we have Juggernaut (which would be more fun if it applied to all kits, maybe barring med kit). No MMO I know of has ever done this, but if they released a public dev kit to let players demo their own ideas, have a poll in the forums if it should be implemented, then actually do it, it would make everyone talk about this game. I can dream.
  3. I'm sure in 10 years we'll get a comment from the devs that maybe it's time to give core specs the two missing elite skills they should've had since launch
  4. If the Alchemy elite is Elixir X, Explosions is the Mortar Kit, and Inventions is the Supply Drop, we still need an elite for Tools and Firearms. All classes should have their core elites rounded out like this.
  5. Lovely, instead of buffing greatsword for that niche, they killed it and the original sword at the same time
  6. Everything core, particularly on the less popular classes, was originally balanced with much longer cast times, and the combat in general was slower then. Basically we're geriatric and can't keep up with the kids.
  7. For what it's worth, I've got over 4k hours and have never touched raids and never will because on principle I despise the community there. Having a forced random matchmaking for it would be sweet sweet justice. They never will though.
  8. Very nice. I suppose it's telling Core isn't even listed, lol
  9. Would be awesome to have a cluster bomb mortar shot that spreads into smaller munitions mid flight like a MIRV. Bomb kit without the reliable magnetic pull bomb sucks (might I add I always RP as someone delivering a basket of dumplings when using it?) The mortar kit has many amazing options for a new skin, from the handheld aetherblade cannons or stone summit cannons, there is so much existing content and assets now that it should be fairly trivial to implement.
  10. They can't help themselves. I'd love that. A cool relic synergy could be boon removal on applying a particular condition or something like that.
  11. There are currently around 100 runes in the game. They said on launch there will be like 40 or so core relics. At face value I take this to mean around 60 unique effects are getting axed. I know many people here have probably enjoyed the golem summon for RP purposes. And with the mechanist out, they probably will include this rune set in the ones getting cut. I hope this won't happen, but lately with the way balance updates have been going, I find it hard not to be pessimistic. Do you think that this update is also a way to silently delete a lot of stuff that causes server lag or something like that? Maybe stuff the devs just have a personal vendetta against? I bet rangers might be upset if Ogre or Privateer runes go too.
  12. Pretty much. Engineer appears to be doing well, but that's really just mechanist, and it's really just because of its boon access and accessibility. And so on. I realize elite specs started as a sub-class kind of idea, but they've really become their own class in a way. Tangential, but I preferred the GW1 method of picking a secondary class to make your own thing. It also kind of prevented things from being too self contained and removed from other balance choices, and I think promoted class identity such as paragon excelling in group buffs because if anyone else wanted that they could just take those skills instead of begging for their class to get it instead.
  13. Sort it by elite specialization and we'll see the real picture.
  14. Untamed had its ambush mechanic extend to the core weapons, so I don't see why it should be out of the question with holosmith heat.
  15. Being dead is a DPS loss and not fun. Thus, I don't really consider defensive stats a waste. I suppose other classes might solve your issue, but changing your gear stats might get to the root of it. It's also fairly simple and cheap with the mystic forge.
  16. We should have a sticky thread titled No Brainer Ideas that Everyone Wants and the obligatory thread below it for all the anger, at not even being hinted at being seen by the devs
  17. I know what can save us... brink back the bunker turret build.
  18. I know, it was so annoying that greatsword has been the best condi weapon. Ugh.
  19. Idk man... I think I was definitely using it before that update. I even have some screenshots of it in my character's hand - crazy! Can you even see how much of a slave you are to the boon meta? You'd cut off your arm to save your hand. Given the state of the nonsense meta, something being on a meta website isn't a commendation to me - it's the opposite.
  20. I think the best you can do is either submit it as a bug in game from the escape menu under support, or make a post in the bugs forum.
  21. So I need to be running turrets in Raids to get change? Well, I'll see if anyone will let me try.
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